
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at
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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth













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Now displaying: March, 2019
Mar 30, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about use weight lifting and cardio (or HIIT) in the same session, how fasting can be used during a bulk, the devillianization of sugar by some fitness professionals and how to measure metabolism.


  • The evolution of Adam’s Q&A’s on Instagram, the value it provides and the people he has met through doing them. (3:59)
  • Why Justin is in a state of ‘fight or flight.’ (8:12)
  • The evolution of animation and the subliminal messages within these old video games/movies. (9:54)
  • Mind Pump recommends Love, Death & Robots on Netflix. (17:13)
  • How to use Smoothie Box shakes to make ‘cool’ treats for yourself and your kids! (19:16)
  • Proud Dad alert: Sal’s daughter wins ‘Young Author” award + the importance of developing skills through practice. (23:37)
  • Will Apple TV+ finally take down Netflix?? The streaming wars are getting crazier and the guys speculate/predict who will come out on top. (28:00)
  • How women are selling their breast milk to bodybuilders. (40:33)
  • Conor McGregor’s recent retirement from MMA, athletes being smarter with their money & MORE. (42:25)
  • #Quah question #1 – Does it send conflicting signals to your body to do weight lifting and cardio (or HIIT) in the same session? (51:04)
  • #Quah question #2 – Does fasting for better health and digestion have a place during a bulk? (1:00:12)
  • #Quah question #3 – There seems to be a movement in the fitness community to devillainize sugar because it doesn’t cause fat gain in a caloric deficit. Do you think this is missing the big picture and giving people a hall pass to eat sugar and processed garbage? Or do you think this movement is necessary? (1:08:43)
  • #Quah question #4 - How do you measure your metabolism? (1:18:17)

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Mar 29, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the value chocolate milk has as a post-workout drink, whether stimulant free pre-workouts are worth taking, good questions to ask or qualifications to look for when hiring a personal trainer and the business of opening and managing a gym.

  • Mind Pump’s 1,000th episode extravaganza! The truth behind if it takes 10,000 hours to become a master at anything + the value of effective communication. (3:28)
  • Keep calm and abstain. (24:42)
  • Why it's NOT ok for us to say a food is good or bad? (33:00)
  • #Quah question #1 – Chocolate milk is said to be the go-to drink after a workout. Do you believe that’s true? Wouldn’t all the added sugar offset any health benefits it has or is it an acceptable blend of protein and carbs? (45:45)
  • #Quah question #2 – Are stimulate free pre-workouts worth taking? If so, what brands? (56:29)
  • #Quah question #3 – When looking for a trainer, what are good questions to ask or qualifications to look for? (1:05:46)
  • #Quah question #4 – Is operating a gym a worthy investment? Can you talk about the business side of operating and managing a gym? (1:13:20)

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Mar 28, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin talk about Adam's road from chunky to IFBB pro and the techniques he used to sculpt his body for maximum aesthetic appeal. Humans are naturally attracted to a symmetrical, well shaped body and by using focused muscle building techniques anyone can improve the symmetry of their body. These tools are described in detail in this episode and featured in the MAPS Aesthetic program available at

  • Adam’s road from chunky to IFBB pro: Gaining traction and building an audience on social media via his transformation, the programming he followed to get there & MORE. (3:32)
  • Training for aesthetics the RIGHT way and how to sculpt the perfect body. (33:20)
  • Phase 1: ‘Strength’ - To build maximal strength and Central Nervous System (CNS) adaptation for a granite-hard look. (38:40)
  • The importance and science behind ‘Focus Sessions’. (43:05)
  • Phase 2: ‘Size’ - To build full round muscle bellies. (47:36)
  • Phase 3: ‘Sharpen’ - Maximizing the pump you get in the gym. (48:44)
  • Final thoughts and recommendations. (52:35)

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Mar 27, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about exercises they hate but are good to do, what Mind Pump will do if science disproves frequency in favor of volume, the importance for a personal trainer to be in shape and tips on not being so socially awkward.

  • Justin is going to the “danger zone”! (4:56)
  • Recap of Mind Pump’s “Mastering the Sale” training at Red Dot Fitness. (11:11)
  • Update on Mind Pump & Mimosas. (15:49)
  • Checking your egos and getting back to your ‘why’. (16:54)
  • The growing wave of youth who are abstaining + discussion over Amanda Bucci’s recent post on being in a polyamorous relationship. (21:51)
  • How Sal used Four Sigmatic cordyceps to keep his stamina/energy up throughout his most recent all-day workout. (36:21)
  • The importance of ‘Digital Wellness’ and creating practices around technology. (37:55)
  • The weird world of vegan YouTube stars is imploding. (45:57)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are some exercises you guys hate doing but know are good for you? (52:23)
  • #Quah question #2 – What is to say science won’t disprove the need for frequency, that only volume matters? If that happens, will you pivot and change your programs? (1:00:26)
  • #Quah question #3 – How important is it for a personal trainer to be in shape? Can a trainer who is obese succeed? (1:09:27)
  • #Quah question #4 - Tips on not being so socially awkward? (1:16:36)

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Mar 25, 2019

With summer only 3 months away, many of us begin to focus on how to lose our winter fat in the fastest way possible. The trick is to take it off as quickly as possible but to avoid the downsides associated with most diets... a slower metabolism, plateaus and a rebound. In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin talk about 3 key things you must do to successfully and efficiently take off that extra fat and to set yourself up for long-term success.

  • The importance of communication, keeping it simple, when explaining concepts to the masses. (1:21)
  • Step 1: Building the metabolism FIRST. (6:30)
  • Step 2: Understanding the law of thermodynamics. (22:51)
  • Step 3: Hitting your macronutrient targets and breaking down protein/fats & carbohydrates. (44:23)

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Mar 23, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about modifications to training/programming for training early morning vs training late afternoon, BFR bands, accountability practices, tools and methods to keep clients motivated and on track and when they think their sons will overtake them in strength.

  • Adam’s allergies are at it again! (3:52)
  • Yes, you heard that correctly, Justin had a tumor on his adrenals and he named it. (7:40)
  • BBQ’s, endless Taco Tuesdays and Butcher Box. (9:33)
  • Layne Norton will not let things go. The guys discuss his recent post on artificial sweeteners. (12:45)
  • Unique visual stimulation may be a new treatment for Alzheimer’s. (15:23)
  • Drinking very hot tea nearly doubles the risk of esophageal cancer, study says. (21:21)
  • This Japanese company wants to 3D-print custom sushi for each diner. (29:05)
  • Excellent! A third Bill and Ted movie has been confirmed. (30:58)
  • Mind Pump recommends ‘The Men Who Built America’ and ‘Lorena’ on Prime Video. (36:10)
  • Mind Pump testimonials. (46:10)
  • #Quah question #1 – What modifications to training/programming would you recommend for training early morning vs late afternoon? (47:56)
  • #Quah question #2 – Do BFR bands actually work? (56:19)
  • #Quah question #3 – What accountability practices, tools, and methods do you guys use to keep clients motivated and on track? (1:04:50)
  • #Quah question #4 – At what age do you think your sons will overtake you in strength? (1:14:04)

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Mar 22, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the what constitutes overtraining, how to handle clients that are very deconditioned or have mobility issues, what they preach that they don’t practice enough and whether or not they will encourage their children to go to college.

  • Organifi Pure gets the guys on FIRE and ready to go! (4:43)
  • When did Adam start to lose his ‘luxurious’ locks? (6:30)
  • Is brand loyalty still alive? Most Amazon brands are duds, not disrupters, study finds. Why quality matters, the importance of reviews & MORE. (13:19)
  • Will Netflix go under?? Disney officially owns 21st Century Fox. The guys speculate on the fallout. (24:40)
  • The future of gaming. Google unveils gaming platform Stadia, a competitor to Xbox, PlayStation, and PC. (27:08)
  • The new frontier of Digital Wellness and creating practices around technology. (29:11)
  • Housekeeping notes: Mind Pump switching platforms, new website & MORE. (40:55)
  • Mind Pump & Mimosas: Live Q&A event. (42:13)
  • #Quah question #1 – What constitutes overtraining? (44:25)
  • #Quah question #2 – In the beginning of your career, how did you handle clients that were very deconditioned or had mobility issues? (54:34)
  • #Quah question #3 - What do you preach that you don’t practice enough yourself? (1:02:47)
  • #Quah question #4 – Will you encourage your children to go to college? Do you think there will be enough value to it by the time they are ready? (1:09:38)

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Mar 21, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak with Sanjay Rawal, a filmmaker with a fascinating story.

  • The history of the 3100 race. (4:40)
  • Why running has never gone out of favor. The evolution of marathon running. (8:25)
  • How do ancestral people run compared to modern westerners? (12:11)
  • What is the spiritual connection to running? (14:00)
  • Why do other spiritual teachers/practices try to separate the physical from the spiritual? (17:50)
  • What type of person does this kind of race attract? (20:57)
  • Why you should workout to love yourself, not because you hate your body. (22:43)  
  • How did he meet Sri Chinmoy and what was it like following his practices? (26:28)
  • The importance of finding joy through the exertion. (31:30)
  • Who made the biggest impact on him that he has met so far? (34:54)
  • How did he figure out his passion for film making? (37:52)
  • What is the purpose of abstaining from meat if we evolved to run down our food? (41:10)
  • How your diet is highly based on your genetics. (47:03)
  • The major similarities between the 3100 race and the 1000 day race in Japan. (50:12)
  • What are the commonalities that he finds with the people who do these feats of endurance? (53:08)
  • How does he feel about the growing anti-religious movement? (56:45)
  • Amazing stories from the Transcendent Race. (59:28)
  • The difficult factors of eating, drinking and sleeping during the course of the 3100. Why if you don’t have the mindset, no amount of nutrition will help. (1:01:22)
  • Does he still do races himself? (1:08:13)
  • What is his current relationship with his parents and have they come full circle with his current path? (1:11:40)
  • How everyone has their own path and the most important thing is finding it. (1:14:40)
  • How did he find Mind Pump, what drew him to them and what has kept him around? (1:16:45)

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Mar 20, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the misconceptions some people have about the difference between men’s and women’s training and nutrition, training your weaker side, how to maintain fitness without gaining more size and the most important things to keep in mind as an online trainer.

  • The many benefits and durability of Felix Gray glasses. (4:38)
  • That one time Sal got laser eye surgery. (8:00)
  • The people of Ned doing things the RIGHT way + why quality matters. (10:58)
  • Update on the Noxzema girl: Rebecca Gayheart in a threesome sex tape. (18:44)
  • Why Adam is convinced Billions is the best show on TV. (20:58)
  • The Wire: shows that changed the landscape of television. (24:05)
  • Mind Pump recommends Waco - The Rules of Engagement on Prime Video. (25:48)
  • Harvard University uncovers DNA switch that controls genes for whole-body regeneration. Would you want to be immortal? (29:18)
  • Mind Pump ‘St. Patty’s Day’ Weekend Recap. (37:06)
  • Live call in with Max Lugavere! His take on the recent egg study and how this is the classic case of why correlation does not equal causation. (45:50)
  • #Quah question #1 – Can you guys talk about the misconceptions some people have about the difference between men’s and women’s training and nutrition? (53:02)
  • #Quah question #2 – What do you recommend when training your weaker side? (1:05:57)
  • #Quah question #3 – Once you met your muscle building goals, what should we do to maintain fitness without gaining more size? (1:12:20)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are the most important things to keep in mind as an online trainer? (1:20:04)

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Mar 18, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin catch up with good friend Max Lugavere where they discuss social media strategy, the dangers of plastics, Max's mother who recently passed and a lot more.

  • What has he learned to ‘hack the algorithm’ when it comes to social media? (3:24)
  • Why he wants people to cultivate their own internal compass when it comes to the foods they eat. (7:18)
  • What is his take on ‘there is no bad food’ movement? (12:30)
  • His recent obsession with the endocrine system and what disrupts it. (15:14)
  • The benefits of the ‘guilty till proven innocent’ model when it comes to testing the chemicals in our food. (26:10)
  • Does he have a hierarchy that he lives by or advises to people? (33:37)
  • Why he reaches for HIGH quality foods on a daily basis. (36:40)
  • Is there a correlation between poor brain health and obesity? (42:15)
  • Max opens up about his mom’s passing, his researching process and why there is no such thing as a one size fits all diet. (46:37)
  • Has he done any reading/research with autism and vaccines? (58:55)
  • What are the worst offenders of food? (1:01:30)
  • The feedback from his book and what makes it so unique. (1:02:54)
  • What medium has he seen the biggest boost in sales for his book? (1:04:50)
  • Why you must separate the man from the product. His relationship with Dr. Oz and take on the information he provides to the masses. (1:06:55)
  • Why he is NOT driven by money, his perception of success and how he vets his sponsorships. (1:11:08)
  • Has he done any research on the perception of sweetness and changes in the body? (1:17:50)
  • What practices has he implemented to help himself cope with the loss of his mom? (1:20:46)
  • His relationship with his brothers and has this brought them closer together? (1:25:30)

Featured Guest/People Mentioned:

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Mar 16, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about training for strength vs. hypertrophy and the benefits and drawbacks of each, preventing low back pain while playing sports, overcoming a negative body image while bulking and the biggest pitfalls of a reverse diet and how to best avoid them.

  • The many different, yet beneficial uses of Joovv light therapy. (4:05)
  • Two companies, including Blackstone Labs, charged in an illegal dietary supplements scheme. Why a few bad seeds ruin it for everyone. (13:20)
  • China promises to throw steroid users in prison in 2019. (18:38)
  • Adam’s first take on the hot trending YouTube channel, Brute Strength. (27:40)
  • How macadamia nut milk is the tits, especially combined with Organifi gold juice. (31:28)
  • Mind Pump’s take on “Operation Varsity Blues” scandal. (32:20)
  • Three or more eggs a week increase your risk of heart disease and early death, study says. (36:54)
  • #Quah question #1 – Can you review training for strength vs. hypertrophy and the benefits and drawbacks of each? (40:39)
  • #Quah question #2 – Why do I suffer from low back pain while playing sports like basketball or football? What are some things I can do to prevent it?
  • #Quah question #3 – Do you have any advice on how to overcome a negative body image while bulking? (1:01:42)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are the biggest pitfalls of a reverse diet and how can you best avoid them? (1:06:14)

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Mar 15, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about Turkish Get Ups, the benefits of doing isometric exercises, social isolation and its impact on health and the failures that taught them the greatest lessons in life.

  • Mind Pump’s favorite commercials of the 90s. (3:40)
  • What 90s fashion trend do the guy's hope doesn’t come back? (6:21)
  • Where did the kids of the 80s/90s learn how to dance? (9:30)
  • Mind Pump recommends Waco: The Rules of Engagement on Prime Video. (11:13)
  • How fueling your body with proper nutrition (i.e. Smoothie Box) after a workout can aid in the recovery process. (12:33)
  • New product alert! New ‘mint’ flavored Skinny Dipped almonds. (16:43)
  • Updates on Justin’s Little League T-ball team, not playing favorites, teaching the fundamentals & MORE. (18:40)
  • The U.S. grounds the Boeing 737 Max aircraft — what that means for air travelers. (27:30)
  • Virtue signaling at its finest…NYC public schools adopting ‘Meatless Monday’ lunch policy. (30:53)
  • More action needed to stop seafood fraud in the United States. (32:09)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are your thoughts on ‘Turkish Get Ups’? (35:01)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are the benefits of doing isometric exercises, such as the ones in MAPS Performance? (47:32)
  • #Quah question #3 – Do you feel social isolation is a growing health concern? (56:21)
  • #Quah question #4 – Which one of your failures have taught you the greatest lessons in life? (1:05:47)

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Mar 14, 2019

Now that the ketogenic diet has gone mainstream, an entire industry of supplements, processed foods and gurus has sprung up around it. It has even made sardines popular again!

But is the keto diet the best diet for you or are there pitfalls you need to watch out for? In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin discuss the keto diet, their experience with it, why it may not be for everyone and why it may, in fact, be making a lot of people fat.

  • What is Mind Pump’s “go-to” work out music? (2:08)
  • Why do we crave sweets when we’re stressed? Study. (11:47)
  • Why is Keto making everyone fat?! The backlash of the 2018 fad diet of the year. (14:40)
    • Why the Keto diet is one of the oldest in existence. (16:48) 
    • The reasons the Keto diet became so popular and why it is NOT for everyone. (26:54)
    • Why the Ketogenic diet is making you FAT + the science of the ‘binge effect’. (36:20)
    • Why context and awareness trump everything. (46:50)

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Mar 13, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about escaping the “living for the weekend” mindset when it comes to food, how to get clients to eat more when they severely undereat, how to define and achieve success and the times they have failed clients.

  • What is the ‘Halo Effect’ and how does it pertain to celebrities? (5:18)
  • Health IQ by state: How someone’s knowledge about fitness and health can correlate to their health literacy. (12:27)
  • Justin’s upcoming ‘jet fighter’ experience + when was his last physical?! (16:15)
  • That one time Sal had a bad prostate exam + will Adam finally get that coffee enema if he loses the contest to Ben Greenfield? (18:20)
  • Updates on Adam’s swimming protocol: What currently has him excited + has he seen any detriments to his weightlifting? (20:40)
  • Why Justin is trying to be more ‘powerful’ when it comes to his training. (24:40)
  • Why Sal is going ‘keto’ again. (28:07)
  • The benefits of chaga and its immune modulating effects. (30:37)
  • In other news: Jewish diamond tycoon dies in penis enlargement operation. (33:39)
  • The woman and homeless man plead guilty in $400000 GoFundMe scam. Why these scammers are affecting people with real issues. (35:35)
  • When will wars be autonomous? US Army assures public that robot tank system adheres to AI murder policy. (39:10)
  • Sal’s daughter signs up for her first 5K. (41:52)
  • #Quah question #1 – How to do I escape the “living for the weekend” mindset when it comes to food? How can I find more balance? (44:32)
  • #Quah question #2 – How can I explain to clients that they will have better progress if they eat more? (55:24)
  • #Quah question #3 – What do you consider or define successful? (1:04:24)
  • #Quah question #4 – Have you ever felt like you failed your client as a personal trainer? (1:12:47)

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Mar 11, 2019

Mark Mastrov is back in the Mind Pump Media studios to speak with Sal, Adam and Justin about his large scale projects in fitness, the NBA and Esports and the business philosophy that has led to his massive success.

  • The fallout and response from their first podcast. (4:18)
  • Does he think there will be a time when 24 Hour Fitness reaches back out to him to collaborate again? (6:02)
  • What is the biggest challenge for running a big box gym today vs. 20 years ago? (7:09)
  • Does he believe part of the formula for retaining members is by getting them into a nutrition program within the first 30 days? (9:42)
  • Is a lot of the growth coming from ‘boutique’ gyms? (11:22)
  • Why the key to the game is the referral network. (13:15)
  • What is it that the gyms with the most usage do differently than others? (14:54)
  • How big of a role do the sales or training staff play in terms of the success of the gym? (18:45)
  • What makes him stay away from buying up Orangetheory’s or a region/area? (20:50)
  • Where does he see the most exciting growth right now? (22:34)
  • What does he think about the rise and decline of the US market for CrossFit? (25:12)
  • What is the US doing wrong when it comes to being healthy? (26:42)
  • His take on the rise of Esports and playing into the lack of activity. (29:50)
  • What is his stake in the Esports market? How does he monetize it? Make a profit as an owner? (32:15)
  • His take on ‘court vision’ and fans getting the in-game experience from the comfort of their own home. (36:04)
  • What does it take to give him a business ‘boner’ today? (39:40)
  • What percentages of memberships are being sold online now vs. in person? (43:15)
  • His take on new media vs. old media marketing. (44:30)
  • Does he see any current trends with gym equipment? (46:29)
  • The controversy over a viral ‘alien’ billboard that said “when they come they will eat the fat ones first.” (47:57)
  • What are some of the most successful campaigns that he has run? (51:06)
  • Is there anybody in the fitness/gym industry that he just loved to just fuck with? (55:33)
  • Are there any other CEO’s that impress him by the way they operate? (59:11)
  • What does he think of one stop shop models, like Amazon, that can translate into the fitness industry? (1:04:19)
  • What parallels does he see in building an NBA team vs. a gym one? (1:06:19)
  • How does he focus his energy and mind space? (1:10:17)
  • What does he attribute is leadership skills to? (1:13:56)
  • What were some of his biggest turning points in terms of misses? (1:16:36)
  • Does he have certain guys he calls when he has a problem? (1:18:32)
  • Are there any investment opportunities that have been presented to him that he had a fear of missing out of? (1:20:52)
  • Does he have a ‘checklist in life’ of how much he can support a business opportunity? (1:23:15)

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Mar 9, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the impact of sprint intervals on leg strength gains, the importance of sleep and exercise and when to choose one over the other, the greater threat to health, inactivity vs bad food habits and how to keep clients accountable.

  • Why remakes of most movies suck. (3:42)
  • The Mind Pump Cook-off featuring Butcher Box. The benefits of planning and structure when it comes to your diet. (9:41)
  • How Adam’s mobility journey has finally become fun. (11:55)
  • Mind Pump recommends ‘Transformer’ from Prime Video. (15:58)
  • The value extreme personalities provide to society. (21:57)
  • Brands vs. Retailers: Who comes out on top and does this threaten innovation? (26:14)
  • Why trainers are Mind Pumps’ people. (41:08)
  • Incredible Instagram statistics you NEED to know. (42:00)
  • #Quah question #1 – Do sprint intervals increase the strength gains of your legs or are they just more cardio and HIIT? (45:11)
  • #Quah question #2 – If I have to short myself on sleep to do a workout in the morning, would you go with sleep or do the workout? (52:46)
  • #Quah question #3 – What is the bigger culprit for bad health these days, the infamous desk job or bad food habits? (59:20)
  • #Quah question #4 – As a trainer, how do I keep clients accountable to the simple tasks that I ask them to do? (1:07:53)

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Mar 8, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the pros and cons of low carb bulking, the new T-Nation article on foam rolling, the P.volve trend and diets based off of DNA tests. 

  • How the guys have been obsessed with muscle since they were kids. (3:52)
  • Age of the autosexual: the people sexually attracted to themselves. (9:45)
  • Mind Pump recommends Dawn Wall on Prime Video. The exciting factors of human psychology. (14:12)
  • How Vuori is crushing the ‘athleisure’ market + the risk you take attaching yourself to brands you don’t know a whole lot about. (19:51)
  • Must listen: Alex Jones on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Mind Pump goes down the third rail on conspiracy theories. (30:36)
  • Giants CEO Larry Baer takes leave of absence in light of taped scuffle with his wife. (37:05)
  • Pre-sale alert! Organifi ‘immunity’. (42:01)
  • Update on Adam’s swimming protocol + Catrina’s training while being pregnant. (44:37)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are the pros and cons of low carb bulking? (53:38)
  • #Quah question #2 – Did you guys see the new T-Nation article on how foam rolling destroys cells in the body? (1:04:30)
  • #Quah question #3 – Can you talk about this P.volve trend? (1:15:58)
  • #Quah question #4 – What do you think of diets based off of DNA tests? (1:22:43)

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Mar 7, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin talk with Tommy Sobel of Brick (www.gobricknow) about developing a more healthy relationship with tech.

  • How he aimed to make science cool again. His background and humble beginnings. (4:02)
  • Is Hollywood freaking out over these YouTube stars and are movie theaters a thing of the past? (10:12)
  • What has he seen since leaving the studio industry? (12:25)
  • What brought him to what he is doing now? (15:21)
  • Will technology become an all or nothing thing? (17:52)
  • What does he potentially see from kids using tech at early ages? (21:51)
  • The movement and mission behind Brick. (23:37)
  • Why you must structure your life to create a world of ‘Digital Wellness’. (30:32)
  • Why most people feel they do not have a problem. (34:30)
  • Does he feel depressed people are more likely to use their phone or is his finding that screen time usage is actually contributing to the issue of depression or anxiety? (38:50)
  • How will he breakthrough with the current generation of kids today who are born into tech? (43:11)
  • What are some of the practices Brick teaches at their events? His 5 step process. (48:11)
  • Are there any parameters to where you can track your ‘Brick’ time? (1:04:50)
  • What are the steps someone can do to get involved? (1:07:45)
  • The NEED to find balance/structure in our lives. (1:10:19)
  • What feedback has he gotten from people that have attended his events? (1:18:35)
  • Why the underestimated mind is the most creative one. (1:19:30)
  • What is in the pipeline for Brick? (1:24:15)
  • How does he support himself financially? (1:24:56)
  • Does he see expansion for the future of the company? (1:27:55)

Featured Guest/People Mentioned:

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Mar 6, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the best way to break through a training plateau, the effects of daily consumption of energy drinks, the best way to approach nutrition with a family member who had a serious health scare and if skin issues like acne automatically indicate food sensitivities.

  • Coffee + NED = Perfect combination. Why being hyper wired is NOT always good for performance. (5:00)
  • Does cannabis help cure cancer? How at the end of the day antidote is not evidence. (8:07)
  • Mind Pump Recommends Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and Green Book, now streaming. (15:15)
  • Why Sal couldn’t sleep two days after watching Free Solo. The guys breakdown the types of people that do these kinds of feats. (17:45)
  • The benefits of being able to test yourself at home, using tests from Everly Well. (27:38)
  • Why individualization is the future (i.e. the A.I. Diet). (35:25)
  • #Quah question #1 – What is the best way to break through a training plateau? (48:21)
  • #Quah question #2 – What is your opinion on frequent daily consumption of energy drinks for people that are into training? Especially the zero calorie ones with taurine? (59:10)
  • #Quah question #3 – What is the best way to approach nutrition with a family member who had a serious health scare which was likely caused by years of poor awareness and food choices? (1:12:24)
  • #Quah question #4 – Do skin issues, like acne, automatically indicate food sensitivities or do caffeine, stress and lack of sleep all contribute as well? (1:19:15)

People Mentioned:

Products Mentioned:

Mar 4, 2019

Want to look great with your shirt off or wearing a bikini this summer? To reach this goal the time to start is NOW! In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin go over five steps you can take to achieve your best body by summer.

  • Has Justin has gone full ‘Dr. Brown’ from Back to the Future? (2:16)
  • Do the guys of Mind Pump have doppelgangers? (4:10)
  • The War of Immersion: The attention economy & how focus is the new IQ. (7:15)
  • The Five Most Important Steps to Your Best Body by Summer. (14:36)
    • #1 – Learn to track your food. (16:40)
    • #2 - Learn to track your movement. (28:15)
    • #3 – You must eat LESS calories than what your body consumes. (40:00)
    • #4 – PROPER training & lift weights. (49:21)
    • #5 – The importance of having a sleep practice/routine. (57:34)

People Mentioned:

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Mar 2, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether it pays to deload the entire body if only certain muscles feel overtrained, the frequency at which correctional/repatterning movements should be performed, how to practice the skill of running and tips on being an authentic influencer and how to spot the fake ones.

  • PRx Performance has a brand new ‘finish’ to their squat racks. Find out why Justin is angry about it. (3:55)
  • What are Mind Pump’s favorite machines? Plus, what is their ‘dream’ gym set-up? (7:54)
  • The worst offenders in the steam room. (15:00)
  • The importance of relationship building, why everything is not meant to be faster and cheaper & why personal trainers are the evangelists against the battle to beat obesity. (17:04)
  • Sal’s daughter tries the Organifi green juice for the first time. (33:50)
  • #Quah question #1 – When doing full body splits and feeling over trained on a certain muscle group (yet getting stronger on other body parts), should you deload the whole body or only the body parts that feel over trained? (35:46)
  • #Quah question #2 – How frequently should you work on correctional/repatterning movements (like in MAPS Prime Pro)? Once a day, twice or for time? (42:05)
  • #Quah question #3 - How without over training would you go about practicing the skill of running? (50:54)
  • #Quah question #4 - Tips on being an authentic influencer and how to spot the fake ones? (57:05)

People Mentioned:

Products Mentioned:

Mar 1, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about fixing persistent lower back pain that comes from deadlifting, dealing with awkwardness during rest times when training quiet clients, the value of working out for only 30 to 40 minutes and dealing with the “negative” effects of increased self awareness.

  • Giving Doug the props he deserves. Macadamia nut milk + Smoothie Box = Money! (3:49)
  • Coach Sal gives Adam some tips to improve his stamina in the pool using cordyceps. (11:55)
  • Adam shares the newest technique he has implemented into his swimming protocol. (13:49)
  • The Age of Tech: Samsung’s newest “fold phone”+ will Apple be able to compete with the innovation? (17:40)
  • Honolulu passes a law that makes texting while crossing the street illegal. (24:42)
  • How we are entering the ‘Age of Abstinence’. (25:50)
  • Your strength is a great indicator of not having a life threating event. The rise of push-ups: study. (28:30)
  • Lowering our standards, so we look better. NC bill proposes changing the school performance grading scale. (33:00)
  • Mind Pump predicting trends before they hit the mainstream media… Intuitive Eating: The Diet That Tells You to Quit Dieting. (35:45)
  • #Quah question #1 – How do I fix persistent lower back pain that comes from deadlifting? (41:56)
  • #Quah question #2 - What about time limits in the gym? I keep hearing less is more so should you only work out for 30 to 40 minutes? (49:55)
  • #Quah question #3 – How do you pass the awkwardness during rest times when training quiet clients? (57:32)
  • #Quah question #4 – How do you deal with the “negative” effects of increased self-awareness? Any tips to deal with stress and anxiety that comes with increased awareness of your body? (1:06:15)

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