
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at
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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth













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Now displaying: January, 2019
Jan 31, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam, and Justin speak with Marc Weinstein, who was featured in Netflix's just released documentary Fyre. Marc goes into detail about what led him to work with the festival, why he stayed to the disastrous end and what he learned from the experience. This is a very interesting conversation with a behind the scene look at the music festival business, the power of social media and the damage that one charismatic sociopath can inflict.

  • What Marc does for a living, his background and how he connected with Mind Pump? (2:06)
  • What are some of the most profitable music festivals and the challenges you would face starting one? (8:50)
  • Did he know what he was getting into when he switched from finance to event production? (14:50)
  • How he ‘fell’ into the music industry. (18:09)
  • Why the events industry is always a mess and the need to just ‘figure it out’. (21:10)
  • How did he meet Billy McFarland and the founders of the Fyre Festival? (23:45)
  • How did he deal with the coordination and stress of trying to accommodate the festival guests? (38:40)
  • What were the conversations like with the other members of the production team while this debacle was going on? (42:37)
  • Was there a thought process to postpone? (45:27)
  • How did he coordinate the festival guests off the island and when did he discover that Billy had committed wire fraud? (48:40)
  • Was he afraid at any point the locals would get violent? (52:50)
  • Who owns the footage from the documentary? Are we contributing to this sociopath? (53:48)
  • How Fyre is just a microcosm of how social media portrays our lives. (58:55)
  • What is the aftermath from this? (1:01:23)
  • Does he find it cathartic to talk about it? Make amends with GoFundMe pages? How we could use social media for good. (1:03:40)
  • How does he feel he has evolved from this? His take on the social media revolution. (1:09:00)
  • Does he see an advantage of events like Burning Man unplugging from technology? (1:17:00)
  • What practices does he implement to cope with social media addiction? (1:18:37)
  • What is he currently pursuing? (1:20:57)

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Jan 30, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the best advice to break food addiction, validity of eating and training as per neurotype, favorite strongman lifts and the best or most paradigm shattering things they have learned from their co-hosts.

  • Justin’s ‘brilliant’ theory on the Fyre Festival debacle. (4:54)
  • The guys recap their facial spa day using the NEW Four Sigmatic skin care products. (9:57)
  • Sal updates the ‘newbie gains’ his son is experiencing and how he is training him the RIGHT way in this formative part of his life. (12:30)
  • A sign of the times?? YouTube to curb recommending ‘borderline’ content + the inconsistency of what their parameters are. (22:12)
  • Scientists develop telescopic contact lenses that can zoom 3X! The evolution of the human being, wisdom vs. knowledge & MORE. (39:20)
  • #Quah question #1 - Best advice to break food addiction? (54:19)
  • #Quah question #2 – What do you think of eating and training as per neurotype? (1:12:16)
  • #Quah question #3 – What are your favorite strongman lifts? (1:18:25)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are the best or most paradigm shattering things you have learned from your co-hosts? (1:24:02)

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Jan 28, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak with John Brenkus, an award winning producer, director, and television personality.

  • John talks about his ‘robotic’ knee surgery. (3:14)
  • How did he get tagged ‘The Sports Science Guy’? His background and the origin story of the show. (7:15)
  • Were there any preconceived notions he had on these athletes before they were on the show? (12:46)
  • Does he think NFL teams have started recruiting differently because of the show? (15:45)
  • Did he have an athlete on the show that stood out above the rest? (18:34)
  • What is the worst injury he has sustained on the show? (20:28)
  • Are the athletes pumped to get these HIGH numbers on the show? (24:22)
  • What if LeBron James played tight end in football?  + The greatest athlete of all time based on his metrics. (26:20)
  • What is it that separates these great athletes from everyone else? (32:23)
  • Can you improve your skills or are you born with them? The theory of ‘Morphic Resonance’. (35:32)
  • Should boys and girls be competing together? The humbling notion of getting ‘weeded out’. (38:27)
  • How does he feel about children’s sports today? The participation medal era. (51:28)
  • What does the conversation look like with his daughter on this very topic? (53:36)
  • How there is no shame getting ‘chicked’. (57:05)
  • What is his opinion on ‘CTE’ and what strategies should the NFL implement? (59:40)
  • How a gun is NOT the most dangerous thing in your house. (1:03:35)
  • What things does he have in the works? (1:05:20)
  • Does he feel the attributes in top athletes are the same we would find in the top business performers? (1:07:05)

Featured Guest/People Mentioned:

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Jan 26, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the difference between variations of a lunge such as back step, walking or side lunges, the amount of time that should be spent practicing key movements before ramping up the weight, the value of taking sides and "polarizing your content" as an "influencer," and the life lessons playing sports can provide that you may not be able to get anywhere else.

  • Adam gives Sal a compliment! That Vuori Clothing on point! (4:03)
  • Mind Pump Recommends FYRE: The Greatest Party That Never Happened | Netflix. (7:27)
  • Everyone trying to make a buck these days off of teaching others how to become an “influencer”. Mostly bullshit. The new emerging market. When will the bubble pop? (13:13)
  • How Layne Norton lives to start shit. Pro-vaccine or not? Ones to stay away from? Live call in with Layne on this subject & MORE. (20:46)
  • Predicting one’s behavior based on the proximity of the people they know using social media. The future is here. (36:50)
  • Green Juice Day is on Saturday and perfect timing to get your first Smoothie Box. (41:10)
  • #Quah question #1 – What is the difference between variations of a lunge such as back step, walking or side lunges? What is the point of using different variations? Isn’t a lunge a lunge? (45:41)
  • #Quah question #2 – What is the amount of time that someone should be spent practicing key movements before ramping up the weight? (55:00)
  • #Quah question #3 – What do you think about “insta-influencers” who talk about "polarizing your content" and taking sides? (1:00:27)
  • #Quah question #4 – Do you think sports teach lessons you can’t learn or are difficult to learn elsewhere? (1:10:22)

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Jan 25, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to optimize brain function to stay on top of the game, how strong the average individual should aim to be in the major movement categories, hinge, squat, push, press and pull, the pros and cons of fresh vs frozen vegetables and the best way to get over a break up.

  • New Product Alert: Organifi Gold-Chocolate. (3:26)
  • How Adam uses NED to combat his dog’s anxiety + is Justin’s dog the dumbest one he has ever had?! (10:00)
  • The origins of the ‘Skateboard Revolution’ + the guys share their own stories. (14:28)
  • How ‘clicks’ have evolved from the 80s to today. Is this generation too sheltered or simply more informed? (19:50)
  • Should there be regulations on advertising to children? (28:25)
  • Not just a game: NBA 2K League quickly becoming serious business for all. (33:09)
  • How things have gotten so good, we have to find things to complain about. Google employees freak out over the word 'family', group identity, self-destructing mindset & MORE. (37:50)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are some things you can do to optimize brain function to stay on top of your game? (44:08)
  • #Quah question #2 - How strong should the average individual aim to be in the major movement categories, hinge, squat, push, press and pull? (55:50)
  • #Quah question #3 – Elaborate on fresh vs frozen vegetables and the pros and cons of each? (1:06:35)
  • #Quah question #4 – What is the best way to get over a breakup? (1:12:45)

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Jan 24, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak with Chad Wesley Smith of Juggernaut Training Systems.

  • Does he do a lot of consulting for gyms? (4:53)
  • When he goes to visit these sports teams, what does he help them with? (7:05)
  • What exercises does he find gives athletes the biggest carry over? The ‘Exercise Pyramid’ explained. (9:59)
  • Chad’s sports background as a kid to today. (16:08)
  • What was the goal when he started Juggernaut? (18:33)
  • Where did he get the idea to write an eBook? (20:35)
  • Did he see early success from the athletes he trained? (24:40)
  • How did his training system stand out from the rest? (25:15)
  • How different does the training look like for a lineman compared to a wide receiver? (27:49)
  • What are his thoughts on the sports camp on one’s ability to accelerate/decelerate? (33:40)
  • How much of lifting is skill vs. just using your muscles? (38:35)
  • Does he believe kids should play multiple sports? His ‘3 Phase System’ for youth athletes. (44:39)
  • How does he explain athletes like Bo Jackson? (50:04)
  • Are the injury rates higher with early specialization in sports? (55:01)
  • Why we are taking away the development of children with the lack of movement/activity. (57:30)
  • What strategies does he implement to lessen sports injuries? (59:35)
  • What are some things within the sports and conditioning field that ‘grind his gears’? (1:00:52)
  • How important is wisdom vs. knowledge in coaching? (1:08:43)
  • Does he see people paying more attention to programming? (1:13:25)
  • Is he finding it hard to scale down his strength getting into ju-jitsu? (1:16:15)
  • Is powerlifting enjoying a growth period at the moment? (1:19:55)
  • What made him start the YouTube channel and his online training system? + The future of training systems. (1:27:39) 

Featured Guest/People Mentioned:

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Jan 23, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to address hip shift or tilt in the squat, why MAPS programs frequently don't follow NASM's recommended progression, what a typical Mind Pump work day looks like and their greatest mentors.

  • Sal explains the process of getting health insurance with Health IQ. (4:50)
  • The weird power of the placebo effect explained. How your experience is just as important as the physiological response. (12:45)
  • Facebook invests $300m in local news. (24:08)
  • Is working remotely more productive than working from an office? (26:25)
  • The Mind Pump vetting process and return rate on sponsors like Ned. (38:30)
  • #Quah question #1 – How do you address hip shift or tilt in the squat? (46:40)
  • #Quah question #2 – Why do MAPS programs frequently not follow NASM's recommended progression? (58:11)
  • #Quah question #3 - What does a typical work day look like for you guys from beginning to bed? (1:10:45)
  • #Quah question #4 – Who were your greatest mentors? (1:24:14)

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Jan 21, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin break down which lifts are most effective for building muscle and burning body fat.

  • What was the first ‘T.O’ the guys got in sales? + Valuing the art and skill of effective communication. (1:38)
  • Why being HONEST is a lost attribute. (18:30)
  • Understanding the benefits/value of isolation vs. compound movements. The differences, why one person would gain from each & MORE. (19:19)
  • The myths behind muscle activation in certain exercises. (27:08)
  • How the rules don’t always apply. (31:12)
  • Why all exercises are not created equal + the significance of mastering a skill. (33:45)
  • The BEST lifts for building muscle and burning body fat, the CORRECT order of operations when it comes to your workout & MORE. (43:20)

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Jan 19, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to bulk on a budget, favorite isolation movements, mistakes and successes they made as personal trainers and when the poor advice from Instagram fitness celebrities will end.

  • Why Mind Pump really LIKES Australia + peoples misconceptions. (3:42)
  • California is the 5th largest economy in the WORLD! (6:36)
  • Skinny Dipped is EVERYWHERE, even on college campuses. (8:00)
  • Pot company Tilray will market cannabis products along with shoe company Authentic Brands + will the cannabis bubble pop in the near future? (10:17)
  • This is why shit is so expensive in the Bay Area…How much the average employee makes at tech companies like Apple, Google, Facebook, Netflix & MORE.  (15:10)
  • The connection between having regulation and slowing down innovation. (22:21)
  • The importance of resistance training for longevity + simplifying weight training for the average person. (29:41)
  • #Quah question #1 - How do you bulk on a budget? (41:20)
  • #Quah question #2 – What is your favorite isolation move? (51:25)
  • #Quah question #3 – What mistakes did you make and successes you had as personal trainers? (1:05:18)
  • #Quah question #4 - When will these Instagram fitness celebrities realize their fitness advice is poor and this trend will end? (1:22:59)

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Jan 18, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about what’s more effective for losing fat and retaining muscle, more cardio or fewer calories considering they equal the same daily calorie deficit, if fiber the most underappreciated macronutrient or if it is the least important, the most impactful piece of advice that a client has given them in regards to personal growth and the worst piece of advice a fellow podcaster has given Mind Pump.

  • Sal’s son getting serious about the BULK, getting in quality calories using Smoothie Box, sharing their worst ‘protein shake’ stories from the past & MORE. (3:46)
  • Being known as the ‘fitness guy’ and people asking you for advice + the benefits of beetroot powder in products like Organifi Red Juice. (16:05)
  • P&G’s Gillette ad asks men to shave their ‘toxic masculinity’ and a big backlash ensues. (23:01)
  • #Quah question #1 - What’s more effective for losing fat and retaining muscle, more cardio or fewer calories considering they equal the same daily calorie deficit? (42:30)
  • #Quah question #2 – Is fiber the most underappreciated macronutrient or is it the least important? (52:50)
  • #Quah question #3 – What is the most impactful piece of advice that a client has given you in regards to personal growth? (1:01:05)
  • #Quah question #4 - What is the worst piece of advice a fellow podcaster has given you about your business? (1:16:07)

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Jan 17, 2019

This this episode of Mind Pump, Sal, Adam & Justin speak with Dr. Michael Ruscio about thyroid health, the misdiagnosis of hypothyroidism and how to improve thyroid function.

Jan 16, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about food addiction, only squatting the amount of weight that you can clean and press over your head onto your back, the downsides to being muscular in some sports and how to get good at communication.

  • A Four Sigmatic product where Adam actually enjoys the TASTE: Mushroom Matcha Latte with MAITAKE + the guys share their love of Japanese culture. (5:44)
  • Mind Pump Weekend Update: Adam and Taylor snowboarding weekend, Sal’s daughter hurts her wrist & MORE. (13:10)
  • Adam Recommends “Red Oaks” Prime Original. (22:15)
  • Thrive Market continues to be the ONE-STOP shop for healthy snacks for kids + how familiarity matters. (23:19)
  • Why retailers are fleeing Fifth Avenue + how Amazon continues to disrupt the industry. (27:58)
  • Leader prevented from making the final wager in a $2.5M betting contest. (34:00)
  • The guys preview the NFL Conference Championships + the dominance of the New England Patriots. (37:20)
  • Study: Just one season of high school football can change teens' brains. Will we see a culture change? (44:45)
  • #Quah question #1 – Do you believe you can be addicted to food? (56:49)
  • #Quah question #2 – What do you think of the hypothesis that humans can only squat the amount of weight that you can clean and press over your head onto your back? (1:16:18)
  • #Quah question #3 - Why is there a stigma on hypertrophy training in some sports? (1:26:20)
  • #Quah question #4 - How did you guys get good at communication? (1:40:35)

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Jan 14, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss the best rest periods between exercises.

  • Is ‘competitive sleep’ a thing? The power of your mental state and not always fixating on measurable tools. (2:18)
  • Mind Pump: The Whistleblowers of the Fitness Industry. The importance of how you SAY things and COMMUNICATE them. (9:40)
  • Adam gets in a ‘tiff’, over social media, with a trainer about a ‘Jefferson Curl’. The ‘elitist’ attitude fitness professionals have in the space, the risk vs. reward of an exercise & MORE. (14:49)
  • The most under-modified variable: The significance of rest periods. (26:35)
  • The BEST rest periods for muscle gain & fat loss. (35:55)
  • How often do you recommend someone phase their rest periods? (38:15)
  • The art of perfecting the skill and not throwing fatigue on it. (44:13)
  • For the competitor, how much of an impact does varying your rest periods make? (48:20)

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Jan 12, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about possible benefits derived from vibrating and/or pulsating tools, elevating heels during squats, differentiating between discipline and restriction and training someone who makes constant efforts to stall and chat during their sessions. 

  •  Instagram stories the new Cosmo + why do people gravitate to lists? 
  • Adam’s response/answer to the vast amount of questions he gets on social media. (7:25)
  • Top 10 highest paid influencers on Instagram. (9:25)
  • Make up for men, aka ‘bro face’, the new untapped market? (11:25)
  • Update: Did Justin get the tree out of his house? (13:52)
  • Adam’s mistaken identity ‘Grinder’ story + the guys talk dating apps. (16:25)
  • Legislating morality? You're going to need ID to watch porn in the UK from this spring. (23:15)
  • Yes, powdered alcohol is real! (25:15)
  • Do the guys get push back from their followers by what they say on the show or post on social media? The responsibility to present good information and be their ‘raw/authentic’ selves, the ‘sorry’ factor & MORE. (27:30)
  • Vuori Clothing’s rapid growth in the fitness space. (35:13)
  • What house chores to the guys like/dislike to do? Who is the slob in the household? (38:38)
  • Having the RIGHT expectations of the supplements you take (like Organifi), addressing the root cause of a problem & MORE. (46:00)
  • #Quah question #1 – Can you give your opinion on the vibrating and/or pulsating tools in gyms? Do they have any benefits? (54:47)
  • #Quah question #2 – Thoughts on elevating heels during squats? (1:11:10)
  • #Quah question #3 – How do you differentiate between discipline and restriction? (1:21:32)
  • #Quah question #4 – How would you go about training someone who makes constant efforts to stall and chat during their sessions? (1:30:15)

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Jan 11, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about favorite “building out your abs" exercises, people who say glute bridges are the #1 compound lift, thoughts on unsolicited gym advice and the best way to learn to become an entrepreneur.

  • Mind Pump Recommends "You" on Netflix. (4:12)
  • The guys try AGAIN to convince Adam to watch scary movies. (8:50)
  • The time when you began to care about your looks + fashion trends. (10:08)
  • What Did We Get Stuck In Our Rectums Last Year? (16:25)
  • 6 Toxic Relationship Habits Most People Think Are Normal. (20:23)
  • Different impacts of resources on opposite-sex ratings of physical attractiveness by males and females: study + the stigma behind what is feminism. (25:03)
  • The new wireless, re-chargeable, travel-sized Joovv light! (33:33)
  • Amazon's new ad strategy: Free samples based on what it knows about you + Jeff Bezos to divorce after 25 years of marriage. (37:20)
  • Health IQ is really onto something. (41:56)
  • Carl’s Jr. adds plant-based burger to its menu. (45:10)
  • When was the last time the guys of Mind Pump went to a fast food restaurant? (48:25)
  • #Quah question #1 – What ab exercises are your favorites for “building out your abs." (53:14)
  • #Quah question #2 – What do you think of people who say glute bridges are the #1 compound lift? (1:09:47)
  • #Quah question #3 - Thoughts on unsolicited gym advice? (1:16:14)
  • #Quah question #4 – What is a good place to start, for a newbie, to get into entrepreneurship? (1:26:35)     

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Jan 10, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss intensity... when to use it and when to avoid it for maximum results in the gym.

  • Some things never get old…’Your mamma jokes’. (2:28)
  • The importance of ‘rough housing’ with children. (4:45)
  • ‘If you are going to talk crap, you better be able to take it back’. The teaching of important lessons + Mind Pump’s ‘secret sauce’. (10:00)
  • How do you build confidence, when you don’t have it within yourself? (18:40)
  • Going viral…The most used phases on Mind Pump. (24:00)
  • The RIGHT amount of intensity, the overuse of it, how hard you SHOULD work out for best results, becoming an expert at a skill & MORE. (27:28)
  • The problems with the sources of information you are getting. (54:09)
  • Steps you can take NOW to get back on track. (1:00:30)

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Jan 9, 2019

Organifi Quah! iTunes + Facebook Review Winners!

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the sets that determine the most amount of gains derived from a workout, the idea that not all calories are created equal, training a mobile limb when the other is incapacitated in a cast or sling and how to approach the topic of cannabis with children.

  • Mind Pump breaks down the lyrics to “Wake me up before you go-go” and talk all things George Michael. (4:22)
  • That one time Justin got a piercing + being exposed to addicts. (8:20)
  • Why all hemp oil is not creating equal, how NED stands out + addressing the recent Mike Matthews article on CBD. (19:10)
  • How Justin almost died this weekend! (22:40)
  • MasterCard Drops Its Name from Logo. (27:37)
  • Sal’s daughters love of Magic + the lure of magicians. (28:55)
  • Are gym memberships worth the money? (32:01)
  • Felix Gray introduces “Sleep glasses.” (36:38)
  • Leg exercise is critical to brain and nervous system health: study shows. (40:48)
  • #Quah question #1 – Which sets determine the most amount of gains derived from a workout, the first few sets or the last few? With your stance on volume, how many sets per body part are appropriate when starting a program? (44:40)
  • #Quah question #2 – Can you expand on the idea that not all calories are created equal? (1:00:52)
  • #Quah question #3 – Can you train a mobile limb when the other is incapacitated in a cast or sling, could it be beneficial to recovery and adaptation? (1:13:16)
  • #Quah question #4 - How do you approach the topic of cannabis with children? (1:18:03)

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Jan 7, 2019

In this episode Sal, Adam and Justin discuss techniques to avoid training plateaus so that progress in the gym does not get derailed.

  • Grass-fed meat from other stores compared to Butcher Box. Why contrast matters. (2:41)
  • Busting the myth behind pan frying with extra virgin olive oil. Is it safe or not? (8:08)
  • Breaking news everyone… Cannabis really can trigger paranoia. (9:33)
  • Mind Pump Recommends: Bird Box + They discuss the latest ‘Bird Box Challenge’. (13:55)
  • The importance of active recovery. (19:10)
  • Why you should change up your training modalities + How to avoid training plateaus. (24:15)

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Jan 5, 2019

Organifi Quah!

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to combat seasonal depression, if it is true that shorter people will put on muscle mass quicker than taller people, favorite exercises outside of the sagittal plane and working out with horrible allergies.

  • Why do women find androgynous men sexy? (3:18)
  • All good things must come to an end. San Jose Considers New Safety Regulations for E-Scooters. (12:21)
  • The Motorcycling McGuire Twins + asking the important questions you want to know. (15:45)
  • Who pays attention to warning signs anymore? Thoughts on the survival of the fittest. (22:35)
  • The World's Most Successful people don't actually start work at 4 a.m. Why people are chasing after what others define as successful. (28:24)
  • The many ways we try (and fail) to replace religion with cult politics. (36:44)
  • Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson become latest internet celebs to Leave Patreon over bizarre 'Hate Speech' policy. (40:30)
  • Organifi hit it out of the park with new ‘Pure’ product. (44:30)
  • Future of sports viewing? Steve Ballmer and L.A. Clippers debut new augmented reality NBA experience. (47:12)
  • Do kids love the ‘Skinny Dipped’ almonds? (49:30)
  • #Quah question #1 - How to recommend to combat seasonal depression? (53:40)
  • #Quah question #2 - Is it true that shorter people will put on muscle mass quicker than taller people? (1:01:53)
  • #Quah question #3 – What are some of your favorite exercises outside of the sagittal plane? (1:08:36)
  • #Quah question #4 – How do you go about working out with horrible allergies? (1:18:52)

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Jan 4, 2019

MAPS Quah!

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about exercises for strengthening wrists, steps to take to limit exposure to toxins, how to train someone from “My 600lb Life," and the benefits of running in the sand.

  • The good old days of dial-up & phones with cords. (4:45)
  • Mind Pump Recommends Black Mirror: Bandersnatch. (5:55)
  • Ibuprofen alters human testicular physiology: study. (11:30)
  • PRx making big waves! 0% financing for the month of January! (17:33)
  • The amazing feeling working out from home in the cold weather. (20:05)
  • High School Students in Eastern China to Get Facial Monitoring in Class. (28:05)
  • What is perfection for the temperature of your meat? Enter in the Sous Vide bag. (32:30)
  • Women — but not men — seek to actively punish sexualized women, study finds. (36:13)
  • The results are in Will Sal bulk or get shredded?! (40:18)
  • Adam got that Bradley Cooper body in full force! (41:50)
  • The State of the Union of CrossFit: Will the bubble ever fully burst? (44:35)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are some exercises for strengthening wrists? (57:00)
  • #Quah question #2 – What steps do you take to limit exposure to toxins? (1:12:20)
  • #Quah question #3 – If you were asked to train someone from “My 600lb Life,” what would you do? Where would you begin? (1:25:54)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are the benefits of running in the sand? (1:37:38)
  • MMA Talk. (1:45:40)

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Jan 3, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin share techniques and tricks to set, achieve and MAINTAIN health and fitness goals in 2019. Over 50 years of combined experience training thousands of clients has taught them what works best to lose weight and get fit in a sustainable manner.

  • How the guys of Mind Pump celebrated the New Year: Tahoe foodie adventures, dog d*** pics, the Sal and Jessica show & MORE. (2:11)
  • The crazy surge of people wanting to get back into the gym at the beginning of the year. (21:50)
  • The best strategies to get back in shape in 2019: Why people stop working out, setting challenging yet realistic goals, lifting weights over cardio & MORE. (25:23)
  • Why all food is not created equal. How to lose weight in 2019. (45:44)
  • Challenge to address the things that are not sexy. Do things the fast way or the RIGHT way. (51:15)
  • New Year, new and improved version of MAPS Anabolic. (59:50)

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Jan 2, 2019

 Organifi Quah! iTunes & Facebook Review Winners!

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the benefits of a front squat over a back squat, how to train a client who is very disobedient and does not like resistance training, how to handle bullies and New Year’s resolutions.

  • Happy New Year!! Mind Pump welcomes in 2019: Solving the transportation issues, mankind not letting ego get in the way & MORE. (4:32)
  • Would You Eat Human Meat Grown in a Lab? (12:15)
  • Thrive Market disrupting the industry and making waves! (13:40)
  • Clash of the Titans: Walmart vs. Amazon. It’s on!! (17:35)
  • UFC Hall of Famer Randy Couture's sex tape leaks online. How the generation coming out now is less worried about things coming out. (18:44)
  • How Instagram is the new high school + Making money off your fame: Have the money or just the fame? (25:30)
  • If the guys of Mind Pump were a movie, what would they be? (28:50)
  • Big recall ordered of pot products after lab is caught faking tests. How the black market is always competing with the legal market. (31:00)
  • Mind Pump addresses the accuracy of food sensitivity tests and tests in general, i.e. Everly Well. (36:24)
  • The great debate: How much money do creators of “at home fitness products” really make? (45:45)
  • Jon Jones also tested positive back in August and September, long before the UFC 232 debacle in Las Vegas. (49:00)
  • Adam’s safe, not so safe story. (50:59)
  • #Quah question #1 – Please explain the benefits of a front squat over a back squat? (54:01)
  • #Quah question #2 - How to train a client who is very obese, disobedient and does not like resistance training? (1:05:10)
  • #Quah question #3 - How to handle bullies? (1:20:25)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are your New Year’s resolutions? (1:31:10)

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