
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at
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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth













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Now displaying: April, 2019
Apr 29, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak with Dandapani, a Hindu priest, speaker on self development and entrepreneur.

  • The practice of ‘Unwavering Focus’. (2:54)
  • How can you practice concentration? (8:43)
  • Why learning doesn’t make your wiser if you’re not implementing what you learn. (10:02)
  • Where awareness goes, energy flows. (14:51)
  • What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom? (19:19)
  • The concept of learning to lean on your own spine. (23:24)
  • What was the driving force behind him joining the monastery? The importance of the student/teacher relationship. (27:32)
  • What does a typical day look like at the monastery? (37:27)
  • Why your whole day is a preparation for success. (40:12)
  • What are the steps to mastering focus? (43:56)
  • Problems are not problems; they are subconscious patterns that need to be adjusted. (46:36)
  • What are the results you want, how to stay concentrated to manifest it in the mind to create physically. (48:23)
  • Understanding your purpose in life and ‘making the case’. (53:08)
  • The benefits of learning how to concentrate and knowing your priorities in life. (59:28)
  • Did he experience any culture shock once leaving the monastery? (1:03:15)
  • What are the biggest challenges he faces today? (1:09:13)
  • The meaning behind the 3 lines on his forehead. (1:10:30)
  • How does he define enlightenment? (1:12:54)

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Apr 27, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about using barbell complexes for building muscle AND burning fat at the same time, how to fix a chest imbalance, tools to stay disciplined when the motivation/excitement has run out, and the best investment opportunities right now and for the future.

  • Tobacco company Philip Morris starts life insurance firm that offers discounts to smokers who quit + why Health IQ is superior if you are health driven. (4:09)
  • Adam witnesses the GREATEST Game 7 in NHL history: How momentum is a REAL thing. (10:15)
  • How Justin is using Organifi ‘Immunity’ to prevent a potential viral infection. (20:15)
  • Sal and Justin taking their families to the Grand Canyon. (22:18)
  • Adam and Catrina getaway with friends. (28:32)
  • The outpouring of amazing baby gifts Adam has received from fans and sponsors. (31:30)
  • Mind Pump back on the road!! Limited tickets are available at Vuori flagship in Encinitas, CA. (33:09)
  • Mind Pump recommends The Creative Brain on Netflix. (33:49)
  • 'Fat Sex Therapist' compares fitness trainers to Nazis, children's dieting to sexual assault. (38:16)
  • The importance of using machines vs. free weights, if you are training high volume and feel you are at the brink of overtraining. (43:18)
  • #Quah question #1 - Are barbell complexes suitable for building muscle and burning fat at the same time as claimed by some? (46:04)
  • #Quah question #2 - How do you fix a chest imbalance? Should you switch to dumbbells and go heavier on the bad side? Or could this be from a shoulder issue or something not related to the chest muscle? (53:18)
  • #Quah question #3 – What tools do each of you have to stay disciplined when the motivation or excitement has run out to stay on track with your nutrition or go to the gym? (59:03)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are some of the best investment opportunities right now and for the future? (1:06:44)

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Apr 26, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about warming up and working up to working weight, the pros and cons of going barefoot, the surplus/deficit protocol for bulking and the four most famous people they would want on the podcast.

  • Are film ratings more accurate today?? (4:59)
  • Four Sigmatic had Adam at chocolate. His new favorite item from their product line. (7:24)
  • The Rolex of blue-blocking glasses: Felix Gray having a special sale! The important role sleep plays in fat loss. (9:48)
  • Nostalgia at its finest: Yes, there is still one Blockbuster left! (16:34)
  • Is Luminary, the latest "Netflix for podcasts," worth it? (19:18)
  • MMA fighter Joyce Vieira beats up man accused of sexual harassment during beach photoshoot. (32:21)
  • Dr. Integrity is at it again…The dangers of health/fitness professionals promoting the wrong things for clicks and self-promotion. (36:52)
  • Larry Wheels latest extreme strength feat. (41:45)
  • Harvard professor predicts half of U.S. colleges will soon be bankrupt. Will the model change during our lifetime? (46:10)
  • #Quah question #1 – When warming up and working up to your working weight, do you go by percentages or just intuitively? My buddy is doing Wendler’s 5:3:1 and working off straight percentages. Is that ideal for getting the maximum effect at higher weights without burning yourself out on the way up? (50:31)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are the pros and cons of going barefoot? What are your opinions on barefoot shoes for everyday wear? (1:00:03)
  • #Quah question #3 – I hear you guys talk about bulking and recommending doing 3-4 weeks in a caloric surplus, followed by a week or so in a caloric deficit. Could you explain why you recommend this strategy and how to implement it? (1:09:35)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are the four most famous people you guys would want to have on the podcast? (1:16:23)

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Apr 25, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak with Max Schmarzo of Strong by Science.

  • Mind Pump recommends The Jordan Harbinger Show with Mike Posner. (2:43)
  • Nothing will check your ego harder than hearing yourself talk for the first time. How everyone starts somewhere. (4:54)
  • The losing battle of the scarcity mindset. (7:11)
  • The two schools of thought when it comes to force production. (16:21)
  • The aesthetics of movement: The concept of motor unit synchronization. (22:05)
  • How it’s not the sport that matters, it’s the movement that matters. (26:16)
  • Does Lebron James really perform poor squats?? How general fitness is not the same as athletic fitness. (31:59)
  • The power of big data is in the granularity. (35:35)
  • How it’s about making things applicable. (43:30)
  • Why ideas are stupid, actions are awesome. (47:25)
  • The importance of data to cater to your athletes. (50:07)
  • The concept of percentage of drop off. (53:01)
  • What are some effective ways to maximize/improve your length-tension relationship? (1:06:25)
  • Breaking the myths behind isometric training. (1:17:57)
  • What protocol does he recommend for a given athlete to improve their glute development? (1:23:21)
  • The act of being ‘engaged’ when you perform an athletic movement. (1:27:07)
  • The role of the CNS to your performance and overall wellness. How your coach acts as your ‘check engine light’. (1:29:45)
  • The science behind why our body crumbles from too much excess high intensity training. (1:41:04)
  • Why there is no such thing as biohacking. (1:47:25)

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Apr 24, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about rebounding after a day of eating like crap, adjusting training intensity to balance lack of sleep, frequently asked questions that have become annoying over time, and the most important pieces of advice for someone who is about to open up their own gym.

  • How TV shows of the past didn’t portray the future very well. (5:37)
  • Recap of Mind Pump & Mimosas event. (9:40)
  • Come see the guys LIVE May 10th at Vuori flagship store in Encinitas, CA. (14:40)
  • Mind Pump Easter recap: Skinny Dipped almonds, spending time with family and defining what worship is. (16:40)
  • Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Unicorn Plan’. (27:13)
  • How upcoming tech IPOs could affect the Bay Area housing market. (29:43)
  • The yodeler who sued Yahoo. (31:45)
  • Game Boy turns 30. (36:49)
  • Sports talk: San Jose Sharks force game 7 in the NHL Playoffs + the economic impact of a team winning a championship. (40:01)
  • #Quah question #1 – How do you rebound after a day of eating like crap? (44:08)
  • #Quah question #2 – If your life makes it incredibly difficult to get adequate sleep for recovery, do you recommend lowering training intensity to balance that out? (57:19)
  • #Quah question #3 – What is the question you guys get the most that has become annoying because you answer it all the time? (1:06:57)
  • #Quah question #4 – What is the most important piece of advice you would give someone who is about to open up their own gym? (1:14:56)

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Apr 22, 2019

In this episode Sal, Adam and Justin go into detail about the newest MAPS program... P.E.D. This is by far the most advanced of all the MAPS programs and they go into detail why it was created, who it is for and how the program is set up. 

  • Fitness influencers’ photoshopping their photos, what’s next??!! How no one likes to be bamboozled + the rhyme and reason behind the MAPS method. (1:42)
  • Why P.E.D. was created? (8:35)
  • How programming has become a lost art in the world of bodybuilding. (13:20)
  • The benefits of running this type of program in comparison to a typical body part split? (18:05)
  • The importance of phasing your workouts + how the program is set up. (28:53)
  • Who is this program for? (31:24)
  • The ‘Two Levels’ of lifter + the addition of ‘Deload Movements’. (36:45)
  • Cardio free programming! (41:29)
  • The meaning behind the name + breaking down the different phases. (43:18)

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Apr 22, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak with Mike McCastle, a four-time world record holder who performs amazing feats of strength and performance.  In 2015 he shattered the Guinness World Record for 'Most Pull-ups in 24 hours' by completing 5,804 pull-ups, all while wearing a 30 pound pack!

Mike is the founder of the Twelve Labors Project, a charitable initiative driven by a purposeful mission to push the limits of human potential in hopes of inspiring others to explore their own capacity for greatness.

  • What exactly does he do right now for business? (3:00)
  • How does he cue the general population to do an exercise? The importance of maximizing their value. (7:26)
  • Has tension training played an important role in the feats he has done? (11:01)
  • Why with most methods, he does them on himself first. (12:55)
  • You either use it or lose it: The benefits of end-range training. (15:57)
  • The early mistakes he made as a trainer. Why soreness doesn’t equal progress. (17:52)
  • His ‘Train often, test seldom’ mentality.  (19:18)
  • The extraordinary feats of strength and performance he has performed, finding meaning in your suffering & MORE. (21:03)
  • Where did he develop his ‘unbreakable’ mentality? (32:31)
  • How part of being strong is being authentic with yourself and knowing your abilities. (35:22)
  • The defining moment in his life where he made a conscious decision to quit. (37:10)
  • The ‘Twelve Labors Project’: How sometimes the most unreasonable decision matters the most. (39:45)
  • How pain is a tool, not the focus. (47:33)
  • The ‘labors’ he has completed explained. (50:04)
  • What does the internal conversation look like when he experiences a ‘bump in the road’? (1:00:30)
  • Why true excellence is not attainable, it’s about the pursuit. (1:04:56)

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Apr 20, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the age a child can start working out in the gym with a parent, how to choose the best morning routine, cryotherapy and ice baths for recovery and the benefits of meditation.

  • Adam’s new Organifi ‘pre-podcast’ stack: Pure and Immunity. (3:45)
  • How do we get wealthy people to want to do more good things?? Cater to their ego. (10:50)
  • Is old man strength a real thing?? (16:07)
  • Carl's Jr. is testing out a CBD burger in honor of 4/20, BANG Energy class action says drinks don’t provide ‘Body-Rocking Fuel’ & MORE. Why quality always has staying power. (19:22)
  • The new trend: Being ‘authentic’. (30:40)
  • Joe Rogan vs. Media Matters. (36:06)
  • 3D-printed heart made using a human patient's cells. (40:12)
  • Justin introduces Sal to new rock music. (45:27)
  • U.S. doctors accused of trading prescriptions for sex and cash in a major scandal. How just because you have a Ph.D. doesn’t mean you have integrity. (46:15)
  • #Quah question #1 – What’s a good age for someone younger to start working out in the gym with a parent? (48:57)
  • #Quah question #2 – Jim Kwik and Hal Elrod both talked about morning routines, but their routines were quite different. For example, Jim Kwik’s suggested keeping your eyes closed and remembering dreams. Hal Elrod said to put your phone across the room, so you would have to get up to turn off the alarm. Which do you subscribe to? (59:59)
  • #Quah question #3 – What are your thoughts on cryotherapy and ice baths for recovery? Placebo or actually valuable? (1:06:51)
  • #Quah question #4 – What have been your experiences with meditation? What benefits have you seen in research or personal experience? What advice would you give people looking to add meditation to their lifestyle? (1:15:35)

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Apr 19, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about controlling massive hunger when going through MAPS Anabolic, what each of their diets looked like when they were in their best physical shape, mental health and the fitness industry and the value of interning for "influencers."

  • The benefits of testing if you’re nutrient deficient before supplementation using Everly Well. (3:56)
  • Mind Pump: Getting you to break up with your workout partner + the dogma behind exercise. (15:26)
  • Sal and Jessica getting after it at the new 49ers Fit gym. (22:45)
  • Mind Pump gearing up for their next live event at the Vuori Flagship store. (25:54)
  • Adam losing sleep over the greatest comeback in NBA history + is he getting a little lonely in the bedroom? (29:02)
  • The guys ragging on Sal over his new family pet. (36:06)
  • Notre Dame Cathedral fire donations near $1B. The belief in something that is bigger than yourself. (37:04)
  • Fecal transplants result in a massive long-term reduction in autism symptoms. (41:06)
  • #Quah question #1 – I started MAPS Anabolic as a healthy weight loss journey, but I’m finding myself massively hungry. My intake is probably negating any potential weight loss from the program. Any guidance on what to do or control the hunger? (47:54)
  • #Quah question #2 - What did your diet look like when you were at your best physical shape? (56:13)
  • #Quah question #3 - How do you think mental health affects the fitness industry? Do you think a lot of high-level athletes and fitness driven people are more likely to deal with mental health or the opposite? (1:05:35)
  • #4 Quah question #4 - Do you think interning for influencers or online coaches is a good learning opportunity or is it just free labor? What should an intern expect to gain from an internship? (1:14:49)

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Apr 18, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin talk with Joe Kudla, founder and CEO of Vuori Clothing. Five years ago Vuori was just an idea. Today Vuori can be found in Nordstrom, REI and shipped worldwide when ordered from their website.

Joe has a fascinating story of multiple business ventures, some successful, others failures that have led to Vuori Clothing's "overnight success." Joe tells a good story and in this episode he tells of a strange run-in with a psychic woman who nudged him to take a leap of faith that ultimately catapulted the company. Even if you don't believe in psychics, this story may just make you believe a little bit...

Vuori Clothing is the preferred attire of the Mind Pump Team. It looks, fits and feels amazing. You can check it out at (Be sure to use the code on this page for 25% off your first order... a Mind Pump exclusive discount!).

  • Mind Pump recommends The Jordan Harbinger Show. (3:38)
  • How if you don’t make good products in this day in age, what’s the point. (6:45)
  • What was their defining moment of success? (7:57)
  • The MASSIVE compound growth over the last 5 years. (10:31)
  • Setting out to make clothes that other people cannot find. ‘Built to move and style for life’ mindset. (13:10)
  • Putting their money where their mouth is and making GREAT products. (15:34)
  • Have they experienced any growing pains or challenges? (17:14)
  • The great debate on entering the ‘Athlete Market.’ (19:24)
  • What goes into the process of creating a product? (20:30)
  • Do they do any outsourcing when it comes to design? (22:39)
  • How do you know, as an entrepreneur, when to stop or change gears? (26:28)
  • His early ventures, failures and the life lessons he learned along the way. (28:32)
  • Going all-in on Vuori. (32:33)
  • A chance encounter with a psychic woman that propelled him to take the leap of faith and invest in clarity. (39:00)
  • Becoming in alignment and how Mind Pump found the brand. (47:38)
  • Building the relationship directly with the consumer, shifting their message based on customer feedback and being versatile. (51:08)
  • How your culture is your brand. (56:00)
  • What does he see for their future in the space? (59:05)

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Apr 17, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the signs of overtraining, balancing pushing the limit with doing the minimum necessary to elicit change, social media influencers who hide their steroid use and the most embarrassing thing they have witnessed in a gym.

  • Why does everything have CBD in it now?? (5:53)
  • Follow up on the spread of ‘Rhabdo’ cases in the medical field due to extreme workouts. (12:06)
  • Adam’s “Read, write and row” epic fail. How exercise and movement light up the whole brain and foster creativity. (19:33)
  • Sal the ‘Drama Queen’ and pissing off his daughter. (24:00)
  • How Butcher Box now has add-ons on top of your scheduled box. (26:15)
  • The Disneyland for Fitness, 49ers Fit Gym. (29:02)
  • Happy Tax Day! Here are some infuriating ways the Government spends your money. (36:00)
  • Why you should start your lift with a good negative, to get a good positive. How context matters. (38:40)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are signs of overtraining? (45:43)
  • #Quah question #2 – How come you guys are always preaching not train so hard and to always do the minimum amount necessary, yet when you tell stories of how you got to where you are you definitely were working out more than three times a week? If I want to be as jacked and successful as you, don’t I need to push the limit? (53:03)
  • #Quah question #3 – Why are all these Instagram famous lifters acting all high and mighty hitting PR’s but not being truthful with people about how they are getting where they are? Steroid use is at an all-time high. (1:03:28)
  • #Quah question #4 – What is the most embarrassing thing you have witnessed in a gym? (1:09:28)

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Apr 15, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin go into depth about cardio... the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to burning fat. What kind of cardio works best? How much cardio is ideal? Is there ever a time you should avoid cardio? All of these questions are answered so that you can get the maximum efficiency and benefit from your workouts.

  • What needs to happen for your body to be able to tap into its stored energy (aka body fat)? (6:37)
  • The dangerous ‘rat race’ we get ourselves into in regards to calorie intake and excess cardio. (7:58)
  • What determines if something is cardio or resistance training? (12:50)
  • The benefits of cardiovascular activity. (14:25)
  • The different types of cardio and the pros/cons of each: (20:10)
    • HIIT (High-intensity interval training). (21:06)
    • LIIS (Low-intensity steady-state cardio). (30:08)
    • Not doing any cardio at all, yet doing proper resistance training. (44:08)
  • The Mind Pump cardio prescription. (56:54)

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Apr 13, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to build the abs in order to see them at a higher body fat percentage, whether lifting weights is too much for a sedentary person getting started with fitness, going from high volume training to low volume training, and reaching fitness goals while struggling with an eating disorder.

  • Getting rewarded for living a healthy lifestyle with ‘Health IQ’. (3:30)
  • Mind Pump reinstating their opinion on CrossFit after the Dana Bailey health scare. (6:44)
  • Sal on a recent episode of ‘Iron Crew Podcast’ and tells a story he has tried to forget. (20:37)
  • Netflix sued by 'Choose Your Own Adventure' book publisher over 'Black Mirror: Bandersnatch'. (26:11)
  • Tarantulas on a plane!! The black market for exotic creatures. (27:59)
  • Feds charge 2 dozen in billion dollar Medicare brace scam. (34:46)
  • Adam continuing the stir the ‘mastermind’ pot. (39:02)
  • #Quah question #1 - How can I build the size of my abs in order to see them at a higher body fat percentage? (43:13)
  • #Quah question #2 – For someone who goes from a sedentary lifestyle to wanting to be active, is lifting weights right off the bat too much for the body? Should the person ease into weightlifting with bodyweight exercises first? (52:26)
  • #Quah question #3 – Is it a good idea to go from high volume training to low volume training? Are there benefits to it? (58:30)
  • #Quah question #4 – Do you guys think it’s possible to reach a fitness goal while struggling with an eating disorder or do have to address the eating disorder first? Do you think that people who have had a history of eating disorders can ever reach a normal weight and mindset towards food and body image? (1:03:01)

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Apr 12, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the most over-used, least effective movements in the gym, how to improve the mind to muscle connection, if when sick or getting sick it is better to push through and work out to boost the immune system or just take it easy, and Sal and Justin's #1 piece of advice regarding fatherhood for Adam.

  • Mind Pump living the brand: How Sal uses cordyceps, from Four Sigmatic, for ultimate performance in the gym, which adaptogen to use for a given situation, unique ways to use the Organifi plant protein powder & MORE. (4:52)
  • Arya Saffaie takes the sword! The guys talk about his latest first place win + the ultimate home security weapon. (10:16)
  • The new pet at the Di Stefano household: Giving your child responsibility and purpose. (17:31)
  • The importance of doing mobility to keep from feeling stiff and rigid. The amazing potential of the body to adapt. (23:47)
  • The ‘space race’ between Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. What should the average consumer look for and what challenges will they face in the future? (31:33)
  • McDonald's $300 million tech deal, the future of automation and how minimum wage laws are terrible for the disenfranchised. (45:00)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are the most over-used, least effective movements in the gym? (53:15)
  • #Quah question #2 - How do you improve the mind to muscle connection? (1:06:54)
  • #Quah question #3 – If you’re sick or getting sick it is better to push through and work out to boost the immune system or just take it easy? (1:15:38)
  • #Quah question #4 – What is your #1 piece of advice regarding fatherhood for Adam? (1:23:51)

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Apr 11, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam, and Justin speak with Hal Elrod. Hal has an incredible story. Hit head-on by a drunk driver at age 20, he actually died, his heart stopping for 6 minutes. When he woke from his coma he was told by doctors that he would never walk again.

Hal did walk again and wrote the bestselling book The Miracle Morning and became one of the highest rated keynote speakers in America.

Then he nearly died again in 2016. With his kidneys, lungs, and heart on the verge of failing, he was diagnosed with a very rare and aggressive form of cancer.

Defying the odds, he is now cancer free and has written a new book, The Miracle Equation which is now available for pre-order. By purchasing his book and sending the receipt to you will receive valuable training bonuses that Hal has created exclusively for this book launch.

Also, check out his podcast Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod.

  • Escaping death 3 times! The car accident that changed his life. (4:09)
  • Living by the 5 minute rule. (13:25)
  • Did having this attitude speed up his healing process? (20:57)
  • How we have the ability to learn from any ‘tough’ situation. (24:05)
  • Which situation was more difficult to come back from? (26:59)
  • Making peace with the worst case scenario. (33:33)
  • The backstory behind the making of the ‘Miracle Morning’ and ‘Miracle Equation’. (36:43)
  • How it only takes 5 minutes to become a morning person. (42:43)
  • Creating your ‘Miracle Morning’. (47:17)
  • The 6 S.A.V.E.R.S. to fit your lifestyle and achieve your goals. (57:35)
  • Tangible takeaways from the ‘Miracle Equation’. (1:05:20)
  • What has the ride been like from the success of the book? (1:21:02)
  • Was his unwavering faith ever challenged during this process? (1:26:28)
  • How we create our reality from our thoughts and feelings. (1:31:15)
  • Any spiritual or religious practices in his family? (1:37:15)
  • What does he think of our society today? (1:39:47)
  • Living by being the example to his kids. (1:41:50)
  • Have his kids taught him any life lessons? (1:45:10)

Featured Guest/People Mentioned

  • Hal Elrod (@hal_elrod)  Instagram
  • Website
  • Podcast
  • Dr. Joe Dispenza (@drjoedispenza)  Instagram
  • Jim Rohn Official (@OfficialJimRohn)  Twitter
  • JJ Virgin (  Instagram
  • Pat Flynn (@patflynn)  Instagram
  • Joe Rogan (@joerogan) • Instagram
  • Jordan Harbinger (@jordanharbinger) • Instagram

Related Links/Products Mentioned

Apr 10, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about breaking through plateaus by manipulating reps or exercises, how meditation can help gains in the gym, the benefits of cycling on & off creatine and changing clients with unhealthy behaviors.

  • Keep your friends close and enemies closer…Sal visits Lulu lemon decked out in Vuori. The importance of being picky with the people you chose to do business with. (3:59)
  • The Bezos divorce settlement is the biggest in history. (9:48)
  • More trouble in Hollywood land…Writers Guild vs. agents, Netflix vs. Disney & MORE. (13:06)
  • Knowledge vs. experience and the importance of knowing the context when it comes to reading studies. (29:47)
  • Updates on Catrina’s pregnancy. (39:48)
  • #Quah question #1 – To break through a plateau in my training, should I change up the exercises I’m doing or reps? (44:58)
  • #Quah question #2 – How can meditation help your gains in the gym? (51:50)
  • #Quah question #3 - Is it best to cycle on and off creatine? If so, with what consistency? (1:01:49)
  • #Quah question #4 - What was one of the most unhealthy behaviors of a client of yours? How did you help them change it and were you successful in maintaining the change? (1:08:36)

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Apr 8, 2019

In this entertaining episode, Sal, Adam and Justin talk with retired comedian Lisa Lampanelli. Lisa has had a 30+ year career and was known for her edgy, insult comedy. She has roasted well known celebrities including Chevy Chase, Pamela Anderson, William Shatner and even Donald Trump. Her comedy album "Back to the Drawing Board" was nominated for Best Comedy Album at the 58th Annual Grammy Awards. She has appeared in numerous movies, been a contestant on The Celebrity Apprentice and appeared on the Tonight Show. She announced her retirement from comedy in 2018 on the Howard Stern Show.  Lisa is now a life coach, storyteller and workshop leader. You can learn more about Lisa at

  • The ‘San Jose Nightmare’ show explained. (3:54)
  • Why you should get out of things before you ‘hate’ them. (7:38)
  • What does she think of the current political climate? (9:40)
  • The ‘dark side’ of comedy. (10:34)
  • What was the impetus that got her to lose all the weight? Why you have to feel it to heal it. (12:52)
  • Her transformation into life coaching. (15:19)
  • Does she find her skills as a comedian come in handy now? (18:12)
  • Why your ideal client shows up as a version of your younger self. The challenges she has faced as a coach so far. (19:12)
  • Her ‘no filter’ mentality. (22:25)
  • The evolution of her comedy style. Why you can’t be all things for all people. (26:42)
  • What was the peak of her stand up career? (28:35)
  • What is the weirdest encounter she has had with a celebrity? (29:29)
  • Does she have a spiritual practice? (33:41)
  • Did she have to ‘get ready’ before a show? The favorite show she ever did? (35:38)
  • How family is the priority. (38:06)
  • What makes her nervous or scared? (39:40)
  • Don’t try to be someone you’re not. (42:00)
  • How Donald Trump saved her life. (44:46)
  • Why nothing happens TO us, it happens FOR us. (46:50)
  • How watching stand up is like doing homework. (48:40)
  • That one-time Mind Pump stood up a guest. (50:45)
  • Why all jokes need a punchline + the art of ‘giving’ laughs instead of ‘receiving’ them. (52:50)
  • Has she coached any young comics? (55:15)
  • Start saying YES to things that make you happy! (56:40)

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Apr 6, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the benefits of quick gym sessions, maintaining gains after discontinuing steroid use, techniques to sell personal training and one thing they firmly believe to be true that everyone disagrees with.

  • The guys of Mind Pump aging with grace. (3:42)
  • The massive growth of the ‘influencer’ space and potential backlash. How just because someone has 1 million followers doesn’t mean they provide value or have real power. (10:42)
  • The wild wild west of advertising online. (22:33)
  • Is diet more important than exercise for maintaining weight loss? New study weighs in. (25:30)
  • Sal’s ‘high-rep’ deadlift workout + getting caught up in ‘ego’ lifting. (28:26)
  • Do you have limited space and want to work out at home?? Time to look into getting a PRx Performance kit. (34:03)
  • The benefits of using machines to connect to your muscles. (36:21)
  • Updates on Catrina’s pregnancy. (41:43)
  • #Quah question #1 – What movements do you lean towards on days when you only have enough time for a quick gym session? (45:36)
  • #Quah question #2 – If dosed properly with a ligament post cycle, can gains with steroids be maintained without continuous use of steroids? (58:35)
  • #Quah question #3 - During your last visit to Red Dot Fitness regarding sales, what piece of information provided the greatest impact on the audience? (1:12:45)
  • #Quah question #4 – What is one thing you firmly believe to be true that everyone disagrees with you on? (1:24:11)

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Apr 5, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the value of decline presses to lift the breasts, whether foods like Halo Top give people an excuse to overeat and create a bad relationship with food, the benefits of massage therapy for training, mentality and recovery and their immediate first impression of the other 3 mind pump partners.

  • Is there truly a market out there for breast milk? Plus, the theory behind women with large breasts. (4:43)
  • Mind Pump checks themselves on their definition of ‘powerbuilding’. (9:39)
  • Red light therapy for muscle growth and peak physical performance using Joovv. (16:18)
  • How Sal uses the ‘gold juice’ from Organifi to recover from a hard workout. (20:56)
  • The internet needs new rules and Mark Zuckerberg wants to write them. How less liberty does not equal more safety. (22:16)
  • The NEW and IMPROVED Mind Pump Media website + the updated ‘30 Days of Coaching’. (29:30)
  • Marvel breaks the internet!! Why Disney will be the company to take down Netflix. (33:17)
  • Justice Department Warns Academy Over Potential Oscar Rule Changes Threatening Netflix. (38:37)
  • Media multitasking is associated with a higher risk for obesity and increased responsiveness to rewarding food stimuli. (40:11)
  • #Quah question #1 – My chiropractor told me to stop doing straight bar flat bench because it’s terrible for shoulders and being a woman it wouldn’t build my chest muscles. He told me if I had to bench to use the decline bench and it would hit my underboob muscles and give me a lift. Is he full of shit? (42:34)
  • #Quah question #2 - Do you think foods like Halo Top give people an excuse to overeat and create a bad relationship with food? (50:05)
  • #Quah question #3 – What are the benefits of massage therapy for training, mentality, and recovery? How often should you get a massage? What kind of massage? And what to look for in a massage therapist? (59:20)
  • #Quah question #4 – What was your immediate first impression of the other 3 Mind Pump partners? Can you think of something they have done since that has solidified that impression or broken that impression? (1:08:57)

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Apr 4, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak with Jim Kwik, a world expert in speed-reading, memory improvement, and optimal brain performance. Having worked with A-List celebrities and billionaires, Jim entertains and educates with a steady stream of fascinating anecdotes while providing actionable techniques you can take away to immediately improve the function of your brain.

  • Must listen: Jordan Harbinger podcast episode with Clint Watts. (2:21)
  • How your phone is messing with your mind: The 4 ‘digital demon’ challenges we face today. (4:36)
  • Jim’s ‘superhero’ origin story: The boy with the broken brain. (22:40)
  • How questions are the answers: The 3 questions you should be asking yourself. (54:51)
  • The D.R.E.A.M.S. acronym explained. (1:07:28)
  • Has he had any ‘ah-ha’ moments from his dreams? (1:22:49)
  • What was the most impactful thing he has learned from the celebrities he has worked with? (1:26:55)
  • The 10 things you should do to ‘jump start’ your brain. (1:30:50)
  • Why the same level of thinking that caused your problems won’t solve your problems. (1:39:33)
  • Information combined with emotion helps you remember. [2 minute memory exercise on neuro-nutrition] (1:48:40)
  • The 10 keys to unlock your ‘Kwik’ brain. [Exercise to give a Ted Talk] (2:01:05)

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Apr 3, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the pros & cons of training with a weighted vest, the benefit to mixing powerlifting with bodybuilding, the diet trend that has had the most adverse effect on society and their Enneagram type.

  • Why Justin is a water ‘snob’. (5:54)
  • Recap: Mind Pump Episode 1000 Extravaganza! (8:09)
  • Justin takes the family to an air show. (11:30)
  • Daily use of high potency marijuana linked to higher rates of psychosis, study finds. (18:42)
  • How NED stands out above the rest when it comes to the quality of CBD. (23:03)
  • Walgreens to sell CBD products in 1,500 stores. (25:02)
  • Mind Pump recommends Unsolved on Netflix: The ‘Golden Era’ of rap. (27:27)
  • Ben Pakulski and the carnivore diet: The case of just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. (34:55)
  • The overall price comparison and benefits of Butcher Box. (39:15)
  • Spring cleaning at the Schafer household. (43:35)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are the pros & cons of training with a weighted vest? (55:13)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are your opinions on powerbuilding? Do you think it’s beneficial to mix powerlifting with bodybuilding? (1:01:45)
  • #Quah question #3 – Which diet trend do you think has had the worst adverse effect on society? (1:06:56)
  • #Quah question #4 – What is each person’s ‘Enneagram type’? (1:19:24)

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Apr 1, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin are joined by a live studio audience for a special 1,000th episode event. Starting with their usual banter they discuss Justin's Thunderbird flight (how many G's did he pull and did he puke???), current events and a walk down Mind Pump's memory lane. Then they take 14 questions from the audience for a robust Quah, covering all manner of topics such as what is in store for Mind Pump, surprising benefits from starting the podcast, the legacy they would like to leave and many more.

  • Justin tells all about his F-16 fighter jet experience. (4:50)
  • California couple finds a hidden camera in their Airbnb rental. The disruptive nature of the share economy. (29:17)
  • Man awarded $80M in the lawsuit claiming Roundup causes cancer. (34:30)
  • 2 new limited edition Reese's peanut butter cups coming + Cardinals to incorporate 'phone breaks' in meetings. (36:50)
  • Facebook is developing a cryptocurrency for WhatsApp transfers, sources say. (40:05)
  • Man stole $122m from Facebook and Google by sending them random bills, which the companies dutifully paid. (41:41)
  • Preparing for dad life…Adam’s new purchase, a water rower. (43:00)
  • Reminiscing over 1000 episodes! (47:05)
  • #Quah question #1 – If you guys were to be on a Ted Talk to talk about something you are extremely passionate about, what would it be? (50:25)
  • #Quah question #2 – What’s a skill you wished you developed in your early 20s? (57:45)
  • #Quah question #3 – What has been the most unexpected outcome from having a successful podcast that you wouldn’t have believed before? (1:05:25)
  • #Quah question #4 – How do you create a MAPS program for yourself without paying someone to create one for you? (1:11:33)
  • #Quah question #5 – If you guys were to accomplish the current mission, how would the business continue on and add value to people’s lives? (1:18:36)
  • #Quah question #6 – Who had the greatest impact on your lives? (1:23:25)
  • #Quah question #7 – How do you want to be remembered? (1:36:12)
  • #Quah question #8 – Do you think people will ever make the switch from only caring about aesthetics to general health? (1:44:00)
  • #Quah question #9 – How do you prevent spreading yourself too thin and how do you decide what platform is best for your voice? (1:51:54)
  • #Quah question #10 – What excites you guys most about the next 1000 episodes? (1:58:37)
  • #Quah question #11 – In the future do you think that personal trainers in person will be more of a thing or will A.I. take over? (2:03:35)
  • #Quah question #12 – What is your advice to trainers who have clients who don’t care about their health and much as they do? (2:11:10)
  • #Quah question #13 – What is a difficult situation you have gone through that you are now grateful for? (2:19:24)
  • #Quah question #14 – What are some of your biggest fears and how have you been able to overcome and face them? (2:31:07)

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