In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin discuss how to drop to a single-digit body fat percentage.
- The difference between being in “shape” and being “shredded.” (2:24)
- Why Mind Pump doesn’t recommend this for MOST people. (8:38)
- Eleven Steps to a Single Digit Body Fat Percentage.
- #1 - Recognize it’s temporary (or suffer the consequences/have a back-out plan). (10:19)
- #2 - Become obsessively consistent (1% gain from 5% is obvious versus from 12%) tracking. (17:45)
- #3 - Cycle carbs (non-essential). (22:37)
- #4 - Protein must stay high. (26:35)
- #5 - Lift weights for strength not “burning.” (31:24)
- #6 - Avoid cardio until it’s necessary. (39:43)
- #7 - Learn to live with hunger. (43:53)
- #8 - Sleep and stress must be perfect. (46:18)
- #9 - Don’t let water changes freak you out. (49:44)
- #10 - The scale lies. (53:12)
- #11 - Supplements become more important. (55:55)
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