In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom.
- Mind Pump Fit Tip: The THREE most important components of getting a GOOD PUMP: WATER, SALT, and CARBS. (2:51)
- Body by cheese! (6:24)
- The guy's favorite and least favorite classes in high school. (9:15)
- Making the case that the student loan system should be market-based. (16:16)
- Rambo couldn’t save her. (20:40)
- Dad life updates with the guys: Going out to dinner with children, manifesting good traits into your child, and showing love. (23:25)
- The benefits of collagen protein if you lift heavy. (29:36)
- Scientists claim to have learned the secret to successful flirting. (35:24)
- The value in taking NED’s hemp oil before your next mobility session. (42:18)
- Big Pharma is taking over your TV. (47:42)
- #ListenerLive question #1 - Any suggestions on workouts or a MAPS program that would be best while distressing? (51:11)
- #ListenerLive question #2 - Could overtraining be the main cause of not regaining lean body mass and progressing in my workouts? (1:00:14)
- #ListenerLive question #3 - How should I program my workouts to maintain my gains post-baby? (1:10:59)
- #ListenerLive question #4 - What can I do to compensate for gaining body fat, for my less demanding job? (1:21:43)
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