
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at
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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth













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Now displaying: June, 2019
Jun 29, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about tracking food intake vs. intuitively eating to cut or bulk, the pros & cons of protective gear such as knee wraps or sleeves, what to do about mental blocks when attempting to lift a heavy weight and how to deal with depression.

  • Mind Pump out of the office: Adam’s ‘Baby Wedding’, Justin heads to Palm Desert and Sal to visit Yellowstone. (3:50)
  • Mind Pump Live tickets selling fast! Get yours today! (16:27)
  • A real-life horror story: Chernobyl. (17:12)
  • Mind Pump recommends Agatha Christie's The ABC Murders on Amazon Prime. (22:21)
  • Don’t call it a comeback...Toys ‘R’ Us is back from the dead! (23:51)
  • How the ChiliPad ‘Ooler’ has been helping Justin and Adam sleep better in more ways than one. (27:53)
  • Did hyenas live in Canada's Arctic during the last Ice Age? (34:25)
  • The chemistry is real: Warriors’ Andre Iguodala reads aloud a hilarious story about Klay Thompson from his new book. (36:28)
  • #Quah question #1 – You guys talk about intuitive eating. If you want to do a cut to lose body fat or spend time in a surplus to gain some muscle, would you go back to tracking intake or just consciously reduce or add food? (39:14)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are your thoughts on protective gear such as elbow, knee wraps or sleeves? For me, specifically, I’ve had an ACL and meniscus tear and feel the compression really helps when I get to my working sets for squatting. (47:04)
  • #Quah question #3 – What advice do you have for mental blocks during a lift? I get in my own head on heavy squats and tend to psyche myself out of the lift. (52:52)
  • #Quah question #4 – Have you ever thought you may have dealt with depression, but were never really sure? If so, what was it like for you? How was it to work and train with people who are suffering from depression? (58:07)

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Jun 28, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to know if you are experiencing inflammation, the best routines for squats and deadlifts, advice for moms worried about sagging tummy skin, Mind Pump's plan for evolving the podcast in the future.

  • Mind Pump’s thoughts on energy drink brands, supplements and what they “claim” to do. (4:40)
  • Should a dress code be required at schools or not? The guys talk parenting, girls becoming young women, the influence kids have on each other & MORE. (14:40)
  • Are trees really talking to each other using an internet of fungus??!! (28:53)
  • How the Chaga mushroom has anti-inflammatory properties for the gut. (31:25)
  • What is the point?! KFC plans to introduce ‘vegan chicken burgers’ in the US. (35:20)
  • True or False: The George Lucas Star Wars plot that didn’t come to be for episodes 7-9. (37:00)
  • Mind Pump top dream guests revealed. (39:45)
  • #Quah question #1 – How do you know if you're experiencing inflammation? What does inflammation really look like? (43:11)
  • #Quah question #2 – Which of the following routines is best for squats, deadlifts, etc.: Working up to your heavy weight or starting with your heaviest weight? (52:39)
  • #Quah question #3 – Any advice for mom’s worried about sagging tummy skin? Is there anything I can do to help or is surgery my only option? (57:20)
  • #Quah question #4 – How do you plan on evolving the podcast in the future? (1:05:06)

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Jun 27, 2019

Ep. 1062: Get Strong... Look Better Naked

  • How strongman training can benefit YOU. (1:58)
  • The differences between strength that is usable in the real world vs. the kind of strength that is not applicable. (3:41)
  • The ‘novel’ strongman exercises that people don’t do anymore. Why not all exercises are created equal. (9:30)
  • The misconceptions surrounding these exercises. Why the only way to grow is to change. (20:33)
  • MAPS Strong break down, The phases involved, equipment needed, work sessions & MORE. (28:57)
  • Who is MAPS Strong for? (43:35)

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Jun 26, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about using wall-sits to rehab an injury or fix an imbalance, why hunger goes up after a MAPS Anabolic foundational workout, slow controlled repetitions vs using some momentum for muscle growth, and the pros and cons of rucking or weighted backpack walking.


  • Hear how Sal applies the ‘sober test’ to the guys. (5:05)
  • The ‘supergroup’ is back together: The guys share the fallout from their group workout + PRx continuing to shock the guys with their newest products. (14:02)
  • Why MOST supplements don’t do a whole lot. (22:20)
  • Is a babies' temperament linked to their gut bacteria? (25:28)
  • Artists of the past touring the country as holograms?? The evolution of AI and entertainment. (26:33)
  • Update on the strange times surrounding Tony Robbins. (32:13)
  • Random facts with Mind Pump: Were some of our former presidents' badasses?? (34:13)
  • The current and troubled past of US/Iran relations. Why war is NOT good for an economy. (39:01)
  • #Quah question #1 – Thoughts on wall-sits when trying to rehab an injury or fix an imbalance? (44:25)
  • #Quah question #2 – I have been noticing the day post a MAPS Anabolic foundational session, my hunger goes through the roof. Is that a signal that I should increase my calories through healthy foods and undulate the rest of the week? (52:30)
  • #Quah question #3 – What builds more muscle, slow controlled movements or weight moved with some momentum? (58:40)
  • #Quah question #4 – What is your take on ‘rucking’ or weighted backpack walking? (1:07:33)

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Jun 24, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam, and Justin speak with Stephanie Greunke of the Whole Mamas Podcast about health and nutrition pre, mid and post pregnancy.

  • Why she created the Whole Mamas Club? (2:40)
  • The misinformation surrounding pregnancy in our current culture. (5:21)
  • How we are NOT eating in a way that is optimal for our health and fertility. (7:52)
  • What are the common nutrition issues, she sees, with women NOT able to get pregnant? (10:14)
  • What foods support healthy pre-conception pregnancy and post-partum? (12:00)
  • The first trimester: What to look out for and expect. (16:54)
  • The importance of sunlight pre and post pregnancy. (19:22)
  • Why you SHOULD exercise while pregnant. (21:19)
  • The fears surrounding birth. (27:47)
  • The microbiome, probiotics, and birth. (35:19)
  • The changes of nutrition pre, during and post pregnancy + the mysteries surrounding cravings. (38:35)
  • Why she is an advocate of ‘maternal mental health’. (44:45)
  • The ‘Four R Approach’ to mental health post-partum. (48:23)
  • What can you do to set yourself up for success pre-baby? (54:40)
  • Exercise recommendations post-partum. (58:34)
  • The benefits and struggles surrounding breastfeeding + alternatives to breastmilk. (1:01:42)
  • What are the best things a father can do to support this process? (1:12:44)
  • Gestational diabetes and when/what to test for. (1:14:45)

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Jun 22, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about tips for eating healthy at restaurants, balancing training and being a great dad, living up to the image fans have of them and the sport they wished they had played.

  • Sal is ‘well dressed’, thank you Vuroi. (4:07)
  • What is Mind Pump’s ‘bread and butter’ when it comes to training? + The power of being comfortable in your own skin. (7:54)
  • How Justin is challenging Skinny Dipped. (17:50)
  • What drives the guys crazy? (20:30)
  • Should people pay for things they said/wrote when they were kids? (23:53)
  • Mind Pump recommends. (35:35)
  • Over $1 billion worth of cocaine seized at Philadelphia port. (40:18)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are some tips for eating healthy at restaurants? (44:01)
  • #Quah question #2 – How do you balance training and being a great dad? I struggle with crazy guilt if I miss any of my 4-year old's life to train. (57:06)
  • #Quah question #3 – Do you find it hard to live up to the image your listeners have of you? (1:03:26)
  • #Quah question #4 – What sport do you wish you would have gotten into growing up? (1:11:24)

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Chad Wesley Smith (@chadwesleysmith)  Instagram

Jun 21, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the best rest time in between sets for building muscle, what to do if you wake up with a kink in your neck or sore shoulders, how to tell whether a study is BS or not, and if the NBA should implement measures to limit injuries like Kevin Durant's and Klay Thompson's at the end of the season.

  • Mind Pump tells all! Old and current significant others beware. (4:38)
  • Once you go Felix Gray, you can’t go back. (10:18)
  • Summer is here, it’s grilling season! Time to stock up that Butcher Box inventory. (16:32)
  • Justin is looking for some ‘quality meat’ for the MAPS Programs & MORE. Slide into the DM’s if you live and breathe fitness. (21:00)
  • Calling all male physique athletes and aspiring competitors: STOP it with the supplements! (23:00)
  • How chronic inflammation makes you less motivated. (34:23)
  • The importance of changing the atmosphere. Updates on the guy's current fitness programming. (36:04)
  • Scientists have developed an ingenious way to convert blood into a universal donor type. (40:45)
  • Facebook introduces Project Libra: The future is here! (42:56)
  • #Quah question #1 – What is the best rest time in between sets for building muscle? (46:43)
  • #Quah question #2 – If you wake up with a kink in your neck or sore shoulders, is it ok to prime and workout through the soreness? If the soreness is turning into pain, is it better to stop? (53:21)
  • #Quah question #3 – How can you tell whether a study is BS or not? With so many contradictory studies, how can you tell what to believe? (1:02:31)
  • #Quah question #4 – With both Kevin Durant and Klay Thompson going down with serious injuries at about the same time at the end of the season, do you think these injuries are due to overuse and lack of recovery? Do you think the NBA could or should put measures on these things from happening such as shorter playing seasons, etc.? (1:11:49)

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Jun 20, 2019

In this episode of Mind Pump, Sal, Adam and Justin discuss strength... what it is, why it's important and how to build it.

  • Why is strength an important thing? (1:20)
  • The different types of strength. (4:22)
  • What does it mean to be STRONG? (8:24)
  • The importance of the central nervous system to maximize strength and skill. (13:37)
  • Ways to get STRONGER. (24:16)
  • Doing the RIGHT exercises to get stronger. (30:03)
  • How mobility gets confused with flexibility. (37:45)
  • The proper diet for strength. (39:30)
  • Reasons why you are NOT getting stronger. (40:55)

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Jun 19, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about which builds more strength and muscle... locking out reps or keeping some flex to keep tension on the muscles, the importance of the mind-muscle connection for hypertrophy, the benefits of lifting unwieldy items like heavy bags or heavy slam balls compared to traditional barbells, and doing daily work on a muscle group to help with development.

  • Mind Pump ‘Pop Culture’ Hour: How a GOOD movie will really affect you. (5:32)
  • Anytime Fitness' body-shaming email is under fire. Is this ‘outrage culture’ going too far? (12:40)
  • The cannabinoid ‘Entourage Effect’ explained, how NED stands out above the rest & MORE. (17:40)
  • Mind Pump Live updates. (26:28)
  • Mind Pump Kitchen ‘Organifi Brownies’ recipe. (30:05)
  • Father’s Day weekend recap. (31:24)
  • Netflix steps into the video game market: Smart move or not? (38:01)
  • Why ‘new media’ is positioning itself to be the dominant form of how people view content. (46:13)
  • #Quah question #1 – For exercises like a dumbbell bench press is it better to lock out your reps or keep constant tension on the pecs? My intention is overall strength and muscle gains. (50:37)
  • #Quah question #2 – How important is the mind-muscle connection for hypertrophy? (56:55)
  • #Quah question #3 – Can you explain the benefits of lifting more unwieldy items like heavy bags or heavy slam balls, compared to traditional barbells that are easier to grip? Can one achieve as much strength and muscle gain maneuvering as a 50 lb. barbell vs. a 50 lb. slam ball? (1:05:55)
  • #Quah question #4 – Do you suggest doing daily work on a muscle group, such as daily core work, to help with development? (1:15:25)

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Jun 17, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam, and Justin talk with Krista Williams & Lindsey Simcik of the Almost 30 podcast.

  • The story of Almost 30: Live on tour. (2:26)
  • What have they learned in the space since coming in? (7:39)
  • Growing pains of scaling a business. (11:16)
  • What have been ‘pivotal’ moments in their business? (13:15)
  • Social media do’s and don'ts to stay authentic to your brand. (15:30)
  • What are the biggest mistakes they have made in their business? (26:48)
  • Why you shouldn’t ‘pick up the brick’ when it comes to the current cancel culture. (30:50)
  • Have they had controversial guests on their show? (39:22)
  • Women vs. Men dynamics. (44:00)
  • The evolution of their podcast. (48:35)
  • The struggles of keeping their relationships ‘private’ having a successful podcast. (51:28)
  • The challenges of being a ‘successful’ woman dating in this current climate: Tapping into your feminine/masculine traits. (59:18)
  • Almost 30 on their ayahuasca experiences. (1:06:58)
  • The growing opportunities a podcast provides you. (1:11:24)
  • The most recent takeaways they have taken from their guest(s). (1:13:45)
  • The future of Almost 30. (1:23:02)

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Jun 15, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about BCAAs and whether they are necessary when eating a high protein diet, the impact a weight belt has on lower back health, whether kids need to snack constantly and advice to a new trainer as they start their health and fitness career.

  • Adam & Catrina’s MASSIVE upcoming baby shower, wedding talk, the need to have a party for everything, being responsible with your money & MORE. (6:01)
  • Justin speaks on why he visited the ‘movement wizard’ Dr. Justin Brink. (22:55)
  • The guys speak on the ‘devastating’ injury to Kevin Durant. How these athletes are signing up to sacrifice their body. (30:10)
  • The history of ‘red light’ therapy and its importance with your recovery. (37:57)
  • The potential implications of these ‘deepfake’ videos. (42:26)
  • Mind Pump Recommends Black Godfather on Netflix. (53:22)
  • The earliest evidence for cannabis smoking discovered in ancient tombs. (55:00)
  • Justin Bieber back peddles on the proposed MMA fight with Tom Cruise. (1:01:40)
  • #Quah question #1 – Is using BCAAs and amino acid supplements in a high protein diet a waste of money or still beneficial? (1:05:32)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are your thoughts on wearing a lifting belt every time when lifting heavy? Can it make the lower back weaker or does it actually protect against injury? (1:17:39)
  • #Quah question #3 – Do kids actually need to be snacking constantly or is that just what the kid snack industry wants us to think? (1:25:59)
  • #Quah question #4 – What advice would you give to a new trainer as they start their health and fitness career? (1:33:34)

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Jun 14, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about influencers and bodybuilders who use body part splits instead of whole body workouts, the best way to stop bingeing, how alcohol affects workouts, and if they would ever do a powerlifting competition.

  • Mind Pump: Preparing you for the end of the world. (5:07)
  • Mind Pump’s newest sponsor providing the audience their BEST night's sleep, ChiliPad. (10:17)
  • The myths surrounding the percentage of marriages that end in divorce. (18:45)
  • ‘Mukbang’ the new YouTube sensation! (30:28)
  • How Spotify pursues emotional surveillance for global profit. Going down the rabbit hole of the future of marketing/advertising with Mind Pump. (34:05)
  • Beverly Hills becomes the first U.S. city to ban tobacco sales. (44:30)
  • The importance of taking sleep seriously and testing your levels when it comes to your gains. (48:10)
  • At what point will eating fish not be considered healthy? Monterey Bay littered with tiny plastic pieces, a new study finds. (52:57)
  • Mind Pump pop culture hour. (55:14)
  • #Quah question #1 – You have talked about why whole-body workouts tend to be superior to splits, but it seems all the influencers and bodybuilders on social media utilize a body part split and look amazing. Can you speak to this? I am someone wants to transform my body. (1:00:05)
  • #Quah question #2 – What's the best way to stop or help with a pretty bad bingeing problem? My relationship with food has been so bad for so long, I just can’t seem to figure out how to fix it. (1:11:58)
  • #Quah question #3 – How does alcohol affect your gym routine? (1:24:01)
  • #Quah question #4 - Would you guys ever do a powerlifting competition? Why or why a not? (1:33:27)

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Jun 13, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin talk about fasting, what it is, how it has become mainstream, the benefits of fasting, the downsides of fasting and in particular how fasting may, in fact, be contributing to accumulating excess body fat.

  • How fasting has become the new “diet”. (2:35)
  • The evolution of fasting + the different types of ‘fasts’. (4:39)
  • The benefits of going without food. (11:10)
  • Why fasting may be making you fat. (31:55)
  • Mind Pump Recommends: Who is fasting FOR? How LONG should the fast be? (50:11)
  • The RIGHT way to do a fast. (54:09)

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Jun 12, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the benefits of one rep maxes, frequent small meals vs infrequent large meals, what it means to be strong beyond just the physical component, and how to find your purpose in life.

  • Recap of the live event in Manhattan Beach, competitive team time, getting caught in a vortex & MORE. (6:30)
  • How Four Sigmatic is crushing it! (19:11)
  • Public opinion vs. reality: Fair Oaks Farms animal abuse scandal explained. (23:25)
  • Organifi, a great place to work. (33:50)
  • The next big UFC fight: Justin Bieber calls out Tom Cruise. (36:37)
  • It's official: NASA is opening the International Space Station to tourists. (38:56)
  • Study: Exercise as the primary treatment if you have a mental disorder. (42:42)
  • Study shows how the nervous system can transmit information across multiple generations. (48:15)
  • #Quah question #1 – How do you guys feel about one rep maxes for yourself and for your clients? I’m into powerlifting and strongman so I see them as necessary, but what about for overall health? (51:04)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are the benefits of having smaller meals throughout the day vs large less frequent meals? Or is it just a personal preference? (1:00:34)
  • #Quah question #3 - What does it mean to be a strong man to you? What does it mean to be a strong woman beyond just the physical component? (1:08:46)
  • #Quah question #4 – What would you guys suggest for someone to find their purpose in life? (1:20:11)

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Jun 10, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin talk with New York Times bestselling author or The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck and Everything is F*cked.

  • The receding threshold of pain and discomfort. (3:34)
  • You say you value something, but your actions tell a different story. (6:42)
  • Why he wrote a ‘pessimistic’ self help book. (9:35)
  • The paradox of choice. (14:21)
  • The importance of ‘god value’. (19:15)
  • Why are we becoming less religious? (24:55)
  • The better things get, the more ridiculous the things we get upset about. (29:05)
  • How do we inject struggle into our lives to find meaning? (31:17)
  • Defining what your values are. (34:30)
  • The coddling of the American mind. (42:07)
  • The value hierarchy. (45:24)
  • The importance of hearing both sides. (50:06)
  • Where did he derive his wisdom? (51:27)
  • The unexpected reactions from his books. (57:47)
  • How our perception of ourselves lags behind reality. (1:02:04)
  • The story of how he connected with Will Smith. (1:09:28)
  • What is his top value? (1:20:56)
  • The differences between a good and a bad podcast. (1:24:44)
  • His current biggest struggle. (1:27:30)
  • The evolution of fatherhood. (1:28:50)
  • What does someone buy who doesn’t give a shit about money? (1:32:47)
  • The coolest thing about being a famous author. (1:33:58)

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Jun 8, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about training intuitively vs. sticking 100% to a plan, training with suspension training systems, what to do if one side is engaging more than the other during compound exercises, and if all muscle is created equal.

  • How Sal has dethroned Justin for the most awkward handshake ever. (4:19)
  • Oakland, California, decriminalizes magic mushrooms and peyote. (10:38)
  • The façade of Instagram marketing. (14:54)
  • High school principal accused of copying Ashton Kutcher's Teen Choice Awards speech. (23:04)
  • What is surveillance capital and how does it affect you? (24:48)
  • Butcher Box brings back a crazy promotion!! (32:48)
  • Mind Pump traveling the country, get your tickets now! (38:24)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are your thoughts on training intuitively vs. sticking 100% to a plan? (39:59)
  • #Quah question #2 – Thoughts on training with suspension training systems? Is it a good tool to incorporate with strength training? (54:17)
  • #Quah question #3 – During compound exercises I feel one side engaging more than the other. Is there a way I can prevent this? (1:02:04)
  • #Quah question #4 - Is all muscle is created equal? Can a person with more compact muscle be stronger than someone built like a bodybuilder? (1:07:56)

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Jun 7, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the biggest difference between Prime and Prime Pro, how to get through the times you can’t access a lot of clean calories, making sure stretching doesn’t impede muscle growth, and how to best utilize 30 minute sessions as a trainer.

  • Suns out, legs out! The guys are starting to rock their Vuori shorts. (4:39)
  • Rolex giant Watches of Switzerland begins London IPO. (7:30)
  • Jay-Z: Hip hop’s first billionaire. (10:50)
  • Cryptocurrency pioneer pays $4.57m for lunch with Warren Buffett. (17:24)
  • Justin the hoarder: Certain ‘Skinny Dipped’ almond flavors seem to be disappearing at Mind Pump HQ. (19:39)
  • Considering the male disposability hypothesis. (21:20)
  • This is just the beginning…Parents given chance to use sperm from deceased son to produce male heir raises ethical concerns. (27:43)
  • How insecurities defy logic. (34:55)
  • #Quah question #1 – What’s the biggest difference between Prime and Prime Pro? If I get Prime Pro do I have a need for Prime. (46:54)
  • #Quah question #2 - How to get through the times when you can’t access a lot of clean calories due to bad planning or just unexpected life events? (1:00:04)
  • #Quah question #3 – As a former gymnast I value flexibility. I am only a few months into weight training and want to make sure my stretching doesn’t impede muscle growth. When is the best time to deep stretch? Before working out, after working out or on rest days? (1:08:00)
  • #Quah question #4 – Being an LA Fitness trainer we only work with 30-minute sessions and two times a week is most common. What would your game plan be with someone who is trying to lose weight or someone who is trying to gain strength? (1:13:02)

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Jun 6, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin break down what it takes to build a competition level body and what to keep in mind when deciding whether to compete or not.

  • What is the definition of a competitor? What does a competition body look like? (3:06)
  • The key attributes of a competitor. (7:39)
  • Should competing be called a ‘sport’? (15:43)
  • The pros and value of competition. (19:08)
  • The dark side of competing. (34:27)
  • Creating the avatar of the person who SHOULD compete. (1:04:58)

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Jun 5, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the kettlebell versions of Olympic lifts, a good way to strengthen bones, what to do when you get to the gym but don't feel like lifting, and what they would eat if they could eat anything with no consequence.

  • Should CBD be regulated? The recent FDA public hearing, companies like NED doing things the RIGHT way & MORE. (5:17)
  • 16-year-old girl faces child-porn charges for making a video of herself. Is this a parenting issue or should she bare all the responsibility? (16:40)
  • US government preparing potential investigation into Google over its monopoly on competition. (27:22)
  • Apple iTunes is shutting down. (31:32)
  • Sal joins the bandwagon and finally starts Game of Thrones! (33:42)
  • Mind Pump Recommends. (35:55)
  • Justin finds a new passion, the tough job of a comedian & MORE. (38:14)
  • Bring your son to workday at Mind Pump. (46:47)
  • #Quah question #1 – I know how you guys feel about Olympic lifts with a barbell. What are your thoughts on the kettlebell versions of those exercises? Is the barrier to entry lower form wise give them a place in peoples workouts? (50:59)
  • #Quah question #2 – What is a good way to strengthen bones? A personal trainer told me that I have low bone density according to one of those handheld devices and told me I should sprint. I don’t want to hurt myself and sprinting is a skill I don’t have. My grandma had osteoporosis, so it is something I do think about wanting to prevent. (1:00:22)
  • #Quah question #3 – If someone gets to the gym and they aren’t feeling it but want to get their lift on, what would you recommend? (1:06:31)
  • #Quah question #4 – Here’s the scenario: You have a day to eat whatever you want with no consequences. What do you each eat for each meal? (1:12:47)

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Jun 3, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak with Dr. Jolene Brighten, author of Beyond the Pill. Dr. Brighten is a leading expert in women's medicine and covers a number of topics in a fun and engaging way that not only affect women but the men in their lives as well.

  • How many women are using birth control? (3:30)
  • What symptoms are women being prescribed birth control for? (4:20)
  • Have we been misled when it comes to the pill? (6:30)
  • The impact of mate selection and the pill. (8:45)
  • Is there a correlation to women on birth control and autoimmune disease? (16:15)
  • How does birth control affect a women’s ability to gain muscle and burn body fat? (20:41)
  • How there is a time and a place for birth control: What can women do to reduce side effects? (30:28)
  • Diets and their impact on your body. (33:20)
  • What happens when you have women who are on birth control and statins? (44:55)
  • How did she get into the field of women’s health? (51:45)
  • The differences between the shot and the pill. (1:00:37)
  • The ‘decoder ring’ of a woman's hormonal cycle. (1:05:10)
  • Are there some birth control pills that are better than others? (1:09:27)
  • The 5 Fundamentals of the Brighten Protocol. (1:10:23)
  • The ‘411’ on endometriosis. (1:16:25)
  • How to work with the menstrual cycle to get gains. (1:20:49)
  • Negative self-talk and its impact on your health. (1:32:12)
  • The pros and cons of fertility awareness methods. (1:39:33)

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Jun 1, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about training clients to do pull-ups vs lat pulldowns, the difference between training volume and training intensity,  how to deal with cravings, and the benefits of DEXA scans.

  • Sal goes to Supercuts once again. (3:51)
  • Justin stirring the pot with his latest post on Jillian Michaels ‘kettlebell’ swing. (5:35)
  • How to GROW your arms using compound lifts rather than machines. (11:20)
  • How to use Kettle & Fire bone broth to enhance your meals and satisfy your gut in the process. (18:42)
  • Why Pokémon wants to ‘gamify’ your sleep. (21:50)
  • Are you all in or partially in? The high failure rate of second and third marriages. (24:45)
  • New Product Alert: ‘Glow’ from Organifi. (29:24)
  • The longevity effects of a ‘particular’ state of mind. (32:47)
  • How creatine IS a health supplement. (44:00)
  • #Quah question #1 – Do you teach clients to do pull-ups or do you keep them on the lat pulldown? (47:13)
  • #Quah question #2 – Training volume vs. training intensity, what is the difference? (54:37)
  • #Quah question #3 – After meals I want something else, usually a cookie dunked in peanut butter or a piece of dark chocolate or something similar. My husband says it’s because I eat too healthy of meals. Is this true? I feel like some people are so perfect and never need anything else. How do I get like that? (1:02:21)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are your opinions on DEXA scans? Good to track progress or waste of money? (1:08:51)

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