
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at
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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth













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Now displaying: January, 2020
Jan 31, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about chronic joint pain, whether you can build muscles you can't connect to, thoughts on the carnivore diet, and how often you should take diet breaks.

  • Why is Sal consuming black ant powder? (5:23)
  • Adam recommends SUPPS: The Movie on Amazon Prime Video. (9:37)
  • Protein powders and their quality throughout the years. (17:22)
  • Trigger sessions 101: The lost universal training technique. (23:06)
  • Gaining knowledge from Russian training techniques. (27:51)
  • Mind Pump on the season premiere of The Biggest Loser and the brilliant marketing of Planet Fitness. (28:53)
  • The origin story of the ‘Allstate Mayhem’ campaign. (44:56)
  • The growing trend of demonizing protein. (48:28)
  • #Quah question #1 – My joints always seem to be hurting. I work out 4-5 times a day, take fish oil and stay hydrated throughout the day. Am I doing something wrong? (54:10)
  • #Quah question #2 – Can you build muscles you can't connect to? (1:03:18)
  • #Quah question #3 – What are your thoughts on the carnivore diet and how long do you run it? (1:09:41)
  • #Quah question #4 - How often you should take diet breaks and how long should they last? (1:16:16)

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Jan 30, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin go over five benefits of weight training that are often overlooked.

  • The unexpected value of resistance training. (2:07)
    • #1 – Promotes a better functioning brain. (6:20)
      • Proprioceptive learning. (10:06)
      • Central Nervous System (CNS) adaption. (16:05)
    • #2 – The positive effect on your libido and hormone levels. (18:04)
    • #3 – The clear changes in your mood. (25:36)
    • #4 – Improves your ability to fight off illness. (36:34)
    • #5 – Empowers your independence and confidence. (43:46)

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Dr. Becky Campbell (@drbeckycampbell)  Instagram

Jan 29, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how often to deload, mini-bulks and mini-cuts, the benefits of carb-cycling and if it may cause a bad relationship with food, and whether foam rolling actually works.

  • Mind Pump on the supplements/prohormones they took in the past, the ‘false truth’ surrounding them, the great hustle & MORE. (4:49)
  • Opinion: Mind Pump on California passing Assembly Bill 5. (16:13)
  • Mind Pump on Donald Cerrone’s ass beating and Conor McGregor’s brilliance. (22:18)
  • The myth that war boosts the economy. (28:27) 
  • Interesting news on the Tik Tok front. (32:06)
  • China quarantine and the ‘Coronavirus’. (33:10)
  • The pros and cons of police facial recognition technology. (34:45)
  • Food quality is worth paying the price. (41:03)
  • A leader of the biggest US organic food fraud gets a 10-year jail term. (45:03)
  • Top YouTube earner of 2019. (47:13)
  • #Quah question #1 – Do you guys recommend deload weeks in between phases of your programs? If so, how often and what would you recommend they look like? (52:31)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are your thoughts on mini-bulks and mini-cuts? (1:00:32)
  • #Quah question #3 – Are there any benefits to carb-cycling or can it cause a bad relationship with food? (1:05:13)
  • #Quah question #4 – Does foam rolling actually work? What’s the science behind it? Is it better to have a hard or a soft foam roller? (1:11:06)

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Layne Norton, PhD (@biolayne)  Instagram

Jan 27, 2020
  • What does a functional medicine doctor do and how do they differ from a traditional doctor? (2:52)
  • What are the most common offenders she sees in her practice? (6:50)
  • The growing problem of (SIBO) small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. What is it? Who does it affect and what can be done to treat it? (8:00)
  • How what you eat has NO effect on your skin. (15:57)
  • What are the ‘toxins’ we are exposed to? (18:17)
  • Testing women’s hormones the RIGHT way. (21:31)
  • What does estrogen dominance produce in terms of symptoms? (22:58)
  • Becky’s ‘Order of Operations’ when it comes to her clients. (24:45)
  • The rise of Thyroid disease and higher cortisol levels. (28:30)
  • What does exercise intolerance look like? (31:54)
  • Veganism and nutrient deficiency. (36:44)
  • Breaking down why we get heartburn and how to treat it. (39:42)
  • Why all diets are NOT created equal for women. (42:31)
  • The symptoms for Histamine Intolerance, the best way to test & MORE. (44:49)
  • How big of a role does your mental state play on your health? (55:15)
  • What does the training look like for a functional medicine doctor? (58:30)
  • Will functional medicine become more regulated? (1:00:27)
  • The signs you are seeing the WRONG doctor. (1:03:30)
  • What are some of the most useful supplements and herbs? (1:05:20)
  • Creatine and functional medicine. (1:08:00)
  • What is on the horizon for functional medicine? (1:09:27)
  • What is most difficult to diagnose? (1:11:09)

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Jan 25, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about “Biggest Loser” challenges in the workplace, the best way to train abs,  Mark Rippetoe's critique of the trap bar as a poor and unsafe substitute for the barbell, and stretching, foam rolling or mobility work as the best for muscular health.

  • ‘Fake health’ is the latest trend. (4:08)
  • Why people don’t take bodybuilders advice seriously. (5:42)
  • Mind Pump on ‘Ancient Aliens’ & old 80’s films they have watched over and over. (11:54)
  • Mind Pump drops random knowledge. (22:34)
  • Mind Pump on the Kansas vs Kansas St. brawl & qualities of a great man. (24:12)
  • Adam’s new favorite piece of Vuori clothing.  (28:19)
  • Is Chris Hemsworth trying to become the new Ben Greenfield? (30:16)
  • F45 vs Orangetheory, motivation as a state of mind & these fitness modalities capitalizing on the consumer. (31:12)
  • Will Mind Pump be watching the newest season of The Biggest Loser? (36:15)
  • HUGE NEWS on the cure for cancer front. (37:28)
  • Thyroid cancer linked to cell phone usage? (41:00)
  • #Quah question #1 – Thoughts on “Biggest Loser” challenges in the workplace? (43:21)
  • #Quah question #2 – What is the best way to train abs? Isometric, concentric or eccentric? (51:05)
  • #Quah question #3 – What are your thoughts on trap bar deadlifts? Mark Rippetoe recently released a video talking about why the trap bar is a poor and unsafe substitute for the barbell. (57:13)
  • #Quah question #4 – What do you think is best for overall muscular health and longevity, stretching, foam rolling or mobility work? (1:07:43)

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Jan 24, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the difference between training for strength gains vs. muscle gains, natural ways to help boost testosterone levels back to normal, whether tight muscles and/or a lack of mobility impede gains, and mindset tips and tricks to sticking with a diet plan.

  • Sal gets emotional. (4:58)
  • MIIR and their philanthropy efforts. (8:19)
  • Dr. Drew sounds off on the homelessness problem in California. What is the answer? (9:39)
  • The brilliant marketing behind kids' parties. (14:09)
  • Mind Pump’s post-holiday lull. (20:17)
  • Instagram responding to the market. (23:14)
  • Mind Pump on the hype surrounding Tik Tok. (25:15)
  • Amazon is making it even easier to checkout. (27:20)
  • Why is the human body temperature decreasing? (28:42)
  • Mind Pump on ageism and Botox. (31:55)
  • This is 40 for Justin. (36:36)
  • Mind Pump’s celebrity crushes. (41:10)
  • #Quah question #1 – When training for strength vs. muscle gains, what’s the difference and how can you focus on one more than the other? (46:23)
  • #Quah question #2 – I recently found out that my testosterone levels are incredibly low. I am meeting with an endocrinologist soon, but in the meantime, what are some natural ways to help boost my testosterone levels back to normal? (56:36)
  • #Quah question #3 – Do tight muscles and/or a lack of mobility impede gains? (1:07:24)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are your best mindset tips and tricks to sticking with a diet plan when cravings are hitting? (1:12:00)

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Jan 23, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin detail seven ways you can increase your testosterone levels naturally.

  • What is causing lower testosterone in men? (3:03)
  • What is testosterone and why is it important? (5:50)
  • Breaking the myths surrounding lower testosterone levels. (8:00)
  • The Seven Ways to Raise your Testosterone Naturally. (12:04)
    • #1 - Lifting weights and getting stronger. (13:26)
    • #2 – Getting the body healthy first through a balanced diet. (22:15)
    • #3 – Building a quality sleep routine. (28:08)
    • #4 – Managing your stress. (34:41)
    • #5 – Getting enough sunlight. (41:12)
    • #6 – Supplementing with what you need. (43:30)
    • #7 – Avoiding estrogen-like compounds. (47:43)

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Jan 22, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about traveling with supplements, the ketogenic diet and building muscle, what to do if you are plateauing in a specific body part, and whether taking body measurements is a waste of time.

  • A great concept to get your kids into playing music. (6:12)
  • Can listening to music help build the brains of premature babies? (7:41)
  • Math and technology. (12:06)
  • What is the Down Under Donation Dildo? (17:43)
  • Cannabinoid 2-ag and its connection to relieving stress. (21:05)
  • Tongue fat and its relationship to obstructive sleep apnea. (28:04)
  • Does watching a movie qualify as light exercise? (31:13)
  • Tesla’s will be farting soon. (33:13)
  • The future of streetwear is here. (34:25)
  • Solvable vs perpetual problems. (35:30)
  • #Quah question #1 – Do you travel with supplements or do you just take the time off? (41:46)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are your thoughts on the ketogenic diet in regards to building muscle? (48:21)
  • #Quah question #3 - What should you do if you are plateauing in a specific body part? (53:00)
  • #Quah question #4 – Do you recommend taking body measurements or is this a waste of time? (1:01:17)

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Jan 20, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak with Jason Phillips about all things nutrition when it comes to losing fat, building muscle and avoiding diet pitfalls.

  • Is it possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? (5:58)
  • Which should you focus on first? (11:49)
  • How the physical follows the physiological. (15:12)
  • Why you can’t implement a shitty diet and get results. Teaching a connection-based model for successful coaches. (17:20)
  • Reverse vs recovery diets: Debating the two different schools of thought. (23:17)
  • The value and dark side of cheat meals. (27:24)
  • What is better for fat loss, low carb or low-fat diet? (31:55)
  • Training fighters, weight cutting and the delicate balance involved. (37:28)
  • Protein 101: The value, proper intake, why context matters & MORE. (43:21)
  • What is the RIGHT approach to building muscle and bulking? (53:01)
  • What are the ideal carb sources for his athletes? Ideal protein sources? (57:14)
  • Getting the ‘itch’ to get back into the game training clients. (1:04:47)
  • The problem is not knowing enough, but focusing on the human being. (1:08:18)
  • How did NCI come to be and how have they evolved? (1:09:40)
  • What is his feeling of potentially having national standards on coaches? (1:12:53)
  • Special discount for Mind Pump listeners ONLY!! Impact over everything! (1:14:15)

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Jan 18, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether it is better to drop a rep and increase weight by a larger amount, or progress with smaller fractional plates, how to determine if your metabolism is slow,  whether not eating right after a workout slows down progress, and exercises to keep your back strong and healthy.

  • How we all have that overly friendly friend, ‘Bro Code’ rules & MORE. (4:01)
  • Is Sal’s brother the best ChiliPad salesman ever?! (11:51)
  • The online mattress market is massive! (14:30)
  • Mind Pump is sold on Walmart. (21:04)
  • Jeff Bezos is catching some heat on his Australia donation. (25:51)
  • Nike banning their record-breaking shoe. What are Mind Pump’s thoughts? (28:16)
  • Scientists have created the first living robot! (35:56)
  • Unbelievable instances of animals in the military. (37:49)
  • Are women less likely to receive CPR than men? (41:40)
  • How being a Taco Bell manager is now a viable career choice. (45:56)
  • #Quah question #1 - Is it better to drop a rep and increase weight by a larger amount, or progress with smaller fractional plates? (48:36)
  • #Quah question #2 – If someone is having a hard time losing body fat, how do they determine if it is a slow metabolism or just overeating? (53:16)
  • #Quah question #3 – Is not eating after a workout slowing down my progress? (57:36)
  • #Quah question #4 – Since repetitive movement injuries are so common in the construction world, what kind of lower back work would you suggest to keep our back strong and healthy for years to come? (1:04:10)

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Jan 17, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about unique or forgotten exercises that are effective, getting enough calories when you are a hard gainer, the minimum macro calorie intake before entering a cutting phase, and tips for success with early mornings or ate evening workouts.

  • Bachelor in Space, hotels in Space & MORE. (6:25)
  • Resistance training and measuring volume. (14:12)
  • Does training to failure result in fewer gains? (19:50)
  • Can the use of a sauna help fight sickness? (21:50)
  • How do you know if you have to supplement with Vitamin D during the winter to build up your immune system? (25:07)
  • The connection between statins and mental health issues. (28:50)
  • Mind Pump correcting their predictions on the Box Office & MORE. (34:00)
  • Pokémon Go bigger than ever! (41:07)
  • How to handle your kids and their strong feelings. (45:52)
  • #Quah question #1 – I started doing daily stomach vacuums for the first time about a month ago and have seen significant results in a short period of time. What other unique or forgotten exercises should I be doing that will have similar benefits and results? (51:44)
  • #Quah question #2 – I'm a hardgainer and have read your hardgainer guide. My issue is still getting enough calories while not eating junk. Would you recommend a weight gainer if it’s from a great company like Legion? (1:00:16)
  • #Quah question #3 – What is the minimum macro calorie intake you would like to see an individual at before they enter a cutting phase? What would you consider ideal? (1:12:41)
  • #Quah question #4 – With my schedule, the only time I have available to go to the gym is either early mornings or really late evenings. I have always had my best feeling and progress in the gym around mid-day. Do you have any tips for success with these time of day workouts? (1:18:45)

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Jan 16, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin go over five ways to lose weight without having to track or count calories.

  • What to do if macro counting is too hard? (3:23)
  • Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Why calories are important. (5:20)
  • What are macros and why they are important? (7:54)
  • Why do we demonize fat? (9:28)
  • Analyzing the human psyche while hungry. (12:00)
  • The Five Strategies to Weight Loss without Counting Calories. (15:58)
    • #1 - Drinking more water. (16:36)
    • #2 - Changing HOW you eat. (22:07)
    • #3 – ADDING more protein and vegetables. (28:23)
    • #4 – Improving the quality of your sleep to control appetite. (37:38)
    • #5 – Eliminating heavily processed foods from your diet. (45:31)

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Jan 15, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether squats and lunges are bad for your knees, squatting on a Smith machine, how to setup and execute a close grip bench press, and using net carbs when counting your macros.

  • XFL comeback date is set. Will the guys be watching? (5:54)
  • Old ‘fit’ awesome looking people. (8:37)
  • Do you communicate with the intent to impress or influence? (14:34)
  • Old people rage stories. (17:03)
  • Why is Gwyneth Paltrow selling a candle that smells like a certain body part? Would the guys buy it? (21:57)
  • Sex after kids. (28:22)
  • Mind Pump reminisces on Rush and their drummer Neil Peart. (34:56)
  • Sal’s a big ‘wing’ guy. (37:52)
  • Tesla hitting new highs in the stock market! (40:45)
  • Can a wristband tell you what you should and shouldn’t eat based on your DNA? (42:47)
  • #Quah question #1 – Are squats and lunges bad for your knees? (47:03)
  • #Quah question #2 – Is squatting on a Smith machine still beneficial if your gym doesn’t have a free weight squat rack? (54:13)
  • #Quah question #3 – Apart from the hand position, how are the setup and execution a close grip bench press and a standard bench press different? (1:00:19)
  • #Quah question #4 – Can you explain net carbs? Is this even important to consider when counting your macros? (1:03:11)

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Jan 13, 2020

1205: Do the Risks of HIIT Training Outweigh the Benefits?

  • The growing trend of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). (1:50)
  • What is HIIT? (4:10)
  • HOW did it get big so fast and WHY did people start using it? (5:20)
  • The detriments of HIIT training for beginners. (10:10)
  • The Four Problems and Mistakes Made with HIIT Programs. (15:30)
    • #1 – NOT incorporating Priming properly. (16:10)
    • #2 – NOT having proper programming. (25:06)
    • #3 – Form is NOT at the top of your hierarchy chart. (31:26)
    • #4 – Does NOT prioritize recovery. (37:17)
  • Is HIIT training RIGHT for you? Do the risks outweigh the benefits? (44:51)
  • How does Mind Pump incorporate HIIT training? (48:30)

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Jan 11, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about transitioning to a lower volume or intensity workout routine if you believe that you’re overtraining, how to tell when you are ready to add more weight to a lift, tips to avoid falling into yoyo dieting, and mindfulness around technology, social media and audio media such as podcasts and audiobooks.

  • Justin’s unknown food intolerances. (5:32)
  • Impossible Foods expanding their reach. (9:42)
  • The value of Organifi’s Green Juice when you’re not getting enough vegetables, Mind Pump’s go-to vegetables & MORE. (11:44)
  • Building a good relationship with exercise by working out from home first. (19:50)
  • What’s the deal with Iran? (24:44)
  • How attention is the new commodity, tech companies and their access to our data & MORE. (27:07)
  • Dave Chappelle is on another level. (33:49)
  • The value of losing. (36:07)
  • What will they come up with next when it comes to weight loss? Enter the IG balloon. (41:54)
  • #Quah question #1 – How should you transition to a lower volume or intensity workout routine if you believe that you’re overtraining? (49:12)
  • #Quah question #2 – I'm about to move on to Phase 2 of MAPS Starter and I was wondering how I can tell when I’m ready to add more weight to a lift? Is it once I can do 12 reps with the current weight? (55:22)
  • #Quah question #3 – You guys often mention how people who lose a lot of weight fast are, in a way, doomed to gain it back and then some. As someone who has done this, what tips can you give me to avoid falling into yoyo dieting? (1:01:14)
  • #Quah question #4 – You guys do a great job preaching mindfulness around technology and social media use. Do you think we should do the same for audio media such as podcasts and audiobooks? (1:08:38)

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Jan 10, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about cutting without ruining your metabolism, what can be done about wrist pain, whether you should train powerlifting, performance, bodybuilding and corrective all in the same session and if supplementing with a multivitamin is necessary.

  • Sal’s old man moment. (5:35)
  • Adam’s jab to Justin while wrestling with his son. (12:30)
  • The guys talk about the terrible fires in Australia and how you can help donate. (16:10)
  • Can a lamp make reading easier for those with Dyslexia? (17:55)
  • Mind Pump makes their predictions on blue light blocking glasses. (20:05)
  • New XFL rule changes to offer a faster pace/more excitement to compete with the NFL. (23:39)
  • Mind Pump on the Red Sox/Astros cheating scandal. (29:45)
  • Justin opens up on his recent improv classes and his motivations behind it. (32:50)
  • Mind Pump talks more on the Golden Globes. (40:32)
  • Sal’s theory on why the Pentagon does not want Military personnel to take at-home DNA tests. (43:10)
  • Sal’s ‘Magic Spoon’ experiment. (47:29)
  • #Quah question #1 – How do you cut without ruining your metabolism? (51:42)
  • #Quah question #2 - What can I do about wrist pain? My wrists always hurt after certain lifts such as front squats. Is there a way to strengthen my wrists or is it a mobility issue? (1:00:42)
  • #Quah question #3 - Should you train powerlifting, performance, bodybuilding and corrective in the same session? (1:05:40)
  • #Quah question #4 – The is a lot of controversy around the use of multivitamins. I take one of the best green powders on the market and my nutrition is fairly diverse. Is supplementing with a multivitamin necessary and if so when and why? (1:11:59)

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Jan 9, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin talk about New Year's resolutions and the many reasons they do not work and what you can do to achieve your goals in 2020.

  • How Vuori has saved the podcast + brands that are making a comeback. (3:53)
  • The New Year’s rush is here! (7:01)
  • Why New Year’s resolutions DON’T work. (10:36)
  • Top Reason’s why New Year’s Resolutions are NOT Successful (& the Solutions to Them).
    • Your goals are too BIG and general. (14:25)
    • Not enhancing your current habits and behaviors. (21:00)
    • Making things too HARD on yourself. (29:00)
    • Focusing on behaviors rather than goals. (34:08)
    • Failing to change your environment. (42:26)
    • Using the wrong metrics to gauge your success. (49:37)

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Jan 8, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about why it is so hard for people to stick to their health and fitness goals, the benefits of isometric holds, why fit people have a lower resting heart rate and whether inner thigh workouts are bad for men.

  • Family time in Tahoe with Mind Pump. (6:52)
  • Adam gets schooled by his nephew in video games. (12:22)
  • Justin’s scary snowboarding accident. (15:27)
  • Mind Pump’s holiday fat gain + making meals as a team. (23:47)
  • The benefits of fasting, the value of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) on the body and how red-light therapy plays a part. (33:07)
  • Mind Pump’s “Wall-E” prediction is coming true! (39:17)
  • The history of Shen Yun. (45:02)
  • Cannabichromene (CBC) and its effects on the body. (48:23)
  • Ricky Gervais roasts the Hollywood elite. (51:55)
  • #Quah question #1 – Why is it so hard for people to stick to their health and fitness goals? (55:46)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are the benefits of isometric holds? For example, a wall-sit. (1:05:15)
  • #Quah question #3 – Can you explain why fit people have a lower resting heart rate and why it’s important? (1:10:53)
  • #Quah question #4 - Are inner thigh workouts are bad for men? (1:15:35)

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Jan 6, 2020

1200: Max Schmarzo

  • How to read a research paper as a ‘layman’. (3:52)
    • What is the significance of the sample size? (9:53)
    • What do controls mean? (13:15)
    • What are meta-analyses and why are they important? (16:00)
    • Understanding how adaptation falls into a study. (17:53)
  • The different forms of adaptation. (21:10)
  • The currency stress takes on the body. (24:08)
  • The thin line between safety vs progress. (26:03)
  • Why when we read the research it’s never, WE KNOW, it’s WE KNOW the researchers THINK this might be it. (27:07)
  • What are the differences between recovery and adaptation? (29:30)
  • Inflammation: The good and the bad. (34:53)
  • Popular recovery tools: The benefits, who they are good for & MORE. (45:18)
    • Sauna: The exercise mimicking modality. (45:32)
    • Cold Therapy: The phycological modality. (52:00)
    • Glutamine and Lucine. (55:30)
    • BCAA’s. (57:16)
    • Creatine. (59:36)
  • What supplements and recovery tools does he implement into his life? (1:05:25)
  • Heart Rate Variability (HRV) 101: The check engine light for your autonomic nervous system. (1:12:09)
  • What is in the pipeline business-wise? (1:20:13)

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Jan 4, 2020
  • Mind Pump on one-hit wonders. (4:10)
  • What’s going on with the matching Christmas pajamas?! (6:45)
  • Adam gets the stink-eye from Catrina. (8:00)
  • Mind Pump recommends You on Netflix. (10:30)
  • Sal shares economic statistics that will blow your mind! (11:55)
  • How US colleges are turning students' phones into surveillance machines. Is this good or bad? What are the current challenges the guys are experiencing with their kids? (16:21)
  • The ‘duct-taped banana’ phenomenon. (29:40)
  • Introducing Mind Pump’s newest partner, Legion Athletics. (32:42)
  • Mind Pump makes their predictions on the CBD craze. (38:40)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are some ways to improve your squat depth and not have ‘butt wink’? (48:41)
  • #Quah question #2 – When doing a bulk phase, how much body fat is too much to gain? What is the ideal fat to muscle gain ratio? (56:59)
  • #Quah question #3 – How does one get back into nutrition and training after going through a severe traumatic experience? I have taken a break for a month and I am wondering if decreasing the weight or reps is the best way to bring myself back up to where I was before training and nutrition-wise? (1:04:08)
  • #Quah question #4 – Through your years of personal training and experience, what is one major thing each of you has changed your opinion on regarding fitness and/or nutrition? (1:11:49)

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Jan 3, 2020

1198: Mixing Rep Ranges in a Workout, Relieving Back & Neck Pain, The Post Workout Cool Down & MORE

  • The meaning of the terms Rock N’ Roll, batwing & MORE. (4:28)
  • Are we able to identify if someone is sick by simply looking at their face? (9:00)
  • Adam continuing to ruffle feathers with the ‘health at every size’ movement posts. (12:19)
  • What is the secret to longevity? (24:06)
  • Mind Pump making the case for mutual combat. (27:32)
  • A professional bodybuilder decides to marry his sex doll. What’s next?! (30:13)
  • The differences between ‘Heritage Pork’ and regular pork? (33:24)
  • How to use Rhodiola if trying to ween off caffeine. (37:00)
  • Should we replace mental health meds with exercise? (39:10)
  • #Quah question #1 – Is it counterproductive to do low reps and high reps in the same workout in terms of strength and hypertrophy? (43:28)
  • #Quah question #2 – You talk about warm-up's, but what about warm-downs? (47:34)
  • #Quah question #3 – I have a persistent knot on my left side of my neck and a knot on the right side of my back. I get relief when I work out, but the pain returns when I finish exercising. How can I better target these areas to relieve pressured stress? (52:06)
  • #Quah question #4 – I have heard that pronation distortion can be caused by not doing enough ab work. I have severe pronation distortion, but I train my abs 2-3 times a week and have a 6-pack. Are there any other causes of this distortion? Are there any other ab exercises that correct it? (55:54)

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Jan 2, 2020

1197: Four Steps to Creating a Successful Podcast

  • The explosion and growth of podcasting! (2:00)
  • How streaming is KING and cable/radio are dying. (5:23)
  • The unlimited bandwidth of technology and low barrier to entry. (6:53)
  • The HIGH conversion rate of podcasts and creating targeted markets. (8:00)
  • Finding advertisers that match your audience. (11:48)
  • Audio is the future. (15:13)
  • Sound bite conversations vs long-form conversations. (16:00)
  • Four Steps to Creating a Successful Podcast.
    • #1 – Be an EXPERT and provide VALUE. (22:21)
      • Invest in quality sound. (28:08)
    • #2 – Be authentic and vulnerable. (31:54)
    • #3 – Be consistent. (38:08)
      • How your title matters! (42:38)
      • Practice, practice, practice. (44:43)
    • #4 - Encourage community. (48:30)
      • The lifetime value of a customer. (51:55)

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Jan 1, 2020

1196: Stair Climbing to Build the Butt, Eating Healthy on a Budget, Identifying Upper Cross Syndrome & MORE

  • Adam opens up about his non-existent workouts. (5:58)
  • Mind Pump HQ is under construction. (9:10)
  • Mind Pump gets nostalgic about old movies of the past. (13:09)
  • The importance of challenging your ideas and having a sense of humor. (21:02)
  • The myth of ‘easier’. (29:02)
  • What are terpenes? How they play a BIG role when it comes to the ‘entourage effect’. (36:15)
  • Tips and strategies to boost your immune system during the cold season. (40:29)
  • #Quah question #1 – How can stairs be used to lift the glutes for someone who lives in a multi-level setting? (46:13)
  • #Quah question #2 – If someone is already healthy and feels good, how can you tell if the addition of a green supplement is working? (52:22)
  • #Quah question #3 – As a 19-year-old college student who is trying to save money, I am struggling whether it’s worth it to buy organic grass-fed groceries? (57:10)
  • #Quah question #4 – How do you know if you are suffering from upper cross syndrome? (1:02:30)

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