
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at
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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth













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Now displaying: November, 2018
Nov 30, 2018

MAPS Quah!

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the difference between mobility training & yoga, the difference between MAPS Prime and Prime Pro, if people should be concerned about perfumes and other scented things and their worst habits.

  • Beware of Predatory Scammers Out There. (3:58)
  • Mind Pump Thanksgiving Recap: Family Time, Guido Workout, NED talk, Flex Spending & Health Savings Accounts with Felix Gray & MORE. (12:43)
  • How Long Do the Guys Want to Live for? Reevaluating the Retirement Process. (27:08)
  • Another Step in the Human Evolution Journey. CRISPR bombshell: Chinese researcher claims to have created gene-edited twins. (30:20)
  • Snatch-Chat. Snapchat Sex Workers Being Reported to IRS For Taxes? (33:20)
  • Why You Shouldn’t Pay Someone to Build Your Social Media Following. (37:33)
  • Continuing to Disrupt the Market…Watch out, retailers. This is just how big Amazon is becoming. (39:25)
  • Flock You and Merry Christmas. (45:30)
  • #Quah question #1 – What is the difference between mobility training & yoga? (49:09)
  • #Quah question #2 – What is the difference between MAPS Prime & Prime Pro? (1:03:41)
  • #Quah question #3 – Should we be concerned about perfumes and other scented things? (1:12:32)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are your worst habits? (1:22:30)

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Nov 29, 2018

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin catch up with Dan Clark, CEO of who gives an update the company's rapid growth and the attention their revolutionary mental state changing music is receiving from big players.

Get 20% off of by going to

  • The Mind Pump Bump: The Explosion of (3:51)
  • How do they test or measure brain function while playing their music? The differences between monaural and binaural beats. (5:50)
  • What are the most optimal headphones for this experience? (9:42)
  • Where does he see the 300% growth coming from? (10:26)
  • How is their member retention rate? (11:19)
  • Have they faced any resistance or backlash from the Government? (13:56)
  • What is on the horizon and what are they doing to evolve the business? (16:51)
  • How do they use Functional magnetic resonance imaging or functional MRI (fMRI) to add to their music? (21:36)
  • The importance of depth of sound and high fidelity speakers. (22:55)
  • Have they experimented with altering states of mind? (26:19)
  • The increased blood flow to the brain and does “Focus” produce better sex? (27:41)
  • How to brands like Halo compare to theirs? (30:06)
  • Sonic Branding and (33:06)
  • Updates: Funding, Partnerships, and (33:59)
  • Have they had any interest from the medical community for their product? (36:48)
  • Being a science-based company FIRST and how they do things the RIGHT way. (40:00)
  • How do you protect yourself from others not copying their brand? (41:54)
  • Does he see in potential involvement with the entertainment industry? (43:31)
  • What have been the biggest hurdles they have had to overcome as a company? (44:34)
  • Since he has come on board, what has been the most exciting thing he has seen? (46:36)
  • Why is he so driven to help people? (48:11)

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Nov 28, 2018

Organifi Quah! iTunes & Facebook Review Winners!

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about perform movements in a pool for those with extreme limitations, the biggest change they have made in training clients that made the biggest difference, best strategies for accountability for someone who isn’t naturally self-disciplined and their opinion of the YouTube Fitness community.

  • New Product Alert: Skinny Dipped Dark Chocolate Peppermint Almonds (4:34)
  • If Mind Pump Were an Instrument, What Would They Be? (7:00)
  • Justin Gets Punked by his Dog: Who’s the Alpha Now?! (11:56)
  • Culture Shock at its Finest…That One Time Adam Almost got Killed. (14:38)
  • The Silly Games the Guys Used to Play, Dumb Trends that Go Viral & MORE. (22:00)
  • Dirty Hustling. Drug company raised the price of life-saving opioid overdose antidote more than 600 percent. (30:55)
  • Lab-Grown Mini-Brains Spontaneously produced ‘Human-Like’ Brain Waves for the First Time. (32:57)
  • Can An Organ Transplant Change A Recipient's Personality? Cell Memory Theory Affirms 'Yes'. (36:59)
  • Baby boys and girls receive different nutrients in breast milk: Study Shows. (38:44)
  • Mexico Looks To Be Next To Legalize Marijuana. (45:50)
  • Ex-Judge Accused of Killing Wife 4 Years after Brutally Assaulting Her. How Does Someone of that Character/Success Fall so Far Off? (46:30)
  • #Quah question #1 – What is the furthest you have regressed a client from particular movements such as a squat or overhead press? Would you start them in a pool for those with extreme limitations? (52:50)
  • #Quah question #2 – What is the biggest change you have made in training clients that made the biggest difference? (1:05:51)
  • #Quah question #3 – What are your best strategies for accountability for someone who isn’t naturally self-disciplined? (1:15:06)
  • #Quah question #4 – What is your overall opinion of the YouTube Fitness community? (1:22:04)

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Nov 27, 2018

There are a lot of at-home, body weight workouts available but the vast majority of them are good at one thing... making you sweat. What is missing is thoughtful programming designed to keep you making progress as time goes on. 

You CAN build muscle and shape your body without equipment and in this bonus episode Sal, Adam & Justin discuss the creation of MAPS Anywhere, the equipment-free program that was designed to provide the most beneficial exercises and produce real strength and muscle gains.

Phased like MAPS gym-based programs, MAPS Anywhere is phased to keep you progressing and avoiding plateaus.

Perfect for anyone who wants to workout at home and on the road with minimal or no equipment. It can even be customized for the advanced user.

Get MAPS Anywhere at:  Use the code WHITE50 all November 2018 for 50% off.


Nov 26, 2018

Ep: 910 Paul Chek 

  • Does he feel he has to censor himself more today than 15 years ago? (5:13)
  • Why are women so sensitive to caffeine? (11:00)
  • The importance of breastfeeding. (13:06)
  • The difference between a woman with PMS and an alligator. How context matters. (15:22)
  • The methods he used to wean off caffeine. (17:58)
  • The science and phenomenon behind putting oils and fats in coffee. (22:00)
  • How adaptogens spare cortisol. (28:26)
  • The detrimental consequences of EMFs, low-level stress throughout the day & MORE. (35:13)
  • What are the first things he looks at when someone comes to him? (49:33)
  • How does he start the healing process with someone who is in a wheelchair or paralyzed? (53:26)
  • The fascinating story of Danny Way and how Paul rehabbed him. (1:01:33)
  • How has the reception been since getting into the podcast world? (1:05:28)
  • Has he identified what attracts more students to his courses? (1:10:06)
  • The quest to understand the meaning of life. (1:11:03)
  • What is his take on the Bible? (1:21:01)
  • Scientific materialism/atheism and the danger of people who believe in the opposite direction. (1:30:35)
  • The idea of morals vs. ethics. Level of resources, doing good for humanity, level of hierarchy & MORE. (1:40:30)
  • Special Thrive Market Cyber Monday Commercial. (1:51:00-1:52:00)
  • How God is the greatest actor and we are just playing in his game. (2:05:43)
  • How you are what you eat. (2:13:55)
  • What made him decide to start podcasting? (2:15:28)
  • The root meaning of the word “weird.” (2:24:10)

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Nov 24, 2018

Organifi Quah!

In this BLACK FRIDAY episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about EPOC or OTF After-burn theory, eating during the holidays, the benefit of jump squats between sets and ways to get into a parasympathetic state post training.

  • Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals Galore from Mind Pump & Friends!! (5:21)
  • Justin’s Tummy Issues Back at It. (11:04)
  • One of the Craziest Weeks in Sports History! Are We in a New Transition in Marketing Events? (15:04)
  • Real or Fake News? Fast extraction of cannabinoids in marijuana samples by using hard-cap espresso machines. (26:11)
  • Pure Sal Speculation: How can you Protect Yourself from the Poor Air Quality? (32:15)
  • Adam Ruffling Feathers, Doubling Down and Challenging the Consumer. (33:53)
  • #Quah question #1 – Is EPOC or OTF After-burn theory a real thing? (55:24)
  • #Quah question #2 – How do you guys handle eating during the holidays? (1:02:51)
  • #Quah question #3 - Is there a benefit of doing jump squats between sets? (1:13:17)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are some ways to get into parasympathetic state post training? (1:20:42)

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Nov 23, 2018

Black Friday Specials!!!!

  • Stories of the guys' first experiences trying the “Devil’s Lettuce”, aka weed. (4:50)
  • Black Friday Blowout Deal from PRx Performance, just in time for the person who doesn’t have a lot of it. (21:05)
  • The History of Black Friday and Where Did the Term Come From? (23:14)
  • Massive MAPS Black Friday Deals are LIVE!! (25:37)
  • Vintage Mind Pump…Justin shares a nickname for one of his “friends”. (28:05)
  • New Study Adds to Growing Evidence That Obesity Causes Depression. (30:05)
  • #Quah question #1 – For packing on muscle which is better, 5 days of isolation work or 3 days of full body lifting? (40:40)
  • #Quah question #2 – If or when would you use a hex bar over a straight bar for deadlifts? Also, would you deadlift and back squat in the same workout? (49:54)
  • #Quah question #3 – Would love to hear your opinions on weight belts, wrist wraps, etc. for the average lifter? (57:42)
  • #Quah question #4 – When figuring out maintenance calories do you average each week of tracking? (1:07:49)

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Nov 22, 2018

Episode 907: Cory Schlesinger 

  • Cory shares the painful experience of tearing his Achilles. (4:24)
  • What lead him to become the Sports Performance Coach of Stanford Basketball? (6:06)
  • How to be a GREAT strength coach, you have to COMPETE in something. (10:51)
  • What does he mean when he says kids are coming in as “broken toys”? (13:28)
  • Finding his value and being an identifier when it comes to his athletes. (18:13)
  • What are some of the most common imbalances he sees with his athletes? (21:09)
  • How does he revert the major lifts and balance risk/reward with his athletes? Replace the compound lifts with his athletes? (23:30)
  • Using wearable tools to monitor and track an athletes practice load. How does he use the data as a coach? (30:51)
  • The importance of strength training during the season. (43:00)
  • Safety nets for safety nets. How does he monitor the output by his athletes based on the data he receives? (46:25)
  • Understanding the dynamics of his athletes in the outside world. (49:24)
  • Does he have a favorite kind of athlete? Least favorite? (51:45)
  • Does he watch a lot of basketball or is he in it too much? (56:58)
  • What are some of the biggest mistakes he sees strength coaches make on all levels? (1:00:54)
  • His take on early specialization in one sport. (1:02:40)
  • What are some of his favorite education tools/certifications for coaches to research? (1:08:13)
  • The major backlash ahead dealing with activity levels and social media with our youth. (1:13:45)
  • What does the future evolution of professional sports look like? (1:20:43)
  • How does he feel about the early start to the current season? (1:31:07)
  • His take on the Freshman 4 over at Duke? (1:31:57)
  • Does he have any favorite NBA teams/players that he follows? (1:33:25)
  • Is he a talent acquisition or leadership guy? (1:36:44)
  • His take on college athletes getting paid? (1:39:10)

Featured Guest/People Mentioned:

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Nov 21, 2018

Organifi Quah! iTunes & Facebook Review Winners!

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about getting started recommendations for a total newbie with no conditioning or strength, teaching someone who’s new to weightlifting how to squat, the best way to get back into lifting/eating seriously after falling off for several weeks or months and the best route for someone with a skinny-fat body composition should take when starting their fitness journey.

  • The slow death of the brick and mortar format, the rise of ecommerce and companies like Walmart and Amazon continuing to evolve. (5:27)
  • The guys talk going cable free and the pros and cons. (13:24)
  • The tragedy of the Northern California fires and the poor air quality from its wake. (19:16)
  • Mind Pump Recommends: Bohemian Rhapsody. (22:52)
  • Recap: Mind Pump Thanksgiving and the guys being Vuori’ed out. (24:07)
  • Lifting weights are better for your heart than cardio: study. (27:45)
  • Relaxing and stimulating: The Organifi “Christmas Blend” and the guys talk preparing for the holidays. (37:28)
  • What the heck is #MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)??!! (39:40)
  • #Quah question #1 – What would you recommend for a total newbie getting started with no conditioning or strength? (49:24)
  • #Quah question #2 – How would you go about teaching someone who’s new to weightlifting how to squat? (1:00:58)
  • #Quah question #3 – What is the best way to get back into lifting/eating seriously after falling off for several weeks or months? (1:10:11)
  • #Quah question #4 – What is the best route for someone with a skinny-fat body composition should take when starting their fitness journey? (1:17:43)

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Nov 19, 2018

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin talk with the colorful super-athlete, Hunter McIntyre about his wild life of addiction, modeling, winning grueling competitions and more.

  • Coming out of the gates HOT!! Being the life of the party, his trip to rehab and the drugs he used to partake in. (2:26)
  • How did exercise become his drug of choice? (5:35)
  • Something to pass the time…How he got into wrestling and where does his strength come from? (7:25)
  • Is drug use common in the logging industry? (9:00)
  • How he got into obstacle course racing and what was his major breakout? (10:34)
  • If you want to beat people you don’t necessarily have to outwork them, you have to outsmart them. (13:42)
  • How he became enamored by the sport of CrossFit. (16:50)
  • How has the change of focus to Olympic lifting been going? (20:17)
  • Has he measured himself around other top CrossFit athletes? (21:55)
  • How passion is the most important thing in the universe. The art of trash talk and psychological warfare. (22:57)
  • What are the strengths he will bring to the CrossFit Games? (27:54)
  • How does he construct his programming? (29:49)
  • Has he suffered any injuries throughout his career? (32:22)
  • What are practices he has to maintain his health/wellness? (35:08)
  • Why does he feel he lacks empathy for others? He opens up about his relationship with his family and his childhood growing up. (36:45)
  • How it is intelligent to understand what is coming tomorrow, but it is more important to have the focus and the drive to own today. What aspirations does he have besides the CrossFit Games? (39:44)
  • Living in a fishbowl in his brain. The crazy amount of drugs he was on as a kid, the misuse of them & what age did he start/stop. (43:27)
  • If he had to get a job now, would he work for himself or someone else? (50:25)
  • How he didn’t need anything but food and weights. How he got to the level where he is today. (51:56)
  • Does he ever feel like he is living in a video game? The crazy paths life has taken him and his stint as a model. (56:58)
  • Does he take a scientific approach to his nutrition? (1:04:41)
  • If you play the game, you can make a killing. The money he has made doing various reality shows. (1:10:05)
  • How Joe De Sena is Carmen Sandiego and defines #busy. (1:14:12)
  • Does he have any sleep/meditation practices? (1:16:09)
  • What is he reading right now? (1:18:27)
  • Has he rubbed anyone the wrong way or have any nemesis? (1:20:06)
  • How he aims to stay relevant and have fun with it. (1:23:42)
  • What is his proudest moment? Least proud of?(1:24:40)
  • How he was court-ordered to rehab. (1:30:52)
  • Did he ever have a moment for he felt compelled to write out his feelings to his parents?  Do they keep in touch and support him now? (1:32:49)
  • Does he have a time frame in mind for his goal of getting to the CrossFit Games? (1:35:20)

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Nov 17, 2018

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about why squat and deadlift weight can be so different, advice for women before they get pregnant to make sure their pregnancy is healthy and their body can bounce back quickly, recommendations for a hypermobile person to prevent injury and their thoughts on Olympic weightlifting for composition.

  • Find out why Adam is so stressed out. (4:37)
  • Staying up on the streetwear trends. (7:14)
  • Happy Birthday Adam! The guys talk getting older and fashion choices they cannot get away with anymore. (9:20)
  • The latest news and updates from Health IQ. (15:12)
  • The night-night formula using Organifi and Ned. (18:45)
  • Nicotine as a nootropic. (20:12)
  • The moment your kid figures out Santa Claus isn’t real and the most gangster parental hack for the holidays.  (22:23)
  • Keeping the homeless people safe or protecting their jobs? Food for homeless in KC parks destroyed by health department. (26:26)
  • Why Teen Suicide Is Lower in States That Have More School Choice. The guys discuss bullying at their age vs. today. (31:38)
  • How everything requires an access to control. The excess exposure of novelty of explicit information and our children today. (36:20)
  • The Mind Pump Thanksgiving is here! Find out the guys favorite and least favorite dishes. (44:03)
  • #Quah question #1 – Should my squat and deadlift be around the same weight? (50:03)
  • #Quah question #2 - Advice for women before they get pregnant to make sure their pregnancy is healthy and their body can bounce back quickly? (1:01:04)
  • #Quah question #3 – Do you have any recommendations for a hypermobile person to prevent injury? (1:10:03)
  • #Quah question #4 - Thoughts on Olympic weightlifting for composition?  (1:16:46)

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Nov 16, 2018

MAPS Quah!

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about partial reps and when to use them, changing your workout based on how you feel, hip flexor fatigue while doing ab exercises and natural ways to increase energy.

  • Like a treasure hunt…The new Thrive Market Kits: Cold Brew, After School Snacks & MORE. (5:23)
  • Abandoning ship?? Greg Glassman Regrets Teaching Kipping Pull-Ups in CrossFit Workouts. The beginning of the end? The guys speculate on the future of the sport. (10:23)
  • How the competitive market/price wars can ruin a business. (18:50)
  • Will OrangeTheory be the detriment of CrossFit? (21:35)
  • The flaws of these fitness trends and group classes. How exercise needs to be individualized. (24:00)
  • The need to shift the culture to empower themselves and do the WORK! (34:40)
  • The devaluing of physical education in the school systems. (39:35)
  • Sal cooking himself like a rotisserie chicken in front of the Joovv light. (41:35)
  • New science and the benefits of taking creatine at a particular time. (43:03)
  • #Quah question #1 – Can you discuss partial reps and when to use them? (49:14)
  • #Quah question #2 – Should you change your workout based on how you feel that day? (1:01:00)
  • #Quah question #3 – Why do I feel hip flexor fatigue while doing ab exercises? (1:10:44)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are natural ways to increase energy to perform better? (1:20:43)

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Nov 15, 2018

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin catch up with friend and MMA fighter Josh Thomson. Josh is busy these days doing fight commentary, running a gym and starring in movies. He also has a podcast, Sammy & the Punk that will be airing an interview with Mind Pump soon.

  • What makes a successful MMA studio? (3:05)
  • How does he deal with the psyche of teaching kids? (7:30)
  • How to do what makes sense. How he got the nickname “The Punk.” (10:30)
  • Did he always have a knack working with kids? (13:02)
  • How MMA has evolved and how to tell what kids will be successful. (14:50)
  • What is the goal with his new podcast and media studio? (19:07)
  • How does a trade in MMA work? The guys discuss the recent trade between Demetrious Johnson and Ben Askren.  (22:04)
  • Are we getting the best fighters or entertainers? (25:00)
  • Why does the UFC have precedent over the other promotions? (26:44)
  • What types of fights does he want to see? (28:34)
  • Is there any shit taking that goes on behind the scenes between Bellator and the UFC? (34:25)
  • Can he tell if someone is a badass? (36:50)
  • How often does someone surprise him in the fight game? (39:45)
  • What does he do to recover from a fight? Does he feel the pain from a clean shot? (42:40)
  • How there is a skill to getting hit. (45:11)
  • What are the most physical attributes needed for fighting? (50:50)
  • Will we start to see leg locks transfer over to MMA? (56:40)
  • How does he manage his time? (1:00:07)
  • Are there any other podcasts/announcers that he is paying attention to? (1:01:22)
  • Does he plan on having guests on that have nothing to do with fighting? (1:04:00)
  • Has he gotten any heat for his opinions? The importance of listening to both sides. (1:06:50)
  • The attitude of taking care of yourself through the discipline of hard training. (1:15:12)
  • The importance of education. (1:17:56)

Featured Guest/People Mentioned:

Links/Products Mentioned:

Nov 14, 2018

Organifi Quah! iTunes & Facebook Review Winners!

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how bodybuilding style posing can increase muscle connection, hypertrophy and muscle fiber recruitment for strength, a good amount of cardio to do during the week for good health and not affect the muscle building signal, when a low bar squat is a bad idea and the endocannabinoid system.

  • Mind Pump Recommends: Three Identical Strangers. (6:09)
  • Media’s important role in society, the origin names of reality shows & MORE. (11:25)
  • The mystery of the sea nomads’. (16:49)
  • The last of the eagle huntsmen: Mongolian tribes are the only people in the world using the amazing birds to catch prey. (22:07)
  • The Ultimate Feast from Butcher Box has arrived for the Mind Pump Thanksgiving. (25:05)
  • The various unconventional ways the guys have cleaned their teeth. (27:50)
  • Is going to the dentist a scam? How to Reverse Cavities Naturally & Heal Tooth Decay. (29:25)
  • How Sal and Justin have given their kids Organifi products to optimize their performance. (35:46)
  • In-store vs. online shopping. Which do you prefer? (40:56)
  • #Quah question #1 – Would bodybuilding style posing increase muscle connection, hypertrophy and muscle fiber recruitment for strength? (46:06)
  • #Quah question #2 – What is a good amount of cardio to do during the week for good health and not affect the muscle building signal? (53:46)
  • #Quah question #3 – If a person had a bad low posterior tilt, is a low bar squat a bad idea? (59:48)
  • #Quah question #4 – What is the endocannabinoid system? (1:07:48)

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Nov 12, 2018

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin speak with Paul Fabritz, founder of PJF Performance and performance coach of NBA superstars like James Harden. Paul has a fascinating story. A struggling college student, he was able to take his passion for basketball and through hard work and delivering exceptional results, he was able to create a wildly successful business training NBA elite, traveling the world, flying on private jets and even training Khloe Kardashian.

  • His journey into sports performance and what led him to specialize in basketball? (2:50)
  • Who was the first NBA player that reached out to him? (7:00)
  • How to progress programming at the right rate. The difference in approach from the Soviet Union to US when it comes to exercise science. (7:30)
  • Did he use advanced equipment in his transformation? With his athletes? (9:50)
  • What techniques did he use to address performance/mechanics with his athletes? (11:35)
  • Getting you to reach your genetic potential. (14:20)
  • Determining an athlete’s level of conscious and risk vs. reward. (15:50)
  • What is the worst advice/myths he has heard? (19:20)
  • The difference between plyometrics being done the RIGHT WAY vs. the wrong way. (22:50)
  • Creating mental toughness and meeting his athletes in the middle. (25:59)
  • How did he grow so fast and become highly successful? (27:40)
  • Would he work for an NBA team? (29:38)
  • Does he have a favorite athlete he works with? (32:40)
  • All in and getting the results. How he decides who he works with. (34:29)
  • The youth is year-round. How does he reach the student athlete market? (35:49)
  • What is the value in academia vs. learning on your own? (37:18)
  • What modalities has he implemented into his own practice? (39:11)
  • Fat don’t fly. How nutrition plays a HUGE role in sports performance. (43:15)
  • Teaching people to live a better and healthy life. (44:25)
  • How does he filter through all the products/technology being thrown his way? What excites him? (46:47)
  • Picking your battles, letting his athletes be intuitive and knowing your own body. (49:45)
  • What is the biggest challenge working with professional athletes? How he sets the table and lays down the foundation when he first meets with an athlete. (51:27)
  • The pivotal moments where his business took off. (54:45)
  • How to leverage yourself and blow up your brand. His new webinar series to teach potential trainers. (59:07)
  • What was that like when he got the call from Dick’s Sporting Goods and Adidas? The details of his sponsorships. (1:00:25)
  • What are some of the biggest mistakes he made while scaling his business? (1:03:34)
  • What is his opinion of the current state of the NBA? Best rookies coming up? Best passers? Most underrated team right now? (1:05:07)
  • What are some things that he did on his Instagram that caused posts to go the most viral? (1:10:09)
  • How to be a squid to become more self-aware. (1:12:22)
  • What are the biggest mistakes he sees athletes make? (1:14:13)
  • Steps to be a better trainer. (1:17:15)
  • What are some epic moments in his career? (1:22:22)
  • What does he appreciate/admire the most about watching NBA players? (1:26:57)
  • The top 3 things the average person can do to improve their vertical TODAY. (1:29:13)
  • How can the average lifter gain speed? Explosive training and max intent. (1:33:07)
  • What advice would he give kids/teenagers to gain speed? (1:36:15)
  • What are his dreams and goals moving forward? (1:37:39)
  • Where does his work ethic come from? (1:39:30)

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Nov 10, 2018

Organifi Quah!

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the most important vegetables to eat, why non-professional CrossFit athletes have very muscular bodies, when to superset and what to do when someone has lost their motivation to work out.

  • Mind Pump Karaoke Night and the fear of putting yourself out there. (5:02)
  • The Shock and Awe approach re-visited. The guys reflect on their first 100 episodes. (7:45)
  • How Adam treats his Camaro as an investment rather than hobby.  (9:52)
  • The guys reflect on the business, their passion and how the time has flown by. (14:52)
  • Sal making friends with the homeless guy in the parking lot & how to tackle the homelessness problem. (18:25)
  • Take some Ned and go straight to bed. (25:33)
  • Girl Scouts Of The USA Files Suit Against Boy Scouts Of America. (29:29)
  • The evolution of sports, a player’s value and how the market reflects the times. (31:11)
  • How the future of sports will be digital. (38:30)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are the best and most important vegetables to eat? (42:53)
  • #Quah question #2 – If circuit training sends the wrong signal, then why do non-professional CrossFit athletes have very muscular bodies? (56:28)
  • #Quah question #3 – When to do a superset and what are the best ones? (1:06:55)
  • #Quah question #4 – What to do when someone has lost their motivation to work out? (1:16:20)

People Mentioned:

Links/Products Mentioned:

Nov 9, 2018

MAPS Quah!

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the cause of knee pain when squatting and how to fix it, how to make it easier for people to engage in healthier behaviors, if it is impossible for muscles to “sleep” and clothing that the opposite sex wears that’s an instant turn on.

  • Fitness trends/gyms that have come out the gates strong and since then fallen off. (6:11)
  • The MASSIVE impact cholesterol has on muscle growth and strength & performance. (13:23)
  • How Adam used the Everly Well Vitamin D test to become more aware of his levels, their thoughts on their new tests & the importance of testing. (21:02)
  • Four Sigmatic killing the game. Their revamped adaptogen coffee. (26:18)
  • Election Night Recap: What the results mean for the future. (28:42)
  • 10 surprising reasons why single people are happier and healthier. (36:30)
  • When fathers exercise, their future offspring may benefit, mouse study suggests. (41:50)
  • The day the guys realized they were stronger than their dad & when will their own kids surpass them. (43:26)
  • #Quah question #1 – What can be the cause of knee pain when squatting and how to fix it? (51:00)
  • #Quah question #2 – If you could change one thing in the environment, how can we make it easier for people to engage in healthier behaviors? (1:01:23)
  • #Quah question #3 – What do you mean when you say it is impossible for muscles to “sleep”? (1:10:56)
  • #Quah question #4 – What is an article of clothing that the opposite sex wears that’s an instant turn on? (1:18:08)

People Mentioned:

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Nov 8, 2018

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss the best way to work out and have sustainable progress while at home and on the road.

  • The distinct sound to decades in music. (2:35)
  • How most Hollywood stars come from Broadway. (5:00)
  • What is the most “chick-flickish” movie the guys have watched? (6:35)
  • Mind Pump Recommends: Making a Murder Part 2 and Sal/Justin continue selling Adam on their love for The Haunting of Hill House. (7:30)
  • How broken is our prison system? (17:10)
  • The Best Way to Work Out at Home and on the Road. (22:26)
    • The problem with at-home workouts out there. (24:20)
    • Resistant Training focused programming. (28:40)
    • Progressing intensity properly. (30:45)
    • Building stability behind the joints the right way. (33:45)
    • The importance of adding muscular tension. (35:58)
    • Why you should take time away from the gym. (44:02)

People Mentioned:

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Nov 7, 2018

Organifi Quah! iTunes & Facebook Review Winners!

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the optimal time to work out, things they once promoted on Mind Pump that they no longer believe, the best $100 they have ever spent on something health or fitness related and who is their hall pass.

  • Sal throwing the rule book out the window and making his first Organifi “Christmas Blend” drink of the holiday season. (4:40)
  • Justin lets loose and does karaoke + treehouse update. (9:05)
  • Mind Pump Halloween Recap. (14:32)
  • The big differences between Halloween as a kid compared to today. (18:50)
  • New flavor alert! Holiday TBD Skinny Dipped flavor and the guys talk their addiction to the brand. (20:25)
  • Probiotics and antibiotics create a killer combination: New study shows. (23:13)
  • UFC 230 Recap: History being made once again. (29:05)
  • Midterm Elections: Mind Pump recommends…Should voting be a right or privilege? (34:04)
  • #Quah question #1 – What kind of effect does the time of day you work out have on the body? (40:33)
  • #Quah question #2 – What is the last thing you once promoted on Mind Pump that you no longer believe in? (48:28)
  • #Quah question #3 – What was the best $100 you have ever spent on something health or fitness related? (59:10)
  • #Quah question #4 – Who is your hall pass and why? (1:10:35)

People Mentioned:

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Nov 5, 2018

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin talk with transgender athletes Chloie Jonsson & Bennett Kaspar regarding whether transgender athletes have an unfair advantage in sports. 

  • Chloie shares her story/the process of transitioning at the age of 15. (7:58)
  • Is there a competitive advantage for an athlete that transitions? (11:15)
  • Bennett openly shares misconceptions on being a trans person. (16:43)
  • How male privilege is a real thing. (18:55)
  • Have they noticed changes in their body/mind since transitioning? (23:34)
  • What is considered legal when it comes to hormone levels? (26:25)
  • The debate continues over if there is a competitive advantage for an athlete that transitions and the democratization of sports. (28:10)
    • Does Title 9 have any implications in this debate? (40:00)
  • Chloie emotionally shares her experience coming out to her teammates and the response from the CrossFit community. (46:00)
  • Does she embrace being the voice for transgender athletes? (49:00)
  • She talks about the lawsuit against CrossFit and the response from Greg Glassman. (50:00)
  • Preaching acceptance no matter what you believe. (55:00)
  • Does Bennett still have a relationship with his father since coming out as trans? (56:44)
  • How Bennett’s mom rolls with the punches and he openly discusses his current relationship. (59:00)
  • Difference between pans sexual and bi sexual? (1:00:30)
  • Sports for Nerds: How the tides have changed when it comes to how politicians view gay marriage. (1:02:15)
  • Do they feel like we are moving backwards? The white male privilege debate and respecting people as individuals. (1:06:00)
  • Violence against the Transgender Community. (1:16:45)
  • Are there debates among the LGBTQ Community? (1:18:34)
  • Social intelligence and being Team Human. (1:22:08)
  • Bennett shares how his thoughts changed since transitioning. (1:26:30)
  • Has going through this made him more empathetic towards men? (1:28:35)
  • When does the conversation come up about transitioning when dating? (1:33:15)
  • Did they have any apprehensions coming on the podcast? (1:37:35)
  • What other misconceptions do people have about the transgender community? (1:41:01)
  • How the medical field has treated the trans community like test patients. (1:46:20)
  • How much, out of pocket, have they paid for their hormone replacement drugs/surgery? (1:50:00)

Featured Guest/People Mentioned:

Links/Products Mentioned:

Nov 3, 2018

Organifi Quah!

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how someone can get out of the breakdown/recovery trap, what powerlifters can do to relieve tight hips, if it is possible to out-eat cardio and can gain muscle and if obesity is a disease and not a lifestyle choice.

  • What were the worst nicknames the guys have been called? (4:25)
  • Adam’s worst bullying experience. How people’s actions reflect the opposite, mutual combat law & getting in fights. (6:00)
  • Making smoothies healthy again, Butcher Box owned company: Smoothie Box. (20:07)
  • How the consumer has become much more educated when it comes to supplements. Mind Pump speculates on the future of the industry, transparency in companies like Organifi, tips to be an excellent trainer & MORE. (25:25)
  • #Quah question #1 - How can you get out of the breakdown/recovery trap? (42:33)
  • #Quah question #2 – Tips for powerlifters to relieve tight hips? (53:57)
  • #Quah question #3 - It is possible to out-eat cardio and can gain muscle? (1:00:56)
  • #Quah question #4 - Thoughts on if obesity is a disease and not a lifestyle choice? (1:11:35)

People Mentioned:

Links/Products Mentioned:

Nov 2, 2018

APS Quah!

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about tips to increase bench press strength, old school bodybuilding exercises that need to be brought back, calisthenics vs. bodybuilding style weight lifting and the deceptive marketing that some gyms use.

  • Justin’s talents are finally paying off!! (5:40)
  • You Can’t Use A Drone To Film Yourself Skiing But These Ex-Googlers Will Do It For You. (7:41)
  • Find out the scam Adam and his friends used to do with handheld cameras as kids. (9:30)
  • When there is blood on the street, there is money to be made. (13:08)
  • Adam and Catrina are car shopping. (15:15)
  • The end of the world is coming! 'The Blowjob Paper:' Scientists Processed 109 Hours of Oral Sex to Develop an AI that Sucks Dick. (16:54)
  • Does Adam wear his Felix Gray’s because of the effect or because he likes wearing them? (19:35)
  • Out of all the senses, which ones have the guys noticed are diminishing the most? (21:40)
  • A model for the future of how we promote stars: Have an audience follow along. (23:18)
  • Will new media become a strategy for company’s growth in the future? (26:50)
  • How it has become very marketable to show you are charitable. The Thrive Market model. (31:45)
  • Sports for Nerds! Politics. (34:18)
  • Are the Warriors ruining the NBA? (36:06)
  • Thrive Market now has “clean” wine!! (40:48)
  • #Quah question #1 – Any tips to increase bench press strength? (44:25)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are some old school bodybuilding exercises that need to be brought back? (55:38)
  • #Quah question #3 – Thoughts on calisthenics vs. bodybuilding style weight lifting? (1:04:53)
  • #Quah question #4 – How do you feel about the deceptive marketing that some gyms use? (1:13:31)

People Mentioned:

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Nov 1, 2018

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin interview Rich Gaspari, bodybuilding legend and founder of Gaspari Nutrition, an innovator in the supplement industry. Rich built Gaspari Nutrition to a $100 million company, lost it and is now back at the helm. Hear this and other fascinating stories in this podcast.

  •  The evolution of fitness conventions. (5:34)
  • Bringing conditioning to another level…Rich details his pursuit into bodybuilding. (6:55)
  • Did he believe to get to the next level you had to take supplements? (13:23)
  • What was the response from his level of conditioning? (18:17)
  • Why did he decide to make a comeback after an injury? (19:51)
  • From bodybuilding legend to founder of Gaspari Nutrition, how he became an innovator in the supplement industry. (24:28)
  • At what point did he realize he was doing something great? (27:34)
  • From the basement to $100 million dollar company. The grind in the beginning of Gaspari Nutrition. (32:08)
  • How did he pick the growth hormones he sold in the beginning? (37:00)
  • It’s all about the mouth feel…how he changed the game in the protein market. (43:39)
  • What was the scaling process like as his company grew? (46:20)
  • How did the change in marketing affecting his business? (47:30)
  • From building Gaspari Nutrition to a $100 million dollar company, to filing for bankruptcy: How he gained the reins back to the company he built. (50:46)
  • What does he think of the market now since getting control back? (56:47)
  • His take on facade supplement companies. (1:00:45)
  • Do any other brands impress him? (1:04:00)
  • What emerging trends excite him? (1:06:35)
  • How the most important sale is the 2nd sale. (1:12:10)
  • What are his thoughts on Amazon entering the supplement market? (1:15:15)
  • Does he feel like an uncaged lion since getting control of his company back? (1:19:24)
  • What was the most memorable moment in his bodybuilding career? Business career? (1:23:15)
  • What are his top physiques in bodybuilding? (1:26:55)
  • Does he believe the drug culture is affecting the current crop of bodybuilders? (1:28:19)

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