
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at
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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth













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Now displaying: March, 2020
Mar 30, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss seven common beliefs that men have about fitness that are impeding their success.

  • Challenging and explaining the 7 biggest male fitness myths. (4:35)
  • #1 – You must lift heavy to get big. (7:50)
  • #2 - Training to failure is necessary for your body to respond. (16:32)
  • #3 - Intensity is king. (28:29)
  • #4 - You need to eat big to get big. (38:25)
  • #5 – Taking steroids guarantees muscle. (47:20)
  • #6 - The biggest guys in the gym must know the most. (56:57)
  • #7 - Some movements are for women and don’t benefit men. (1:03:23)

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Arnold Schwarzenegger (@schwarzenegger)  Instagram

Mar 28, 2020

1259: How to Properly Use Full Range of Motion When Lifting, Ways to Get Kids to Eat Healthy, the Pros & Cons of Artificial Sweeteners & MORE

  • Breaking down what the stimulus package means for you. (4:50)
  • What would you do for bailout money from the government? (8:22)
  • Elon Musk is still operating at full speed and looking into the future. (14:40)
  • Mind Pump Recommends Tiger King on Netflix. (20:15)
  • Mind Pump talks about politics. (22:15)
  • The false perception that you know how to run a business. (24:50)
  • Should we be concerned about our internet bandwidth slowing down? (29:26)
  • Magic Spoon is crushing it and doing well during these tough times. (31:32)
  • Home-schooling is a full-time job. (33:55)
  • Could the blood from coronavirus survivors be used to treat current patients? (37:50)
  • Some statistics to give you some perspective and put your mind at ease. (41:11)
  • How the guys have been consuming Organifi Green Juice to get their daily veggies in these days. (46:18)
  • #Quah question #1 – How do you guys get your kids to eat healthy? Mine refuse to eat most of the healthy meals I make. (49:32)
  • #Quah question #2 – Is it bad to extend all the way in a push movement like a shoulder press? People keep telling me not to lock out my arms, but if I don’t extend all the way that’s not full range of motion, right? (1:01:55)
  • #Quah question #3 – After all this coronavirus stuff blows over and gyms are back open again how do you go back to lifting heavy without injuring yourself? (1:06:50)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are the pros and cons of artificial sweeteners? Is there one that is better than the others? (1:12:23)

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Mar 27, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about changing nutrition to account for being much more sedentary, the advantages of increasing or decreasing weight, the benefits to doing workouts in higher temperatures and helping a family member understand the advantages of weightlifting.

  • Shopping in the age of COVID-19. (8:41)
  • Building the skills to handle massive failure and come back stronger. (15:17)
  • How large companies/brands are pivoting to do their part during this crisis. (22:02)
  • Vuori offering their services to help. (26:11)
  • A fitness influencer has her way of fighting this virus. (28:46)
  • Can high doses of vitamin-c be a natural way to fight COVID-19? (31:00)
  • The Olympics have been delayed until 2021. (32:22)
  • Crime rates and pollution are dropping worldwide! (33:21)
  • Can your blood type make you more susceptible to the coronavirus? (35:21)
  • How Adam and Justin have Kion coffee flowing through their veins. (37:30)
  • Home-schooling while being sheltered in place. (40:45)
  • Mind Pump talks about politics. (43:34)
  • #Quah question #1 – Since people are staying home for an unprecedented about of time, should they change their nutrition to account for being much more sedentary? (50:30)
  • #Quah question #2 – When it comes to compound movements, I tend to increase the weight during the progression of my sets. But during isolation exercises, I tend to decrease the weight. What are the advantages of increasing or decreasing weight and how can I know when it’s most advantageous to do one or the other? (1:00:06)
  • #Quah question #3 – Are there real benefits to doing workouts in higher temperatures or heated areas? I’m curious if there are more benefits than just sweating to make weight for sports. (1:04:15)
  • #Quah question #4 – I have a family member who started exercising again. She used to do CrossFit and I think she is a little scared to lift weights because of how intense it was in CrossFit. She now does a lot of cardio and I am very proud of her for starting to get healthy again. But I would like her to better understand that weightlifting will help her more in the long run. I do not want to think I’m telling her what she is doing wrong though.  (1:11:13)

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Mar 26, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss the best at-home exercises for all parts of the body. 

  • Why working out without equipment doesn’t mean you have to have bad workouts. (2:46)
  • The biggest challenges of at-home workouts. (4:33)
  • The best at-home exercises, proper techniques and ways to see the greatest progression for all parts of the body.
    • Chest. (5:40)
    • Back. (13:55)
    • Shoulders. (23:17)
    • Legs. (29:03)
    • Core. (40:35)
    • Arms. (44:30)
    • Mobility. (48:00)
  • How to piece it all together and structure your workout. (48:44)

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Mar 25, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about what to do if less motivated to workout at home vs. going to the gym, the best way to implement an at home exercise program, what to do about a dramatic appetite increase while sheltering at home, and what it means to workout to fatigue vs. going it to failure.

  • Sal’s connection to the situation going on in Italy. (8:08)
  • Updates on COVID-19. (14:00)
  • Sal’s self-inflicted paranoia. (15:59)
  • Justin is a perfectionist. (19:35)
  • The benefits of ‘all-day’ workouts to break up your day. (22:47)
  • The power of positivity. (26:30)
  • The illusion of control. (31:13)
  • The value of being silly and having fun in these crazy times. (33:45)
  • Strategies to bring down stress and anxiety. (36:17)
  • How Facetiming people may be better for your psyche. (38:58)
  • #MindPumpKitchen updates from the Tahoe House. (40:50)
  • Exciting news from The Di Stefano’s! (42:05)
  • Updates on the Mind Pump Gym in Tahoe. (44:08)
  • Fun Facts with Justin. (45:30)
  • #Quah question #1 – I find myself less motivated to do home workouts on a consistent basis vs going to the gym on a daily basis. Any insight into why this is and advice on improving the consistency of workouts at home? (49:42)
  • #Quah question #2 – What is the best way to implement our at-home exercise program? One hour a day of body weight and resistance bands or should we split it up into 2 or 3 20-minute workouts? How can this affect our mental health? (56:00)
  • #Quah question #3 – I've noticed since being confined to my home, my appetite has dramatically increased. I know I’m not alone in this. Why are we so hungry and what can we do to regulate our intake? (1:01:23)
  • #Quah question #4 – Can you guys define what it means to take a workout to fatigue? How does this relate to taking it to failure? (1:06:15)

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Mar 23, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin give actionable ways trainers can adapt to maintain their businesses and even thrive during this period of gym closures and uncertainty.

  • How the coronavirus crisis has impacted society, affected the economy & MORE. (3:21)
  • Why Mind Pump love trainers so much. (5:41)
  • What a trainer's true role is for their clients. (8:32)
  • Do not be reactive, be proactive. (11:42)
  • The value a trainer can provide through Facetime. (16:35)
  • Placing a focus on mobility and holding your clients accountable. (19:45)
  • The importance of breaking up your client's sessions to build lifers. (25:50)
  • How to be assertive, creative and communicate with confidence. (28:20) 
  • How to accept payments. (37:50)
  • Stay in your lane and build value. (38:30)

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Mar 21, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about rest-pause sets and how can they be used in a workout, “curing” a sugar addiction, teaching a weightlifting class to middle schoolers, and tips and strategies to help with forward shoulder.

  • Does ibuprofen make the coronavirus worse? (5:45)
  • Should we take elderberry if we have the virus? (8:17)
  • Why Italy has a high infection and death rate. (11:02)
  • Time to invest in Facebook ads. (13:34)
  • Florida did not get the memo about the coronavirus. (15:02)
  • Are we downplaying the numbers and impact of the virus? (16:20)
  • The different methods scientists are taking to tackle this outbreak head-on. (19:11)
  • Shout out to Mind Pump sponsors! (25:10)
  • Why you should be optimizing your home while stuck at home. (27:15)
  • Making light of this hysteria with memes. (33:07)
  • Weird Facts with Sal. (34:00)
  • The game-changing benefits of blue-blocking glasses for Justin. (37:20)
  • Justin’s cheese addiction is getting out of hand. (38:32)
  • #MindPumpKitchen, Tahoe #staycation edition. (40:30)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are rest-pause sets and how can they be used in a workout? (45:13)
  • #Quah question #2 – How would you go about “curing” a sugar addiction? (54:00)
  • #Quah question #3 – I’m a middle school PE teacher and am passionate about lifting. How would you teach a weightlifting class if you were the teacher? Do you start bodyweight and then teach the lifts? Any ideas on programming would be great. (1:02:18)
  • #Quah question #4 – I have been addressing ‘forward shoulder’ for about a year and have made good progress with my posture, but my neck still shoots forward. Any tips or strategies to help with this? (1:09:02)

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Mar 20, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether the gallon of water a day recommendation is a real thing or just a myth, kipping pull-ups as a substitute for strict pull-ups, combining a therapy practice with personal training, and what to do if lifts are affected by hypermobility.

  • Sal’s self-quarantine. (5:00)
  • The industries that are CRUSHING during this hysteria. (8:00)
  • The influx of online coaching and what NCI is doing to help personal trainers. (8:45)
  • The Ambassador of Health is down! (11:07)
  • What is Sal using to heal his body? (13:40)
  • Support your local business. (16:50)
  • San Francisco is on lockdown. (17:55)
  • Fun Facts with Justin, Star Wars edition. (19:45)
  • What Mind Pump is streaming. (22:05)
  • Will this crisis strengthen or hurt Trump’s chances of reelection? (24:06)
  • Will all these potential bailouts cause a recession? (26:55)
  • Rational thinking goes out of the window during a crisis. (27:42)
  • The importance of changing your workouts when stuck in a rut. (29:00)
  • How to use all-day workouts to eliminate stress. (33:29)
  • Conspiracy hour with Mind Pump, coronavirus edition. (35:53)
  • Mind Pump refuses to slow down! (38:37)
  • #Quah question #1 – Is the ‘gallon of water a day’ a real thing or just a myth? (43:06)
  • #Quah question #2 – Are kipping pull-ups a good substitute if I can only do one or two strict pull-ups? (50:55)
  • #Quah question #3 – What are your thoughts on combining a therapy practice with personal training? (56:00)
  • #Quah question #4 – You guys have discussed the importance of mobility work, but what should you do if your lifts are affected by hypermobility? (1:02:01)

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Mar 19, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin speak with Wynn Silberman, a sports agent who has represented well-known pros in the NFL and MLB. Wynn is full of fascinating behind the scenes stories.

  • Why he believes oxygen heals. (3:59)
  • His take on stem cell treatment. (5:38)
  • What things have impressed him the most when it comes to recovery and rehab? (6:30)
  • Why stem cell research in the US is so slow. (8:25)
  • How many athletes are ACTUALLY investing in their recovery and health? (9:20)
  • Pablo Sandoval likes to party. (13:37)
  • What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas? (16:20)
  • Cannabis and the NFL. (22:55)
  • How the NFL always seems to win against the Players Union. (27:18)
  • How does one become a sports agent? (29:05)
  • What makes you a good agent? (31:52)
  • The scariest moment he has encountered as an agent. (40:06)
  • The concept of a “professional groupie.” (48:55)
  • The importance of educating the athlete on social media/branding, case in reference, Marquette King. (53:20)
  • His perspective on the situation with Colin Kaepernick. (1:04:09)
  • Do players ever negotiate deals without agents? (1:13:14)
  • What separates him from Drew Rosenhaus? (1:16:15)
  • That time he got in a fight with “The Shark.” (1:18:05)
  • How he defines the NFL Combine. (1:19:17)
  • A peek behind the curtain, how much an agent makes when a player signs a massive deal. (1:21:10)


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Mar 18, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether going to failure can be beneficial every once in a while, if “big-boned” is actually a thing or just an excuse for individuals who are overweight, whether Jefferson Curls are good or bad, and tips for mental exhaustion from the gym.

  • Justin’s impressive tongue. (4:40)
  • Sal’s possible replacements. (5:55)
  • Mind Pump’s #staycation is on! (8:00)
  • Adam and Justin geek out over Westworld. (9:40)
  • How the coronavirus hysteria is impacting us + how Everlywell is there to help. (19:17)
  • Adam’s Top 10 Coronavirus List. (22:50)
  • Tom Brady’s HUGE announcement. (32:50)
  • No one wants to be on a cruise ship right now. (36:57)
  • #Quah question #1 - Can going to failure be beneficial every once in a while? If so, how often? (39:04)
  • #Quah question #2 – Is the term “big-boned” actually a thing or is it an excuse for individuals who are overweight? (42:43)
  • #Quah question #3 - What are your thoughts on Jefferson Curls? Good, bad, neither? (47:53)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are some tips for mental exhaustion from the gym? (52:06)

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Mar 16, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss how to maintain fitness when gyms are closed, bolster the immune system and maintain a positive state of mind during the stressful coronavirus pandemic.

  • The Mind Pump way, being effective in scary times and not motivated by fear. (5:00)
  • The negativity biases that are all-consuming. (7:45)
  • The incredible opportunity to do good and rise above. (10:50)
  • The power of the human spirit. (15:15)
  • Things you can do for yourself that will help you stay fit, healthy and well. (18:00)
    • Tips for at-home workouts. (22:40)
    • How to approach nutrition for your physical and emotional body. (31:05)
    • Tips to manage stress. (36:55)

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Mar 14, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about tips to maintain muscle when gyms are closed due to the coronavirus, the best ways to stretch and strengthen the quadratus lumborum, habits they have introduced in the last year, both good or bad, and how to learn to not identify your body image as your self-image?

  • Gyms in modern times. (4:33)
  • Ace inhibiting drugs and their connection to the coronavirus. (7:13)
  • Is the man-flu a real thing? (10:06)
  • Pepsi buys Rockstar Energy. (11:28)
  • The dangers of caffeine. (14:00)
  • Mind Pump Predicts, the rise of at-home workouts. (21:00)
  • Magic Spoon now has mini boxes! (23:10)
  • Is it important to look fit as a personal trainer? (26:29)
  • Random Facts with Justin. (33:45)
  • MiiR is always giving back. (36:20)
  • Science is weird. (38:58)
  • #Quah question #1 – I live in France and gyms may be forced to close due to the coronavirus. What are some tips to maintain muscle during this period of time? (40:35)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are some of the best ways to stretch and strengthen the quadratus lumborum? (45:59)
  • #Quah question #3 – What are some habits you guys have introduced in the last year, good or bad? (50:58)
  • #Quah question #4 - How and what defines a person’s self-image and how do you learn not to identify your body image as your self-image? (1:02:05)

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  • Justin "ᴛʜᴇ ʙɪɢ ᴘʏɢᴍʏ" Wren (@thebigpygmy) • Instagram
Mar 13, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about what to do when you struggle with taking rest days, the best affordable high quality protein sources, the ideal role that HIIT and LISS cardio play in a workout to maximize fat loss and retain muscle, and foods that are wrongfully demonized.

  • Revolutionary study on incorporating diet breaks. (4:57)
  • Mind Pump speculates on the future impact of the coronavirus for all industries. (11:15)
  • Ways to boost the immune system and stay healthy. (20:56)
  • Random Facts with Justin, Otzi the Iceman edition. (28:19)
  • What is going on over at Onnit? (32:23)
  • #Quah question #1 – What's your advice with someone who mentally struggles with taking rest days? (47:38)
  • #Quah question #2 – If on a budget, what are the best affordable high-quality protein sources you recommend buying? (52:49)
  • #Quah question #3 – What is the ideal role that HIIT and LISS cardio play in a workout to maximize fat loss and retain muscle? Can you give an idea of what a week would look like incorporating those two forms of cardio? (59:14)
  • #Quah question #4 – What foods do you think are most wrongfully demonized and what foods do you think are overhyped? (1:08:46)

Related Links/Products Mentioned

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  • Drew Pinsky (@drdrewpinsky) • Instagram
  • Aubrey Marcus (@aubreymarcus) • Instagram
Mar 12, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss the potential negative impacts of consuming too much sugar.

  • The demonization of sugar. (5:00)
  • The addictive properties of sugar and the physiological effects on your body. (7:39)
  • How we evolved to crave it. (12:19)
  • Things that studies have shown that high sugar diets contribute to. (14:48)
    • #1 - Weight Gain. (16:15)
    • #2 - Risk for heart disease. (21:26)
  • Expressing empathy for former clients and themselves. (24:00)
    • #3 - Acne. (30:34)
    • #4 - Effect on the microbiome and autoimmune diseases. (31:40)
    • #5 - Type 2 diabetes. (35:07)
  • Consumer alert! Nutrient splitting on labels is a real issue. (38:00)
    • #6 - Cancer and it’s link to high consumption of sugar. (40:03)
    • #7 - Can accelerate skin and cellular aging. (42:36)
    • #8 – Energy swings and mood. (45:10)
  • How to eat sugar properly. (49:52)

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Mar 11, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether red light therapy actually helps reduce the appearance of cellulite, ways to prevent joint pain when lifting heavy, whether it is better to do small portions of mobility work throughout the week or to dedicate a full day to just mobility, and the popularity of “What I eat in a day” vlogs.

  • Public vs Private schools. The differences, big issues, impact & MORE. (4:58)
  • The anti-anxiety and neurological benefits of CBD. (22:57)
  • Mind Pump on the canceling of Arnold Classic due to the coronavirus & MORE. (31:13)
  • The coronavirus effect on the travel industry. (36:20)
  • Recapping Mind Pump Live, the VIP dinner & MORE. (39:42)
  • The natural ways to protect your immune system from viruses. (45:07)
  • Fun Facts with Justin, Pringles edition. (46:40)
  • #Quah question #1 – What's your take on red light therapy? Does it actually help reduce the appearance of cellulite? (49:35)
  • #Quah question #2 – If I lift heavy will it cause my joints to hurt over time? If so, is there any way to prevent it? (58:42)
  • #Quah question #3 - Is it better to do small portions of mobility work throughout the week or should you dedicate a full day to just mobility? (1:04:53)
  • #Quah question #4 - “What I eat in a day” vlogs are very popular on social media. Why do you think we are so interested in what social influencers eat? (1:07:48)

Related Links/Products Mentioned

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  • Layne Norton, PhD (@biolayne) • Instagram
  • Laurie Christine King (LCK) (@lauriechristineking) Instagram
  • Dexter "The Blade" Jackson (@mrolympia08) Instagram
Mar 9, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss the pitfalls of meal plans.

  • The unpopular statement, why all meal plans suck. (2:58)
  • The mistakes the guys made in their early days of personal training when it came to providing meal plans to their clients. (5:15)
  • Why MOST people cannot stick to a meal plan. (11:52)
  • Challenging the trainer to not go the lazy route. (15:46)
  • Is following a meal plan long-term considered a disordered form of eating? (19:09)
  • What restricted eating can promote. (20:26)
  • It is NOT for me. (26:56)
  • Real-life changes, so change your routine. (31:19)
  • How the answers are NOT what will give you success, it’s how you GET to the answers that will give you success. (32:58)
  • Tips to build long-term results and change behaviors. (36:30)
  • Nutrition is individualized. (43:28)

Related Links/Products Mentioned

People Mentioned

  • Food, We Need To Talk (@foodweneedtotalk) • Instagram
Mar 7, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about why bodybuilders almost always seem to opt for clean eating as opposed to flexible dieting, whether the body gets too efficient at basic human movements such as walking, how to ensure you don’t lose too much muscle when cutting, and the big 4 cardio machines.

  • Adam’s puberty squeak. (4:50)
  • Mind Pump on effectively disciplining their children, temper tantrums & MORE. (7:07)
  • The newest addition to the Andrews family. (19:34)
  • Mind Pump on nudist colonies. (24:33)
  • The Di Stefano wine tasting trip brought to you by ZBiotics. (29:21)
  • Butcher Box’s exemplary customer service. (33:52)
  • Justin on his latest dietary experiment, the impact of elimination diets & MORE. (36:24)
  • Things are getting crazy in San Francisco. (41:40)
  • Mind Pump election predictions. (49:05)
  • #Quah question #1 – Why do bodybuilders almost always seem to opt for strictly clean eating as opposed to a flexible dieting approach? (54:34)
  • #Quah question #2 – You often mention cardio adaptation. Does our body get too efficient at basic human movements such as walking as well? (1:05:56)
  • #Quah question #3 – How do you ensure you don’t lose too much muscle when cutting? I am very attached to the gains and don’t want to see them go. (1:09:25)
  • #Quah question #4 – What would you consider to be the big 4 cardio machines? (1:18:59)

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Mar 6, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether SARMs are a useful tool or a gimmick, exercises for improving vertical jump, how resistance training and nutrition play a factor for women who want to conceive and what fatherhood has taught them.

  • Justin experiments with Organifi. (3:50)
  • The silly things that have been seen in the gym. (6:27)
  • Mind Pump on Netflix’s Top 10, releasing their analytics & MORE. (9:45)
  • Mind Pump on the Pete Davidson special on Netflix, backstory with past relationships & MORE. (15:10)
  • Mind Pump random thoughts. (22:10)
  • Mind Pump on the hysteria surrounding the Coronavirus. (25:10)
  • Are viruses alive or not? (29:35)
  • The Fed pumping more money into the market. (31:38)
  • Justin cold calling for charity, his closing rate & MORE. (33:14)
  • #Quah question #1 - Are SARMs are a useful tool or a gimmick? (38:51)
  • #Quah question #2 – What exercises would you recommend for improving your vertical jump? (47:17)
  • #Quah question #3 - Do resistance training and nutrition play a factor for women who want to conceive? Would a woman have to switch up their diet and training regimen to better her chances of conceiving? (56:28)
  • #Quah question #4 – What has fatherhood taught you? I just had my first son and what advice would you give to a first-time parent? (1:04:43)

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  • Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) • Instagram
  • Paul J. Fabritz (@pjfperformance) • Instagram
  • Cory Schlesinger (@schlesstrength) • Instagram
  • Max Schmarzo (ATC/CSCS/MS) (@strong_by_science) Instagram
  • Sonny Webster (@sonnywebstergb) Instagram
  • Drew Canole (@drewcanole) • Instagram
Mar 5, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin speak with good friend Dr. Jordan Shallow about the value of training for powerlifting.

  • Is powerlifting getting more mainstream in the fitness space? (2:49)
  • The strength building carryover benefits of powerlifting. (6:04)
  • Are deadlifts dangerous? (9:26)
  • The biggest myths surrounding powerlifting principles. (18:25)
    • Practicing the skill and not training the output. (21:31)
    • Defining what going to failure is. (26:17)
    • Women and strength training. (30:18)
      • How to train a coach to cue the proper form. (39:30)
      • Conventional vs Sumo deadlift. (41:47)
    • The prerequisite exercises for the big 4 lifts. (43:54)
      • The Squat. (45:10)
      • The Deadlift/Bench Press. (47:30)
        • Muscle function vs muscle action. (54:09)
      • The Overhead Press. (57:14)
    • What does it look like to eat for performance vs strength? (1:00:23)
    • How you become the shape of your sport. (1:05:36)
    • Jordan’s favorite non-powerlifting movement. (1:07:48)
    • The Mind Pump reach. (1:10:00)

Featured Guest

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  • Robert Oberst (@robertoberst) • Instagram
  • Max Schmarzo (ATC/CSCS/MS) (@strong_by_science) Instagram
  • Stefanie Cohen, DPT (@steficohen) Instagram
Mar 4, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether creatine intake should differ on non-training days, how to get quality sleep when working shifts, becoming a professional athlete with a balanced lifestyle, and what to consider before leaving a big box gym to become an independent trainer.

  • Importance of your mindset when going into a workout. (6:11)
  • Study: Eating a junk food diet undermines your memory and self-control.
  •  (14:23)
  • Mind Pump,  BIG Group Class guys. (17:33)
  • Hugo Boss’s connection to a certain regime. (25:50)
  • The blood bath that is the Stock Market. (29:11)
  • Is Bitcoin on the rise again? (32:28)
  • Mind Pump making a BIG push to focus on their other platforms. (35:21)
  • Resistance training and Alzheimer's. (37:39)
  • The unintentional consequences of school mandated policies. (43:27)
  • #Quah question #1 – When supplementing with creatine should your intake differ on non-training days? (50:41)
  • #Quah question #2 - How can you get quality sleep when working shifts? (57:32)
  • #Quah question #3 – Do you believe it is possible to become a professional athlete with a balanced lifestyle? (1:03:04)
  • #Quah question #4 – As a trainer, what should you consider before leaving a big box gym to become an independent trainer? (1:07:48)

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Mar 2, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss the challenges and benefits of Olympic Lifting with Olympian Sonny Webster.

  • What is Olympic Lifting? (3:30)
  • The difference between power and strength. (5:10)
  • Does getting stronger contribute to more power? (6:08)
  • The prerequisites REQUIRED if you want to start Olympic lifting. (7:08)
  • Are Olympic weightlifting shoes recommended? (8:56)
  • Where does it rank in terms of complexity and skill required? (10:33)
  • How does he define mobility? (14:40)
  • Olympic Weightlifting for Beginners 101. Understanding the process, the think box vs the play box & MORE. (16:04)
  • What role does fatigue play into this modality? (20:30)
  • Teaching Olympic Weightlifting in the CrossFit market. (22:40)
  • Breaking down the triple extension. (29:00)
  • The process of the catch position. (31:20)
  • What are the most common athletes that come to him? (32:29)
  • The best complimentary exercises for Olympic Weightlifting? (34:25)
  • What paradigm-shattering moments has he experienced in his career? (37:00)
  • Where did he get his mobility from and how does he keep it up? (39:30)
  • How often does he chase PR’s? (40:40)
  • Selling Olympic Weightlifting to the masses: What can they expect to gain? (41:45)
  • The importance of getting the RIGHT muscles to work. (44:40)
  • What are the most common injuries? (46:04)
  • For the average person, what element of Olympic Weightlifting would he recommend they start with? (47:21)
  • Should I mobilize or practice movements before or after my workout? (49:08)
  • Is there a technique to brace the core when doing Olympic Weightlifting? (52:00)
  • Weightlifting can be assessable for EVERYONE! (55:33)
  • Practice the skill and master the movement. (57:52)


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Mathew Fraser (@mathewfras)  Instagram