In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin talk about New Year's resolutions and the many reasons they do not work and what you can do to achieve your goals in 2020.
- How Vuori has saved the podcast + brands that are making a comeback. (3:53)
- The New Year’s rush is here! (7:01)
- Why New Year’s resolutions DON’T work. (10:36)
- Top Reason’s why New Year’s Resolutions are NOT Successful (& the Solutions to Them).
- Your goals are too BIG and general. (14:25)
- Not enhancing your current habits and behaviors. (21:00)
- Making things too HARD on yourself. (29:00)
- Focusing on behaviors rather than goals. (34:08)
- Failing to change your environment. (42:26)
- Using the wrong metrics to gauge your success. (49:37)
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