In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom.
- Mind Pump Fit Tip: The idea that gyms are some of the most unaccepting, judgmental places on Earth is complete bullshit! (3:22)
- Is white rice as bad as candy for heart health?! (25:35)
- The reviews are in for Kreatures of Habit! (30:49)
- Is Elon buying Twitter back on the table? (35:37)
- The benefits of Acetyl-L-Carnitine, from LivON Labs, for mild depression symptoms. (43:42)
- The Brain Blend from Ned is legit! (44:51)
- #ListenerLive question #1 - Any advice on how to help my virtual client who has an excessive anterior pelvic tilt and low back pain? (49:02)
- #ListenerLive question #2 - What should I do when my doctor is telling me to stop lifting weights, but strength training is key to my mental health? (1:01:56)
- #ListenerLive question #3 - Do you have any tips/advice on how to overcome the fear of rupturing my Achilles again? (1:13:44)
- #ListenerLive question #4 - Any advice on ways to overcome elbow pain while lifting? (1:23:50)
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