In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin cover five steps you can take to achieve your goals this year.
- Crazy statistics surrounding New Year's Resolutions. (3:11)
- The biggest mistakes people make when it comes to making resolutions. (7:35)
- 5 Steps to Setting New Year’s Resolutions that Actually Work. (8:49)
- #1 – Set small attainable goals to build wins. (9:10)
- Slower is better. (13:35)
- #2 – Create a plan and be specific. (17:26)
- Track your progress. (21:46)
- #3 – Construct a strategy to improve your accountability. (26:17)
- Food prepping. (30:38)
- Invest in quality programming. (32:32)
- #4 – Fall in love with the journey and not the goal. (34:14)
- #5 – Practice self-care and be kind to yourself. (40:08)
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