Personal Trainers & the Gym Industry with UFC Gym VP Don Cardona
Don’s first impression of Sal, and how their relationship was built. (2:01)
Building and inspiring other people. (5:47)
Gym culture then and now. (10:38)
Challenging moments early on. (13:50)
The differences in the club industry. (20:14)
Empowering the fitness professional through culture. (30:22)
How do we keep the RIGHT people? (32:58)
Attracting the best talent and bringing mixed martial arts to the masses. (42:59)
Merging Social and Brick & Mortar. (47:12)
The goal moving forward. (55:37)
Nailing the 4 F’s: Faith, family, fitness, and finances. (57:51)
Aging like fine wine. (1:00:39)
Related Links/Products Mentioned
Visit NASM for this month’s exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Fitness and Nutrition Bundle – Buy CPT get CNC Free! ** Code MPMFNB at checkout **
EARLY ACCESS to the Black Friday Sale is open NOW! ** ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday, December 1st. Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5-day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 10 entries, Program purchase - 5 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 1 entry. Winners will be announced and contacted in December. **
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Featured Guest/People Mentioned
Don Cardona (@dc.fit1) Instagram
Adam Sedlack (@ceoufcgym) Instagram
Hany Rambod (@hanyrambod) Instagram