In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom.
Mind Pump Fit Tip: Compound before isolation lifts are the best, except when they're not. (2:04)
The buzz around the Park City house giveaway. (13:47)
The movies that represent the four founders. (15:25)
Kids say and do the darndest things. (22:52)
Leaning into your kid's passions. (27:55)
Exercise and mental health for children. (31:04)
Maximizing opportunities through innovation. (34:34)
Forever chemicals and what they are most strongly connected to. (38:28)
Organifi’s top sellers. (40:19)
Toddlers and ultra-processed foods. (42:30)
Highlighting gym owners doing things the right way. (45:22)
Shout out to Chris Ellis! (52:11)
#ListenerLive question #1 – How do I approach my training and nutrition going forward, as I’m looking to transition from competitive sports to powerlifting/bodybuilding? (52:55)
#ListenerLive question #2 – I am trying to bulk but feel like I’m just getting fat. What am I doing wrong? (1:09:42)
#ListenerLive question #3 – Which of your programs would you recommend to someone who wants to be consistent, but is terrified of injuring themselves? (1:21:43)
#ListenerLive question #4 – Why am I still hungry? Do I need to bump my calories even more? (1:31:39)
Related Links/Products Mentioned
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Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. **
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EARLY ACCESS to Black Friday Sale is open NOW! ALL MAPS Fitness Products 60% OFF. Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. The code will expire on Sunday December 1st. ** Each purchase enters you to win one of two 5 day stays at the Mind Pump Park City Vacation Home. Each winner will receive $1,000 cash for travel and food. Bundle purchase - 10 entries, Program purchase - 5 entries, ALL other MAPS purchases (mods, guides, etc.) - 1 entry. Winners will be announced and contacted in December.
Toddlers Get Half Their Calories From Ultra-Processed Food, Says Study
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Mind Pump #095: Adam’s Road to the San Jose Pro: Week 2 Update
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Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. **
People Mentioned
Chris Ellis (@chris_ellis_ifbb_pro) Instagram
Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram