In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin cover ten steps to hit a deadlift PR in 30 days.
- Most of you can hit a PR in 30, but you MUST follow the RIGHT protocol. (1:45)
- Ten Steps to Hit a Deadlift PR in 30 Days.
- #1 – Bump calories. (3:17)
- #2 - Aim for 8-9 hours of sleep. (8:31)
- #3- Deadlift hard/intense once a week. (11:40)
- #4 - Squat heavy once a week. (13:27)
- #5 - Hip thrust heavy once a week. (17:15)
- #6 – The third week, go light. (20:17)
- #7 - Train moderate intensity for the rest of the body. (26:41)
- #8 – Pre-workout supplement stack (caffeine, agmatine, theanine). (30:00)
- #9 - 2 hours before, eat a meal, and drink water. (35:07)
- #10- Right before your lift prime like this. (39:04)
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