Progressive overload is a concept that many are familiar with and most abuse. Sal, Adam & Justin discuss how you can control intensity, frequency and duration to maximize the results you are getting in the gym.
Life is certainly not without it's challenges and there are times when events are outside of anyone's control. Today's episode brings out a side of Sal, Adam & Justin Pumpheads normally don't see as they tackle this topic.
Adam feels a little left out because Sal and Justin scoff at some of the exercises he does to "sculpt" his body as a physique competitor. Todays episode breaks down the value of these and other exercises to meet specific goals.
This week's Q&A brought questions about female fitness competitors and necessity of fake boobs, Herbalife and Beach Body products, the use of recreational drugs by athletes, inspirational figures and the value of taking a multivitamin.
In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss how to reverse metabolic damage.
Want the added edge in the gym? There are plenty of devices and implements that promise to take your performance and physique to the next level. Sal, Adam and Justin take on Rock Tape, elevation masks, squeems and belts. Do they work and are they necessary? All is revealed in this episode.
OK, admittedly the Mind Pump crew has hated on one or two different people/organizations. However, credit is given where credit is due. In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin expose a particularly insidious kind of hater, the one that smiles to your face.
It is Q&A time once again and as usual tons of great questions came in through Instagram (@mindpump) and on the Mind Pump Private Forum. Sal, Adam & Justin take on the best way to take creatine, the worst exercises they have ever taught their clients, what PumpHeads can do to promote MindPump, the age at which kids can start working out and cleanses. Thank you for posting your questions and please them coming.
Beast Mode. No Pain, No Gain. Pukie the Clown. Working out with ultra high intensity is all the rage. Sure building strength and muscle requires hard work in the gym, but do you have to beat the crap out of yourself in the process? Insane workouts play into the widespread belief that if a little is good a lot more is better. Sal, Adam and Justin expose the RAW TRUTH about beast mode and extreme intensity.
Want to be popular? Then don't talk politics. Oops, too late. Adam has now unleashed the political side of Nerdy Sal.
Off the wall and totally random. There is no other way to describe this episode and it is Doug's job, as the producer and official cat herder, to make sense of it. In the meantime Sal, Adam & Justin are in the process of setting him up with online dates. Welcome to total chaos.
In this episode Doug announces the iTunes review contest winners (yes, a little late) and Sal & Justin console Adam after he reads a very personal (and not so glowing) review. They also take on your questions and explain why some body parts grow more quickly and why others seem growth-resistant, how the man of few words (Justin) became a super-star salesman, what to do when a client has body image issues and solutions (maybe) for a PumpHead who visits the refrigerator while he is asleep. If you were announced as a winner of the iTunes review contest send us a message on Instagram @mindpump with your address and shirt size and we will send you out a Mind Pump shirt! (We have S, M, L, XL only). Also, please subscribe, rate and review the show if you haven't already. This helps Mind Pump stay up in the rankings on iTunes which allows other people to discover Raw Fitness Truth.
While Adam is off galavanting around in Tahoe, Sal and Justin reveal how to address muscle imbalances and correct crappy form to improve performance and to prevent injury.
Sal, Adam & Justin interview American Ninja Warrior David "The Godfather" Campbell, 2015 finalist who you can soon see competing on NBC for the $1,000,000 prize in Las Vegas. (David's Twitter & Instagram @NinjaGodfather) David is no ordinary ANW competitor. He has been competing for the past few years in both the United States and Japan and is arguably the most successful American competitor of all time, earning him the moniker "The Godfather." In this episode David reveals how he trains and what goes on in the mind of a true American Ninja.
Sal, Adam & Justin are unleashed in this episode that touches on topics such as utopia, heroin and becoming an old man.
Whether you lift weights or play golf, if you want an added edge then you need to look into Stick Mobility. Adam & Justin interview the Stick Mobility founders.
Doug is really in trouble now. Sal, Adam & Justin have decided to act as his matchmaker. Enough said.
Is fat shaming actually cool? How about fit shaming? It seems that one of those is socially acceptable and the other isn't. Who writes the rules on what is ok and what isn't? Sal, Adam and Justin look at the demented world we live in where values are often warped in the name of political correctness.
Is Justin gaining weight? It appears so in his most recent photo with The Bachelorette's Ben Zorn. Whether it's true or not, Sal and Adam are relentless.
Pump Head questions answered here! Sal, Adam & Justin cover your questions about giving nutritional advice to beginners, the value of compression pants, the dangers of sissy squats, going back in time and using 1/2 squats to help with max squats.
Finally someone who is better looking than Adam graces our studio! In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin interview personal trainer and contestant of ABC's The Bachelorette, Ben Zorn. Ben reveals how he got on the show, what really happens behind the scenes, what it's like to have cameras in your face while you are making out and how he REALLY feels about the bachelorette, Kaitlyn Bristowe.
Doug, the MindPump producer, is also known as "the spinner" and "chimpy." He is typically behind the scenes making sure the show sounds good and that all that supports the show is kept up to date. Sal, Adam & Justin work him hard and have decided it is time to let Doug out of his box to have a little fun.
What's with Adam's shoes? Maybe they are the key to his muscle building success. OR maybe it is just because he, Sal and Justin do special mass building exercises. Listen now to hear their analysis of the best exercises to put on size.
Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about on the job learning, forsaking entrepreneurship for the corporate life, spirit animals, macros and ketosis.
Sal, Adam & Justin take on the topic of bullies and whiney-assed, self-righteous people who focus on political correctness rather than on providing solutions to real problems.