
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at
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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth













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Now displaying: 2021
Mar 26, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the benefits to following a squat everyday program, changing training style when cutting and bulking, whether artificial sweeteners are as bad for you as sugar, and how to address low back soreness after heavy deadlifts.

  • The NCAA weight room controversy revisited. (3:41)
  • Mind Pump Recommends, Formula 1: Drive to Survive on Netflix. (17:18)
  • Krispy Kreme’s latest promotion is on-trend. (25:37)
  • When you buy your dream house, but the seller refuses to leave. (27:46)
  • Snapchat’s latest acquisition has Adam intrigued. (30:56)
  • Trump is launching his own social media platform. (35:16)
  • Mind Pump Recommends, Made You Look: A True Story About Fake Art on Netflix. (36:53)
  • The benefits of Organifi’s probiotic supplement when you have a late-night craving like Adam. (41:34)
  • How nobody wants to be in reality anymore. (44:40)
  • Magic Spoon to the rescue to save you from cravings. (50:23)
  • #Quah question #1 – Are there any benefits to following a squat everyday program? (53:13)
  • #Quah question #2 - When cutting or bulking, should your style of training change? (1:01:17)
  • #Quah question #3 – Are artificial sweeteners as bad for you like sugar, and how do they affect blood sugar, etc.? (1:06:58)
  • #Quah question #4 - How do you address low back soreness after heavy deadlifts? (1:16:07)

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Mar 25, 2021

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin discuss the challenges people face and the mistakes that they make when they are attempting to lose fat and the proper way everyone should approach fat loss.

  • The biggest mistake people make when they want to start their fat loss journey. (1:58)
  • Why exercise is NOT just about burning calories. (4:09)
  • Why cardio is the WRONG form of exercise to lose body fat. (8:39)
  • The importance of building your metabolism through resistance training. (13:35)
  • Motivation is fleeting. (15:51)
  • The magic of resistance training when it comes to boosting your metabolism. (17:35)
  • The Biggest Loser model for failure. (21:33)
  • Mind Pump Revelations: How effective resistance training can bring AMAZING results to the average person. (24:03)
  • The general rules to train your body to become a fat-burning machine. (32:05)

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Mar 24, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the best exercises to build mass in the quads, the quickest way to recover from soreness, when to stop a reverse diet, and how to add running to a weightlifting routine.

  • The ultimate pro douchebag move. (3:43)
  • How Butcher Box has the best customer service, hands down! (11:32)
  • The inconvenient truths surrounding men’s versus women’s sports. (13:50)
  • Mind Pump Recommends, The Last Blockbuster on Netflix. (28:32)
  • Justin is looking good in his Felix Gray’s. (38:39)
  • Is the human reproductive system declining? (39:54)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are the best exercises to build mass in the quads? (50:28)
  • #Quah question #2 – What's the quickest way to recover from soreness? (59:03)
  • #Quah question #3 – How do I know when to stop a reverse diet? (1:03:11)
  • #Quah question #4 – I want to add running to my weightlifting routine. I was thinking of running a mile or 10 minutes before lifting. My goal is to keep and improve on gains, but also weave in some endurance training. Is it better to run after weights or on my days off? (1:05:55)

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Mar 22, 2021

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin discuss Sal's upcoming book, The Resistance Training Revolution and the superiority of resistance training as a form of exercise to battle the health challenges of modern civilization. (Available for pre-order at

  • Sal is officially an author! (1:45)
  • Why this title and why this book? (3:17)
  • Fighting the stereotype that surrounds resistance training. (9:37)
  • Why resistance training is the best form of exercise for EVERYONE! (14:50)
  • Crazy statistics surrounding the benefits of resistance training. (17:48)
  • What makes Sal’s book stand out above his colleagues? (19:49)
  • Creating a movement to open doors to the general population on the impact of resistance training. (25:37)
  • The process and behind-the-scenes details of a book deal. (27:47)
  • What was the most difficult part of the process? (36:47)
  • How you can support. (39:51)
  • Sal’s ‘dream’ for this book. (43:00)

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Mar 20, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions via Zoom.

  • Name that popular movie quote. (3:26)
  • Adam responds differently to certain nootropics. (6:30)
  • How bodybuilder pumping reps may build more muscle than full-range of motion ones. (13:13)
  • Why lifting tempo doesn’t matter. (17:53)
  • How Sal is finding gray hair in other places. (22:18)
  • Cakes and weights. (23:38)
  • Why Justin is experimenting with the DuckDuckGo search engine. (25:08)
  • Italy is heading into another lockdown. (29:34)
  • Obesity versus smoking, which is worse for your health? (32:24)
  • The game-changing benefits of drinking LMNT. (41:17)
  • The ultimate all-in-one health monitor wearable coming soon?! (42:36)
  • #Quah question #1 – Do you have any advice on how to correct imbalances between both sides of my body when doing the big lifts? (49:15)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are some ways you can increase your testosterone levels naturally? (55:30)
  • #Quah question #3 – How can I promote longevity through powerlifting and address muscle imbalances? (1:09:45)
  • #Quah question #4 – How can I break the plateau I am experiencing with my bodyweight squat? (1:16:31)

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Mar 19, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about cheat meals causing the body to add fat cells, the best at-home vastus medialis (quad teardrop) exercise, whether it is better to squat lighter weight ass to grass versus heavier weight at 90 degrees, and tips for building a team of trainers.

  • How Google is disrupting education. (2:55)
  • Using facial recognition technology for good. (10:25)
  • Mind Pump Recommends, I Care A Lot on Netflix. (12:15)
  • The mind-blowing speed the universe is expanding. (17:21)
  • The long-term effects of steroid use. (23:55)
  • How scientists want to build a doomsday vault on the moon. (25:10)
  • The guy’s go-to Oli Pop flavor. (34:52)
  • #Quah question #1 – If you eat in a calorie deficit all week and then have a cheat meal, will you gain fat cells, and is that considered yo-yo dieting? (40:56)
  • #Quah question #2 – What's the best at-home vastus medialis (quad teardrop) exercise? (47:06)
  • #Quah question #3 - Is it better to squat lighter weight ass to grass versus heavier weight at 90 degrees? (50:37)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are some tips for building a team of trainers? (54:11)

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Mar 18, 2021

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin discuss five reasons why it makes to follow a (well written) workout program, even if you are advanced.

  • The value of following an organized program for the advanced lifter. (2:07)
  • Mind Pump reminisces on their first workout programs. (4:35)
  • The 4 stages of learning and how it applies to workout programming. (8:38)
  • The 5 Values of Following a (Well-Written) Workout Program. (12:05)
  • #1 – Prevents overtraining. (12:46)
  • #2 – Forces you to work the body parts you are neglecting. (19:13)
  • #3 – Provides structure and a checklist. (24:05)
  • #4 – Trains you to understand progressive overload through tracking. (25:57)
  • #5 – Teaches you how to program for yourself. (31:41)

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Mar 17, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how much creatine to consume, whether high cholesterol is still the demon it was once thought to be, whether you should weigh your meat raw or cooked, and movements that help older people build strength.

  • Mind Pump on dirty song lyrics of their youth. (4:22)
  • Burger King is a marketing genius. (12:09)
  • Addressing the hip thrust versus back squat controversy from a previous episode. (16:54)
  • Does the use of anabolic steroids cause long-term testosterone production damage? (20:42)
  • Ned’s new product ‘Mello’ is blowing the guy's minds! (24:09)
  • How success breeds more success. (29:00)
  • Mind Pump’s theories on the recent non-fungible token (NFT) craze. (34:10)
  • Did you know there is an approved surgery to make you taller?! (39:35)
  • What will the long-term effects of masks be? (42:10)
  • How the Public Goods membership service works. (48:41)
  • #Quah question #1 - How much creatine should I consume and when? (51:00)
  • #Quah question #2 – Is high cholesterol still the demon we once thought it was? Such as having high LDL, but also having high HDL? (55:47)
  • #Quah question #3 – When using a food scale to track ounces of meat, should you measure raw or cooked? (1:03:08)
  • #Quah question #4 – Lots of people have older family members they care for. If you were to recommend a few movements that would help them build some strength, what would they be? (1:05:57)

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Mar 15, 2021

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin cover four things that women need to focus on during their 40's and beyond to optimize their level of fitness.

  • Why are women more receptive to seek out help? (2:50)
  • The common misconceptions about women in their 40’s. (8:07)
  • Four Things Women in Their 40’s Need to Know About Fitness. (13:48)
  • #1 – Train your body to burn calories on its own through traditional resistance training. (18:55)
  • #2 – Focus on mobility. (30:11)
  • #3 – Mold your programming for your schedule. (36:08)
  • #4 – Improve your relationship with food. (41:22)

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Mar 13, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions via Zoom.

  • Sal’s ‘brutal’ morning routine. (3:33)
  • Workouts and instability. (5:25)
  • Microsoft files patent technology to create chatbots of dead people, fictional characters, and relatives. (15:43)
  • When people overshare on social media. (25:55)
  • New Flavor Alerts from Magic Spoon! (31:22)
  • What do prisoners and CEOs have in common? (33:45)
  • How NCI is disrupting the fitness space! (41:44)
  • #Quah question #1 – How can I modify my workouts to get the benefits of full-body training while limiting the further size of my lower body? (43:54)
  • #Quah question #2 – How can I effectively plan my own training programs? (49:14)
  • #Quah question #3 – Are there benefits to splitting up your workout throughout the day? (1:00:35)
  • #Quah question #4 – How do I properly train and prime for a canoeing expedition? (1:06:45)

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Mar 12, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how much protein you can eat per meal, whether or not a massage helps promote muscle growth, muscle building tips for teenagers, and @functionalpatterns stance that weight lifting in its traditional form does more harm than good.

  • Addressing the CrossFit controversy on the Mind Pump Podcast YouTube page. (3:28)
  • Hip thrusts versus barbell squats, which one builds bigger butt muscles? (16:48)
  • How Adam used Organifi’s Red Juice to wean off caffeine for a week. (23:25)
  • The copper scrolls of treasure. (31:25)
  • Mind Pump speculates on the housing market bubble, exodus in California, and inflation rates. (38:06)
  • Justin is not all fish sticks. (48:50)
  • #Quah question #1 - How much of my daily protein intake can I eat per meal? (52:50)
  • #Quah question #2 – I'm curious whether or not a massage helps promote muscle growth? Also, do massage guns actually work or are they a marketing gimmick? (1:00:08)
  • #Quah question #3 – What are some muscle building tips for teenagers? (1:07:50)
  • #Quah question #4 – What do you think of @functionalpatterns and their stance that weight lifting in its traditional form does more harm than good? (1:12:13)

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Mar 11, 2021

In this episode Sal speaks with bodybuilding journalist and steroid expert, John Romano about steroids. The interview is followed up by a discussion with Sal, Adam and Justin.

  • How did he get into the supplement space? (2:35)
  • When did athletes start experimenting with steroids? (4:50)
  • The popularity in the United States. (7:27)
  • What is the difference between testosterone and other anabolic steroids? (9:29)
  • The pros/cons of androgenic and anabolic steroids. (11:25)
  • What is the difference in feel? (13:31)
  • Why he believes most steroid stacks should start with testosterone. (15:23)
  • Why you must determine your goals and realistic expectations first. (18:25)
  • The starter stack for a young male in his late 20s to increase performance. (20:00)
  • How to determine your dose duration? (25:00)
  • Once off a cycle, how does one get back to baseline? (26:44)
  • Should women stay clear of anabolic steroids? (28:33)
  • What is clenbuterol and what is it used for? (32:40)
  • What is albuterol? (33:48)
  • How growth hormone stimulates other things to happen. (34:44)
  • What are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs), why am I able to buy them on the internet, and what do they do? (38:57)
  • How did athletes beat drug tests back in the day? (46:13)
  • Is there a genetic component to how you respond to these drugs? (52:25)
  • Why recovery and nutrition are the keys to preserving muscle, NOT drugs. (53:51)
  • Why he believes there are only two genders and addressing the controversy surrounding transgender athletes. (55:21)
  • Are testosterone cycles becoming more acceptable and mainstream? (1:04:00)
  • How has the response been to his podcast? (1:07:25)
  • A Mind Pump follow-up conversation on the comments made by John. (1:11:39)

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Mar 10, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about resetting the body’s body fat set point, how to implement drop sets and supersets in a workouts, whether it is healthy to have a protein shake every day, and their current thoughts on CrossFit.

  • The growing segment of sex technology. (4:01)
  • Why are seeing a significant increase in obesity among animals? (9:28)
  • Are octopuses from outer space? (19:35)
  • How IQ could affect you getting married? (22:52)
  • Common sense versus scientific studies. (27:18)
  • The latest updates on COVID deaths and vaccine rollouts. (28:33)
  • UFC 259 recap and controversial hot takes. (32:55)
  • How wearing blue-light blocking glasses at night can raise melatonin 58%! (39:20)
  • The biggest endocrine disruptor offenders. (42:51)
  • #Quah question #1 – Can you actually reset your body’s set point? I used to be 310 lbs., I got down to 155 lbs., but could never stay there long. My body keeps rebounding and staying at 195 lbs. I have been lifting for 5 years and tracking macros to lose weight. I would like my body to sit at 145-160 lbs. How can I reset my set point? (47:35)
  • #Quah question #2 – When do you implement drop sets and supersets in your workouts? (55:55)
  • #Quah question #3 - Is it healthy to have a protein shake every day? Any long-term health issues with that? (59:35)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are your current thoughts on CrossFit? (1:03:06)

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Mar 8, 2021

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin cover how to kickstart fat loss without destroying your metabolism.

  • Why context matters when it comes to rapid fat loss. (2:13)
  • Understanding what your behavior and pattern interrupters are. (7:08)
  • Why you have to resist the temptation to continue eating in a calorie deficit long-term. (11:55)
  • Seven Day Fat Loss Kickstart. (15:06)
  • Step #1 – Intermittent fasting/meal skip. (16:57)
  • Step #2 – Drop calories to 500. (21:25)
  • Step #3 – Target protein first and fibrous vegetables. (22:28)
  • Step #4 – Focus on working inward/low-intensity workouts. (26:09)
  • Step #5 – Mindset is everything! (30:50)
  • Clues and hints you have done this properly. (34:43)
  • How to come out of this process the RIGHT way. (37:43)

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Mar 6, 2021
  • New UFC Gym Grand Opening in Mind Pump’s neck of the woods. (3:45)
  • Mind Pump Reminisces: The old school culture of creating successful gyms. (5:58)
  • The growing trend of ‘helicopter parenting’ and the dangerous consequences from it. (19:18)
  • How Adam has been using the ChiliPad to wake up naturally in the morning. (24:03)
  • Weird News with Sal: Whale vomit is worth how much?! (25:58)
  • Caldera is a HIT with men! (30:36)
  • Micro-dosing and self-awareness. (31:41)
  • #Quah question #1 – How can I break out of a plateau? (42:55)
  • #Quah question #2 – How can I balance fat loss while maintaining my muscle-building goals? (50:56)
  • #Quah question #3 – Advice on when to know it’s time to change up my programming and nutrition? (59:18)
  • #Quah question #4 – How can I get to my goal of 14% body fat the right way? (1:06:33)

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Mar 5, 2021
  • Sal’s baby monitor snafu. (6:15)
  • The funny ways guys try to impress girls. (14:05)
  • When Sci-fi movie plots come to life. (17:42)
  • Will gyms survive the pandemic? (18:25)
  • Have we lost our common sense of morality? (24:03)
  • Are we predisposed to have genetically gifted body parts? (35:37)
  • Red light therapy and recovery. (41:25)
  • #Quah question #1 – Is it true that shorter walks of 30 minutes or less will primarily burn sugar and carbs, while longer walks will primarily burn fat? (44:21)
  • #Quah question #2 – How can you know how good your muscle-building genes are? Wrist, ankle, and neck measurements? What would be good measurements as opposed to bad? (47:50)
  • #Quah question #3 – I'm an old has been and want to look and feel like I can still f*** s*** up! What program would I do for that? (54:33)
  • #Quah question #4 – Why do most calorie and macro calculators still use the old school 1 gram pound per body weight and even above 1.2 grams while cutting? When most recent studies show no benefits for muscle building or fat loss in going above 0.7 grams per pound? (56:42)

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Mar 4, 2021

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin talk about how to enjoy drinking alcohol and still achieve your fitness goals.

  • The fascinating and surprising statistics surrounding drinking alcohol. (2:24)
  • Then and Now: How the guys address the alcohol conversation to their clients. (7:36)
  • How to drink and stay fit for the party animal. (11:11)
  • What alcohol does to the body. (16:18)
  • What you can do to help mitigate the effects of too much alcohol and the value of pacing yourself. (22:57)
  • Diet and alcohol. (26:12)
  • The alcohols with the least amount of physical effects on the body. (29:46)
  • Addressing your behaviors/psychology and building your self-awareness around alcohol. (31:13)
  • Why it is good to have hard rules for yourself. (35:45)
  • The Mind Pump formula for drinking and staying fit. (41:54)

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Mar 3, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the “fat burning zone,” how to train and grow the gluteus medius, what supplements are worth spending big money on and which ones to avoid, and how to stay motivated when you have reached most of your natural potential.

  • The release of Sal’s book is nearly here! (4:57)
  • The controversy surrounding Mr. Potato Head. (12:04)
  • The truth behind Orangetheory’s EPOC “afterburn” effect claims. (14:18)
  • Mind Pump Workouts: Updates on their current training, nutrition, and challenges. (23:22)
  • How to wean yourself off caffeine using Organifi’s red juice. (27:03)
  • Mind Pump love drones. (29:35)
  • The guys are REALLY into UFOs. (32:15)
  • The dangers of ‘cock fighting’. (37:32)
  • What country is the leader in ‘party drug’ consumption? (40:48)
  • The SARMS market is booming! (42:52)
  • How Paleo Valley’s beef sticks have ruined all beef jerky for the guys. (45:03)
  • The value of following a structured workout to keep you on track. (46:24)
  • #Quah question #1 – Is the “fat-burning zone” a real thing? (49:09)
  • #Quah question #2 - How should one train and grow the gluteus medius? (56:52)
  • #Quah question #3 - What supplements are worth spending big money on and which ones can I save on? (1:00:48)
  • #Quah question #4 - How do you stay motivated when you have reached most of your natural potential? (1:05:39)

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Mar 1, 2021

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin uncover seven lies that are commonly spread by fitness influencers.

  • How the old tricks still work. (2:15)
  • The challenges of these “new” fitness influencers. (5:19)
  • The Seven Lies Fitness Influencers Love to Tell. (5:58)
  • #1 – They are natural. (6:12)
  • #2 – The way to get to your goals is “no days off” and “beast mode.” (13:45)
  • #3 – Take something popular and counter it for attention and clicks. (20:00)
  • #4 – How cardio is the best way to burn body fat. (30:13)
  • #5 – Supplements make a HUGE difference. (37:05)
  • #6 – Protein doesn’t make you fat. (43:52)
  • #7 – There is an anabolic window and using fasting as a way to diet. (45:49)

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Feb 27, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions via Zoom.

  • Courteney Andrews likes to have a good time. (4:31)
  • Mind Pump Confessions: The guy's reckless driving days as young men. (8:44)
  • Is society being degraded by the ‘helicopter’ parent? (24:52)
  • The biggest risks the guys have taken. (28:38)
  • How the guys use Organifi Pure to enhance their cognitive abilities. (32:35)
  • Mind Pump Debates: Fitness trends for 2021 and will we see an increase or decrease in results working out from home versus going to a gym? (34:25)
  • #Quah question #1 – Can you build muscle while pursuing rock climbing? (48:13)
  • #Quah question #2 – Any tips to get past a sticking point in a lift? (54:53)
  • #Quah question #3 – What's the best way to balance strength and performance when training for a competition? (1:02:56)
  • #Quah question #4 – Any advice for someone who frequently gets headaches or migraines when deadlifting and squatting? (1:10:59)

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Feb 26, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about advice to correct a muscular imbalance between two sides of the body, whether you should eat the same amount of calories on a rest day as a workout day, when to prioritize organic, grass-fed and non-GMO type foods, and how to explain the importance of rest periods to the HIIT driven client.

  • Taking breaks from the gym, a good idea for gains? (4:09)
  • Comparing plant protein to animal protein, which is more beneficial for you? (18:22)
  • Revisiting the standing versus sitting while you pee conversation. (22:02)
  • Beware of the chemicals in your household cleaning products. (26:48)
  • Why are the guys so sleep-deprived? (29:47)
  • How Justin finds his Zen. (33:20)
  • How the men’s grooming industry is booming! (36:08)
  • The Four Horsemen of relationships and the antidotes. (39:52)
  • The virtue of the victim mentality. (45:47)
  • #Quah question #1 – My fiancé noticed that one-half of my body is not as developed as the other. I have started doing priming and starter exercises, along with the starting strength big 5 lifts. What advice would you suggest to correct this imbalance? (49:28)
  • #Quah question #2 - Should you eat the same number of calories on a rest day as a workout day? (51:38)
  • #Quah question #3 - When should I start to prioritize organic, grass-fed, and non-GMO type foods? (56:25)
  • #Quah question #4 - How do you explain the importance of rest periods to the HIIT-driven client? (1:01:49)

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Feb 25, 2021

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin discuss some lesser known  supplements that actually work.

  • Mind Pump’s history with supplements. (2:30)
  • Five Weird Supplements That Actually Work. (15:00)
  • #1 – Ecdysterone. (16:27)
  • #2 – Cordyceps. (24:12)
  • #3 – Lion's Mane. (28:55)
  • #4 - Horny Goat Weed. (33:20)
  • #5 – Ashwagandha. (38:54)
  • Mind Pump’s stance on supplementation. (43:15)

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Feb 24, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answerPump Head questions about the different deadlift variations and the benefits of each, the importance of rest times between movements, “behind the scenes” of creating a MAPS program, and issues with eating too much red meat.

  • #StrongWomenDeadlift (4:41)
  • The most effective exercises for your body. (8:56)
  • The commonality of magnesium deficiencies and a new product from Ned to help combat that. (17:25)
  • Fun Facts with Justin: What websites will you get the most computer viruses? (24:29)
  • How we label everything a disease these days rather than address the root cause. (30:28)
  • The Government versus Big Tech, the battle rages on. (41:54)
  • Magic Spoon is now available in Canada! (45:45)
  • How to appear honest. (47:08)
  • #Quah question #1 – Can you talk about the different deadlift variations (traditional, sumo, touch and go, Romanian) and the benefits of each? Should you vary them up? (51:08)
  • #Quah question #2 – I understand the importance of rest times between sets, but what about rest time between movements? Sometimes it takes a little longer than I’d like to get from the squat rack to an open bench in a crowded gym. Does this throw off programming or anything else? (57:46)
  • #Quah question #3 – What does the “behind the scenes” of creating a MAPS program look like? For instance, how long is the writing process, common stumbling blocks, trials on multiple people, etc? Which program was the hardest to create? (1:02:05)
  • #Quah question #4 – I hear a lot about how bad red meat is for your health, but you guys often talk about eating it almost daily. Are there any actual issues with eating too much red meat? (1:11:51)

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Feb 22, 2021

In this episode, Sal speaks with Arthur C. Brooks about the science of being happy.

  • How do we define happiness? (4:15)
  • The barriers holding you back from full enjoyment of your life. (6:48)
  • The concept of the treadmill of satisfaction. (8:03)
  • Why true happiness requires unhappiness. (11:05)
  • The concept of the 4 Idols of Worship and why you should have a reverse bucket list. (13:05)
  • Why social comparison is the thief of joy.  (21:45)
  • The art of balance. (30:47)
  • How to change your relationship with pain. (32:28)
  • As a society, are we experiencing a happiness problem? (36:20)
  • The epidemic of fear. (43:24)
  • What drove him to the science of happiness? (46:32)
  • How to build your happiness portfolio. (49:42)
  • His outlook for the future. (53:00)
  • How politicians are people too. (55:54)

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Feb 20, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions via Zoom.

  • Breaking down Adam’s nocturnal admissions. (3:28)
  • Why hip thrusts are stupid. (13:00)
  • The guys share their thoughts on the recent Framing Britney documentary, celebrity, and the golden age of paparazzi. (16:29)
  • The myth around Nintendo debunked. (23:57)
  • The rave reviews of LMNT and how you may be under-consuming sodium. (26:11)
  • How your muscles fire best in pairs. (30:27)
  • A new drug that can dramatically reduce the weight of people with obesity. (33:33)
  • Why Sal is a fan of Paleo Valley’s Neuro Effect product. (40:36)
  • #Quah question #1 – How should I program and maximize strength gains pre/post-baby? (43:00)
  • #Quah question #2 – How do I get past the mental hurdle of getting ‘too bulky’ in my upper body as a female? (50:29)
  • #Quah question #3 – How can I build strength and muscle with only access to dumbbells? (1:03:36)
  • #Quah question #4 – Any advice on how to mix my passion for running with building muscle? (1:10:00)

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