In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin interview IFBB pros, Johnny Sebastian and Rob Ortiz. Not only is this episode informative and entertaining, but Johnny makes an announcement about a first in the IFBB world and you are hearing about it before ANYONE ELSE, right here on MindPump!
As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. MindPump, as you know, is chock-full of valuable training advice, yet some people, who are hungry for this kind of help, don't take the time to listen to the show. What gives? In this episode Sal, Adam and Justin provide actionable advice on how to fit in cardio, even if you have a busy schedule and how to use the 4 stages of learning to catapult your (or your client's) success.
On Friday morning at 12am Justin’s 90 day challenge is officially over! Did he meet his goals? Are you ready for his final after picture? Check it out by the end of the day this Friday at!
Sal, Adam & Justin love answering your questions (Instagram @mindpump). In this episode they answer PumpHead questions about the future of MindPump, training with elevation masks, conventional vs. sumo deadlifts, high bar vs low bar squats and how to pack on 15 pounds fast.
Is there a topic that Sal, Adam and Justin won't touch? Apparently not. In this episode they discuss their oral preferences in vivid detail. Not for the faint of heart or easily offended.
What kind of work would Sal, Adam and Justin do if they weren't in the fitness industry? Find out in this episode as they discuss careers, entrepreneurship, perseverance, developing your strengths and following your passion. Prepare to be inspired!
Justin has just one more week to go before he hits 90 days on his Road to Ripped. Will he make it? Find out exactly what he is doing to hit his target.
Q&A once again! In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin answer your questions (@mindpump on Instagram) about body fat testing and the accuracy of bioimpedance, warming up to perform a heavy single rep and how fiber recommendations affect the If It Fits Your Macros conversation.
Let's see... Who is squirming during this episode? Sal, Adam & Justin challenge each other to tap into their inner gay. You may be shocked to find out what they reveal...
MindPump Q&A time! In this episode PumpHeads have asked Sal, Adam & Justin how women can pick up men at the gym, their biggest deadly sin and heavenly virtue and about NEAT, Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, and fat loss.
If you look at the riots in Baltimore and the police related incidents around the country it seems like the U.S. is going to hell in a handbasket. Is racism at the heart of this unrest? Sal, Adam & Justin share their perspective on Baltimore and other emotionally charged social issues in the media. We have promised to Pump Your Mind, so here you go!...
We are getting close to the end and Justin is turning up the heat! This episode gets real as Sal, Adam and Justin talk about the ups and downs of cutting, the pump, fast and slow twitch muscle fibers and how to maximize your Central Nervous Systems adaptive ability.
PumpHead questions, we love 'em! In this episode Sal, Adam and Justin answer your questions about whether supplements should be regulated, their biggest fitness/personal accomplishments and how to stay on track with your fitness goals when your friends are party animals.
This episode was inspired by a single PumpHead question about Adam's (not so) secret entrepreneurial past.
Justin has just completed week 9 on his Road to Ripped. To add another level of difficulty he wasn't feeling well. Did this knock him off the rails? In this episode he reveals how he dealt with being sick and the affect it had on his progress during that time.
In this episode the MindPump Crew answers more of your Instagram questions (@mindpump). Adam gives the Raw Truth about sponsorships and the boys dive into their favorite pre and post-exhaust supersets and how they keep themselves motivated.
What advice would you give your younger self if you had a chance? This was a question posed by one MindPump listener on Instagram (@mindpump) and it ballooned into an entire episode. Given a chance there is a lot that Sal, Adam and Justin would would advise their younger selves to do differently. This episode reveals their biggest and sometimes cringe-worthy mistakes and how they would correct them.
There is a recent study that has tied creatine use to testicular cancer. If you are a regular gym goer there is a strong chance that you have taken creatine. If you have, has it compromised your health? Sal, Adam & Justin look closely at the study and weigh in on its validity.
Justin is sore! He has just completed his 8th week on his Road to Ripped and is now in Phase III of the MAPS Anabolic program. Sal and Adam quiz him on his progress, talk Phase III and using pre-exhaust super-sets, reveal the TRUTH about before & after photos all while giving him a little sh&t at the same time.
Q&A time once again. This week Sal, Adam and Justin answer PumpHead questions about the type of training required to build an "X-Shaped" physique, the top reasons people quit working out and how to turn them around, when (and when not) to wear a weight belt and how to improve your bench press when you don't have a spotter. Keep the questions coming in @Mindpump on Instagram!
MindPump's first episode officially went live January 5th of this year. Until yesterday, our studio has been Doug's living room. Now, we have a new studio right next door to a WHAT?... In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin christen the new studio and reveal a bit of what is in store for PumpHeads around the world.
As personal trainers Sal, Adam & Justing have had some strange requests from clients. In this episode they cover spot reducing, toning, women with 18"arms, the power of the lab coat,drinking wine for resveratrol and horny senior citizens.
Now more than half way through his 90 day challenge, Justin is stepping up his game as he enters the final 45 days on his Road to Ripped . In this episode find out the adjustments he is making to accelerate his progress!
Sal likes to spring random topics on Adam and Justin. This is one of those episodes. Do women prefer shredded 6-pack or a little belly fat? You may be surprised what they say...
Q&A time once again! Thank you for your Instagram questions (@Mindpump). In this episode the boys answer your questions about equipping a home gym, gluten intolerance, Lyme disease and joint pain, steroid use by physique athletes and making gains on a juicing lifestyle.