In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin cover some of the best explosive movements you can do for all parts of your body.
- The misunderstanding around explosive training. (2:43)
- Stop blaming your age. (7:48)
- The difference between strength and power. (11:16)
- What you practice is what you get. (16:16)
- Defining fast-twitch versus slow-twitch muscle fibers. (22:18)
- Where is the best place to put explosive exercises into your routine? (24:52)
- The Best Explosive Exercises for Each Muscle Group.
- #1 – Legs: Box Jumps and Hill Sprints. (27:09)
- #2 – Hips/Glutes/Hamstrings/Lower Back: Kettlebell Swings and Band/Sled Row. (33:16)
- #3 – Lats: Overhead Slam/Throw with Medicine Ball. (39:42)
- #4 – Chest: Explosive Push Up and Chest Press. (42:20)
- #5 – Shoulders: Push Press and Circus Press. (44:48)
- #6 – Core: Side Chop with Bands, Landmine, and Side Toss with Medicine Ball. (51:52)
- #7 – Calves: Jump Rope and Ice Skaters. (53:56)
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