In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin discuss why following a meal plan can result in long-term weight loss failure.
- Making the case that meal plans may be making you fat. (1:47)
- Mind Pump Reminisces: The silliness of the old Apex meals at 24 Hour Fitness. (3:30)
- The attractiveness of meal plans. (5:33)
- Defending the potential value of meal plans. (8:22)
- Why you must focus on your behaviors to create long-term success. (13:10)
- Make it real-world applicable. (18:54)
- The psychological impact of eating the same foods. (20:46)
- Not all metabolisms are created equal. (23:33)
- Listen to your body and learn to enjoy the process. (25:58)
- The importance of undulating your calories for faster weight loss and improved metabolism. (29:48)
- How to create better behaviors around food. (32:14)
- Step #1 – Become aware of the foods that trigger you to overeat. (33:05)
- Step #2 – Add more protein and vegetables. (35:25)
- Step #3 – Drink more water. (37:00)
- Step #4 – Create barriers around your trigger foods. (38:11)
- Step #5 – Build new associations with foods that make you feel good. (40:40)
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