In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the absolute MUST-DOs to maintain your physique during a quarantine, what to do on a daily basis for general body maintenance, ways stay mentally fit during the lock down, and their thoughts on 24 Hour Fitness not freezing memberships.
- Sal is back! (5:17)
- Justin’s death-defying story. (6:29)
- The effects of stress on your body. (19:05)
- Stress eating while being sheltered in place. (21:05)
- Mind Pump’s stress dreams. (26:28)
- Adam recommends (28:14)
- How Sal has started drive-by family visits to combat the lack of human connection. (32:01)
- In infuriating news of the week, Chinese wet markets are back open. (34:59)
- Coronavirus updates with Mind Pump. (37:10)
- Fun Facts with Justin. (43:29)
- High school wrestler thwarts attempted kidnapping. (44:34)
- #Quah question #1 – Can you guys please list the absolute MUST-DOs to maintain your physique during a quarantine? (45:36)
- #Quah question #2 - What is one thing that each of you does daily as far as general maintenance for your body? Or something to improve on the daily? (52:45)
- #Quah question #3 – What have you guys been doing to stay mentally fit during the lockdown? I’ve been able to stay physically active for the most part, but with the lack of social activity and outside stimulus I’m finding it hard to stay mentally engaged daily. (58:42)
- #Quah question #4 – What do you guys think about 24 Hour Fitness not freezing memberships? (1:06:02)
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