In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin cover eight reasons why switching up your workouts is critical for continued progress in the gym.
1897: Why Phasing Your Workouts Is So Important & How to Properly Switch It Up
- There are a few rules in fitness, and here is one of them. Almost all reasonable approaches actually work, but none of them work forever. And none of them work all the time. (2:31)
- The guys share their own experiences with being dogmatic with their training. (6:54)
- Eight Reasons Why Phasing Your Workouts Is So Important & How to Properly Switch It Up.
- #1 - Novelty can induce positive change physically. (14:13)
- #2 - Novelty can induce positive change mentally. (16:30)
- #3 - Low reps benefits. (23:25)
- #4 - Higher reps benefits. (29:56)
- #5 - Short rest period benefits. (33:50)
- #6 - Long rest period benefits. (39:39)
- #7 - Different exercise benefits (different planes, strength specific, isolation vs compound). (43:54)
- #8 - Reduces risk of injury. (50:23)
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