
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at
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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth













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Now displaying: 2019
Nov 26, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak with Matthew Januszek, entrepreneur and founder of Escape Fitness.

  • His take on the new 49ers Fit gym? (3:25)
  • From roller-skates to bodybuilding: His introduction into fitness. (4:24)
  • Where did the idea for the gym equipment company come from? (6:50)
  • What did the process of scaling look like? (11:57)
  • How his passion for fitness fueled the company's early mishaps. (13:35)
  • When where they able to service outside the UK? (17:22)
  • The moment he knew it was time to quit his day job and go all in. (18:06)
  • Why success is not a straight line. (20:00)
  • What attributes have served him the most? (21:54)
  • The crucial things that have contributed to his success. (23:43)
  • What practices does he put in place to forge quality relationships? (26:15)
  • Their evolution of marketing and advertising. (29:20)
  • The differences between the US and European markets/trends. (33:13)
  • His take on moving the gym experience to the home setting. (37:56)
  • What separates his company from the rest? (40:02)
  • How there are always ways to innovate and grow. (46:26)
  • Is there any new equipment that is getting him excited? (49:10)
  • Why there is no shortage of great ideas. (51:14)
  • Where does he focus most of his energy? (52:56)
  • What does he find challenging about working with family? (55:26)
  • How every level that you get to there are new lessons to be learned. (59:15)
  • Will he ever sell the company? (1:01:54)

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Nov 25, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin talk with good friend, Mike Matthews about his how he built his company, Legion, and then answer questions asked by the live audience.

  • Protein bar companies are making out! (2:15)
  • What has been the worst product idea he has had? (3:37)
  • What products surprised him that sold well? (4:51)
  • How the pre-workout market has really taken off and the shenanigans that have come with it. (8:05)
  • Why a part of him is ashamed to be in the supplement industry. (16:40)
  • How all markets have unsophisticated consumers. (18:00)
  • Is the supplement consumer becoming more attuned? (23:54)
  • The self-education of Mike Matthews: How did he acquire his wealth of information? (25:30)
  • The ‘ah-ha’ moments the guys experienced with their training. (30:20)
  • How you can still be honest and be successful. (38:14)
  • Appreciating the value and importance of sleep. (39:22)
  • What are the upcoming opportunities in the health/fitness space? (45:25)
  • How do I stand out in the ‘content-heavy’ crowd? (1:00:02)
  • Why does he sell fat burners and not branch chain amino acids? (1:09:42)
  • You can build a business and NOT lie. (1:17:20)
  • What to do when there are detractors on your fitness journey? (1:19:41)
  • Is it recommended to take senna for no more than once a week and what can be done to fix oneself after excessive use? (1:28:15)
  • How do I transition from more active work to sedentary? (1:33:00)


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  • Eric Helms PhD, 3DMJ R&D Chief (@helms3dmj) • Instagram
  • Mark Rippetoe (@CoachRippetoe) · Twitter
  • Kelly Starrett (@mobilitywod) • Instagram
Nov 23, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how long to stay in a specific rep range, whether you can cut calories and still gain muscle, the best way to strengthen wrists and the ideal physical activity or exercise to be done 2-3Xs a week by the average person.

  • How Italian’s don’t have a volume button. (4:04)
  • Why it’s not just about the information, but rather HOW you communicate it. (5:57)
  • Mind Pump heading to LA to meet Arthur C Brooks. (15:00)
  • Does anything evoke emotion as much as music? (16:38)
  • Mind Pump Business Wars: Starbucks vs. Peet’s. (19:47)
  • The origin story of Red Bull. (24:55)
  • Vuori’s CRAZY return policy: Good business move or bad one? (27:42)
  • The CLEAR differences between men and women. (29:26)
  • The differences between Heritage Pork vs regular pork and how you can get it from Butcher Box. (34:40)
  • Updates on ‘Epstein Gate’. (37:40)
  • Is panspermia a real thing?? (40:35)
  • What’s the deal with the resurgence of amateur fights? Will the novelty wear off? (42:35)
  • #Quah question #1 – How long should you stay in a specific rep range? Should you be switching up weekly, shorter or longer? (50:24)
  • #Quah question #2 – I am confused about the whole bulk and cut thing. Can I cut calories and still gain muscle? (56:30)
  • #Quah question #3 – What is the best way to strengthen wrists? I’m looking to learn a handstand, but my wrists give out first. (1:01:20)
  • #Quah question #4 - If you can prescribe one physical activity or exercise to be done 2-3Xs a week for the average person, what would it be? (1:05:12)

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Nov 22, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to incorporate a deload week into programming, how to develop side glutes, how to strengthen and stabilize hypermobile joints and the most memorable client that they have ever had.

  • Mind Pump Recommends Jojo Rabbit in theaters now. (4:34)
  • Mind Pump Recommends The Morning Show on Apple+. (6:17)
  • Does Sal need an intervention? (9:10)
  • What looks good in real life is often different than in pictures. (10:55)
  • Why is Christianity triggering to most people? How you are doing yourself a disservice by being close-minded. (16:57)
  • Kanye West the contrarian. (22:53)
  • The benefits of pine bark extract & MORE in Organifi’s new product Move. (26:05)
  • Can how you eat help your body fight the flu? (29:17)
  • How we have engineered almonds from deadly to delicious. (33:00)
  • Having a healthy diet can lower your risk of hearing loss. (36:17)
  • Airbnb signs '$500 Million' Olympic sponsorship ahead of IPO: The advantages of a shared economy. (37:41)
  • #Quah question #1 – Can you go deeper into what a deload week looks like? How to incorporate it into your programming and the purpose and benefits of doing so? (43:20)
  • #Quah question #2 – How does one develop side glutes? I have a weird concave between my leg and hip, instead of side glutes being round. (54:01)
  • #Quah question #3 - I have hypermobile hip joints that have led me to have terrible recruitment patterns in my lower body. I try to strengthen the muscles around my hips, but I still feel like I’m not able to engage them correctly. What can I do to fix this? (59:22)
  • #Quah question #4 – What’s the most memorable client that you have ever had? (1:05:11)

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Nov 21, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin cover seven ways to prevent packing on the pounds (or kilos) this holiday season.

  • What is Mind Pump’s favorite holiday? (2:52)
  • How much weight does the average American gain during the holidays? (4:20)
  • The seven steps you can take to NOT get fat around the holidays.
    • #1 – Cutting the STRESS! (6:39)
    • #2 – Prioritizing the order of how you eat your food. (13:15)
    • #3 – The importance of drinking plenty of water. (17:35)
    • #4 – Bringing a healthy dish to your family dinner. (20:00)
    • #5 – Being mindful about the food you are about to eat and eating the desserts that are MOST meaningful to you. (23:40)
    • #6 – Going for a walk after your big meal. (31:03)
    • #7 - Scheduling workouts with your family and friends. (37:42)

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Nov 20, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the significance of bodyweight training when strength training, whether a beginner should focus on bulking or cutting first, why people have such a hard time losing fat, and knowing when to become a personal trainer.

  • How the modern domesticated dog wouldn’t survive a second in the wild. (5:23)
  • Adam shares his most recent set back in his training. (6:17)
  • That one-time Sal couldn’t get off the floor after an injury. (11:40)
  • Why adults always have lessons to learn. (14:20)
  • Mind Pump recommends The Mandalorian on Disney+. (16:54)
  • Sal’s daughter turns 10! (22:28)
  • Public Service Announcement: If you have symptoms of malaise, there are at-home tests available for you. (26:12)
  • Why brands like Felix Gray are ahead of the curve. (32:25)
  • Why humans need physical touch to thrive. (35:34)
  • How today’s obesity epidemic has been caused by ultra-processed food. (39:47)
  • Is CrossFit heading in a new direction? (42:58)
  • Google buys Fitbit for $2.1 Billion: What does it mean for the consumer? (47:25)
  • #Quah question #1 - What is the significance of bodyweight training when strength training? Can it replace higher rep ranges with weights? (50:21)
  • #Quah question #2 – Should someone who is a beginner focus on bulking or cutting first? How do you know which to do first? (54:35)
  • #Quah question #3 – Why do you guys think people have such a hard time losing fat in this day and age? What are the physical or phycological barriers you see most people have? How have you guided people in the right direction on starting their journey? (1:00:37)
  • #Quah question #4 – How do you know when you should become a personal trainer? What makes you fit to become a personal trainer? (1:08:48)

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Nov 18, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak for the second time with Bishop Robert Barron.

  • Focusing on the wider culture and moving forward on all fronts. (2:46)
  • What was the conversation like with Jordan Peterson? (4:04)
  • Why everyone is hungry for God. (5:18)
  • What are the symptoms of poor spiritual health? (7:40)
  • The problems of creating an idol out of the ego. (9:57)
  • The surrender of control and asking God what does he want you to do today. (11:01)
  • Why has religion fallen out of favor? (13:00)
  • What is his take on stoicism? (15:06)
  • Understanding the concept of the Holy Trinity. (17:45)
  • How do you know what religion is RIGHT for you? (19:30)
  • The four criteria to detach from and how to balance them in your life. (24:17)
  • Why behind every addiction there is a soul quest for God. (26:06)
  • Does Satin play a role in our lives? (27:50)
  • What are his thoughts on psychedelics? (32:38)
  • Using journaling as a spiritual exercise. (35:50)
  • Has our time forgotten Jesus Christ as a human being? (39:21)
  • How religion stirs up people’s feelings and emotions. (41:15)
  • What is the hardest book of the Bible for people to comprehend? (43:20)
  • Can we believe in creation and evolution? (44:05)
  • Does he foresee any problems with editing our genes? (46:25)
  • What is the connection between Christianity and freedom? Or this there any? (49:30)
  • What’s the role of the church in protecting the freedoms of people around the world? (55:28)
  • Where can people start if they want to look more into religion? (59:31)
  • What are the greatest challenges facing us today? (1:00:27)
  • How life is all about choices. (1:04:10)
  • Does God want us to have lots of children? (1:05:15)
  • Is he a big movie guy? (1:05:56)
  • What types of music does a Bishop listen to? (1:08:45)
  • How everyone has a poison somewhere. (1:10:05)
  • Did Jesus ever laugh? (1:11:10)
  • What are the different arms of The Word on Fire? (1:13:19)
  • Is there a role of physical fitness in spirituality? (1:14:34)

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Nov 16, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to feel activation in chest when benching, how much information you should know as a new personal trainer, if there is anything they would go back and change in their first 3 programs (Anabolic, Performance & Aesthetic), and how to address insecurities.

  • Adam has an addiction to subscriptions. (5:06)
  • Sal using scare tactics on his son. (9:42)
  • Is seasonal affective disorder a real thing? (11:16)
  • How your thermal environment affects your sleep. (14:07)
  • Justin is a big dance guy. (19:09)
  • The health benefits of the lion’s mane mushroom. (23:02)
  • Is milk consumption on the decline? (27:15)
  • Can artificial intelligence predict premature death? (30:05)
  • Mind Pump recommends The Inventor: Out for Blood on HBO. (30:49)
  • The multi-level marketing (MLM) scam that is Beachbody. (34:55)
  • Convoy: The Uber of trucking systems. (42:00)
  • The psychological benefits of exercise. (45:11)
  • #Quah question #1 – When I bench, regular or incline, I don’t feel a lot of activation in my chest. Any tips to feel it more? (48:43)
  • #Quah question #2 - How much information should you know as a new personal trainer? I listen to you guys, but I can’t hold a candle to you. (55:23)
  • #Quah question #3 – Knowing what you know today, is there anything you would go back and change in your first 3 programs? (1:00:05)
  • #Quah question #4 – How would you guys recommend to address insecurities in yourself? (1:07:14)

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Nov 15, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether cardio is a waste of time if you’re lifting heavy, the benefits and disadvantages of doing a barbell complex vs. doing straight sets, whether it is necessary to eat multiple times a day to see gains, and if it is awkward when someone asks just one of them to be on their podcast.

  • The foods the guy’s used to eat during their bachelor days. (3:30)
  • Want to lower your blood pressure? Drink your beet juice. (8:15)
  • Is Sal a little too thick? (11:56)
  • Adam provides updates from Week 3 of MAPS Powerlift. (15:35)
  • Sal recommends The Rise of Jordan Peterson on Prime Video. (20:20)
  • Mind Pump’s first take on The Mandalorian on Disney+. (24:00)
  • Disney+ surpasses 10 million subscribers on the first day! (27:00)
  • The future of entertainment is here: Will we see an a la carte app soon?? (28:25)
  • Adam’s shares his ‘interesting’ experiences with DoorDash. (31:47)
  • Has the last driver’s license holder already been born?! The guys speculate on the future of the auto industry. (35:45)
  • The latest plan of attack on The Andrews rat problem. (41:40)
  • It is getting ugly in San Francisco: The new DA pledges not to prosecute public urination, other quality-of-life-crimes. (44:50)
  • #Quah question #1 – Is cardio a waste of time if you’re lifting heavy? Or do you suggest doing some in your workout? (48:00)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are the benefits and disadvantages of doing a barbell complex vs. doing straight sets? (55:21)
  • #Quah question #3 – Do you really need to eat multiple times a day to see gains? I eat two meals and one shake a day to meet my macros. Is that ok? I train 5 to 6 days a week. (1:01:26)
  • #Quah question #4 - Is it awkward when someone asks just one of you to be on their podcast? (1:08:23)

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Nov 14, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin give you five ways to naturally relieve pain.

  • How over 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain DAILY! (2:07)
  • What are the differences between chronic and acute pain? (2:58)
  • HOW you are moving can determine WHY you are in pain. (5:02)
  • The Five Most Important Ways to Relieve Pain. (7:22)
    • #1 – Improve overall mobility to solve the root problem. (9:42)
    • #2 – How your diet can be causing your joint pain. (24:59)
    • #3 – Optimizing your sleep to reduce pain. (33:46)
    • #4 – The importance of getting proper sunlight. (43:11)
    • #5 – Practicing mindfulness to reframe how your body perceives pain. (46:54)

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Nov 13, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether upright rows are safe, touch-and-go vs. dead-stop for exercises such as deadlifts, the benefits and detriments of rucking, and whether it is possible that humans could evolve to safely consume McDonald’s-type food daily and require less exercise.

  • The power and influence of YouTube celebrities. (5:25)
  • Are people more interested in seeing people fight who they KNOW, rather than see fighters that ACTUALLY fight for a living? (8:20)
  • The guys recap the feedback heard at the recent CPPS Coaches training course held at Mind Pump Headquarters. (17:20)
  • How everything we perceive is through a filter. (19:56)
  • Sal recommends One Child Nation on Prime Video. (26:34)
  • Adam and Sal are ruffling some feathers over on Twitter. (30:50)
  • Justin causing a ruckus at his kids’ latest flag football game. (36:14)
  • How using red light therapy can increase your free testosterone. (38:07)
  • MIIR continues to give back for an excellent cause. (42:43)
  • Justin’s secret “Mind Pump Mule” revealed in the latest newsletter. Subscribe TODAY! (43:53)
  • #Quah question #1 – I have heard the dangers of upright rows, but see them in MAPS Spilt. Are they safe? (46:44)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are your opinions on touch-and-go vs. dead-stop for exercises such as deadlifts? (52:06)
  • #Quah question #3 – What are your thoughts on rucking? Does it combine some of the benefits of resistance training with cardio? What impact does it have on posture? (56:40)
  • #Quah question #4 – Sal often says evolutionarily speaking, so I’m curious if you think it possible that humans could evolve to safely consume McDonald’s-type food daily and require less exercise? (1:01:06)

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Nov 11, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak with Bret Contreras, inventor of the hip thrust and renowned butt building expert.

  • From a math teacher to glute guru: How did Bret get to where he is today? (2:41)
  • Where did his obsession with glut training come from? (10:17)
  • How he made hip bridges a thing. (14:50)
  • Why it takes a strong woman to date a trainer. (18:37)
  • The importance of staying true to who you are. (20:17)
  • How he considers himself a lifter first, trainer second and then a scientist. (24:35)
  • Why research is important when it comes to the validity of a study. (27:28)
  • The science and studies on machines vs free weights/compound lifts: How all exercises are tools. (41:40)
  • Do something that challenges your end range of motion to see greater muscle development. (1:04:02)
  • The growing disconnects in the fitness industry. (1:08:05)
  • Understanding the frequency aspect of training. (1:12:34)
  • How everyone thinks they are SO advanced. (1:22:30)
  • The importance of learning your own body and listening to it. (1:32:10)

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Nov 9, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about adding an exercise to the "Big 4," the leg press compared with the hack squat, the value of self-talk for motivation, and the future of contact sports.

  • Mobility is NOT flexibility! Why Mind Pump is here to educate the masses. (4:17)
  • The ONLY proper way to fast. (15:25)
  • How Sal used to help his son study for his test. (17:38)
  • Adam gets personal. (20:30)
  • Why Adam doesn’t vote. (22:33)
  • Is there a global fertility crisis? (28:50)
  • Mind Pump’s go-to ‘snack’ foods. (31:10)
  • Should you ration your kids Halloween candy? (34:08)
  • Are cannabinoids anti-acne?! (38:14)
  • Why Harriet Tubman is one of Sal’s heroes. (41:58)
  • #Quah question #1 – If you had to add an exercise to the "Big 4” to make it the Big 5, which exercise would it be? (44:31)
  • #Quah question #2 – I know squats are best for leg development, but if you had to choose between the leg press and the hack squat which one is better? (52:15)
  • #Quah question #3 – How powerful is self-talk for motivation or having someone yell at you before doing a big lift? Do you practice it or should we just slap our faces, get angry and pick up the weight? (59:39)
  • #Quah question #4 – Sports like rugby and football are increasingly becoming demonized due to concussion risks. What do you foresee the future of contact sports to be? (1:06:47)

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Nov 8, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to define a set when multiple muscles are working at once, downsides of repeating the same workout plan for an extended period of time, what to do if you are not seeing results from your diet and workout, and times they struggled with confidence during their personal training career. 

  • Kai Greene jumping on that vegan train a little too quickly. (4:51)
  • Sal drinking beet juice for better pumps. (7:02)
  • The effect of pornography on the brain. (10:16)
  • Mind Pump’s first take on Kanye West’s new album. (14:58)
  • The fascinating phenomenon of reality tv. (17:05)
  • Robb Wolf triggering the vegan community left and right. (20:54)
  • How the worst thing for the environment is to have unhealthy humans: Interesting facts of grass-fed vs grain-fed meat and the value of companies like Butcher Box (21:40)
  • The athleisure wear market is exploding! (26:52)
  • Updates from Adam on Week 2 of MAPS Powerlift. (29:31)
  • Richard Gere is the man! (33:30)
  • How the Joker isn't the only film depicting the powerful message of mental illness. (35:51)
  • Will the 4-day work week become the thing? (37:25)
  • Increased screen time usage now linked to lower brain development: The importance of looking at things with a grain of salt. (42:12)
  • #Quah question #1 – I understand you say 9-18 sets per muscle group/per week, but what do you define as a set when multiple muscles are working at once? For example, would 5 sets of regular bench press count as 5 sets of tricep work as the triceps are still working? (49:54)
  • #Quah question #2 – Can one stay on the MAPS Anabolic program for a couple of years and still see changes in their body and strength? (55:43)
  • #Quah question #3 – I will be 60 in two months, weight training 3-5 times a week and also walk 12 to 15,000 steps per day. I have been on a fitness journey for 20 years and count my macros, but I am struggling to reduce my body fat and increase my muscle mass. I hired a personal trainer a year ago and have increased my weights consistently. I am also following MAPS Anabolic. I am not sure if it’s my age, but I’m just not seeing results. I tend to over train, work a high stress 60 hour a week desk job and wonder if stress is playing into it? I watch my sleep and get consistent 7 hours per night. Any suggestions? (1:01:57)
  • #Quah question #4 – Were there ever times during your personal training career where you struggled with confidence? (1:09:55)

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Nov 7, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin discuss seven reasons why adding functional training can improve fat loss and muscle gain.

1157: Seven Ways Functional Training Burns Fat & Builds Muscle

  • Why it is SO important to look deeper into a study. (2:41)
  • How the term functional has become bastardized. (11:55)
  • Seven Ways Functional Training Burns Fat & Builds Muscle: The carryover, benefits & MORE. (18:40)
    • #1 – The emphasis on mobility. (19:56)
    • #2 - Utilizes different planes of motion. (30:14)
    • #3 – The importance of novelty to get your body to respond. (36:00)
    • #4 – The carryover value of using unconventional tools in your routine. (41:14)
    • #5 – A focus on performance over aesthetics. (46:49)
    • #6 – Employing all three contractions muscles make. (53:15)
    • #7 – Increasing your body’s total work capacity. (58:00)

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Nov 6, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the difference between training with bands or cables, the best weighted exercises for building abs, why the “compete and cheat” mentality with food is so common among bodybuilding athletes, and how to go after and achieve personal fitness goals while maintaining a healthy social life.

  • The excitement Adam and Catrina get to watch a full movie now. (5:50)
  • Updates from Adam on Week 2 of MAPS Powerlift: The value of tracking and how calories play a HUGE role in strength gains. (9:20)
  • Justin orders a whole host of new weights for his PRx Performance rack. (13:13)
  • The importance of dialing in your nutrition to get stronger. (15:58)
  • How changing up your workout can get your body to respond. (19:56)
  • Is it valuable to abstain from things? (22:45)
  • NBC launches a new e-commerce site and the guys speculate on the future of advertising. (27:35)
  • The history of saunas and the health benefits of training your body through hot/cold contrast. (32:41)
  • Can you ban legal torture?? (40:39)
  • Airbnb bans 'party houses' following Orinda shooting. (43:04)
  • The complex problem of cancer. (44:16)
  • #Quah question #1 – Is there a difference between training with bands or cables? (46:15)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are the best-weighted exercises for building abs? (52:12)
  • #Quah question #3 – Why is the “compete and cheat” mentality with food so common among bodybuilding athletes? Do you think athletes in other sports have a better relationship with food than bodybuilders? (58:34)
  • #Quah question #4 – How have you all dealt with being disciplined and going after and achieving personal fitness goals whilst maintaining a healthy social life and personal relationships? (1:06:20)

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Nov 4, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak with best selling author, Ryan Holiday.

  • How Ryan was talking about ‘fake news’ before it was cool. (2:30)
  • The concept of ‘yellow journalism’. (7:45)
  • Why the more polarizing information we get, the more likely we are to react to it. (9:28)
  • How you get what you pay for and the importance of long-form conversations. (12:15)
  • What is the most alarming trend he sees? (15:42)
  • The significance of digital wellness: How to use technology and NOT be controlled by it. (18:55)
  • Is stoicism having a comeback? (21:45)
  • How does he define stoicism? (25:42)
  • Why sometimes the best thing you can do is go back into the work. (26:37)
  • Can these teachings be just as effective if you don’t believe in the metaphysical? (31:35)
  • Does he have a code he lives by? (34:05)
  • Why certain things matter more TODAY than ever. (36:06)
  • The historical stories no one knows about. (42:15)
  • How was he introduced to stoicism and did it contribute to dropping out of college? (45:33)
  • How no man steps in the same river twice. (49:35)
  • What have his children taught him? (51:49)
  • If you don’t have any critics you aren’t doing anything interesting. (59:13)
  • What books have been impactful on his life? (1:02:45)
  • Is he motivated by money? (1:04:12)
  • The formula for his writing process. (1:06:23)
  • Does he know when he has a hit on his hands? (1:11:00)
  • Why he thinks in the long term and doesn’t play the comparison game. (1:12:15)
  • The value of autonomy and being in control of your own destiny. (1:15:48) 
  • Why he lives his life NOT out of a place of want. (1:17:50)

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Nov 2, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether macros really count, the hierarchy for adjusting variables in your training, dealing with people in the industry who preach their diet or workout is the best one, and tactics for keeping your wife on your side.

  • Mind Pump gets weird after the supplement stack Sal creates. (5:11)
  • Four Sigmatic coffee is en Fuego! (6:09)
  • The Andrews household loses another chicken. (9:12)
  • The guys talk scary movies and what used to keep them up at night. (12:44)
  • A haunted house offers $20,000 to anyone who can finish it. (19:01)
  • Nutritional Coaching Institute is offering a FREE gut health course for Mind Pump listeners! (21:20)
  • Why you should look DEEPER into studies and view them from different angles. (23:32)
  • What is the optimal age to have kids? (26:17)
  • Is there too much access to information? (34:12)
  • Why you should NOT live on social media. (37:04)
  • Twitter is making BIG moves! (39:11)
  • #Quah question #1 – Do macros really matter? (41:49)
  • #Quah question #2 – Is there a hierarchy when adjusting variables in your training? Should you start changing reps before changing tempo or weight? Would this apply to beginners and advanced lifters? (52:25)
  • #Quah question #3 – How do you deal with all the people in the industry when they preach to you their diet or workout is the best one? (58:33)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are your tactics for keeping your wife on your side? Such as keeping communication smooth and avoiding arguments. Having my wife angry is the main stressor for me. (1:05:32)

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Nov 1, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the differences between beginner, intermediate and advanced lifters, the overhead press vs. push press, training a muscle group that is still sore from the previous workout, and processed vs non-processed foods.

  • Why is Adam walking funny? (3:53)
  • Coach Eugene Teo likes to stir the pot: Challenging the hierarchy of exercises. (7:06)
  • Was Jeffrey Epstein murdered?! Kevin Spacey’s accuser dies?! What is going on?! (24:45)
  • Sal and Max Lugavere are creating a controversy of their own in their latest podcast on veganism. (27:15)
  • BIG NEWS coming out of 24 Hour Fitness! Are they racing to the bottom? (31:40)
  • Mind Pump Recommends Silicon Valley on HBO. (40:47)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are the differences between beginner, intermediate or advanced lifters? (43:03)
  • #Quah question #2 – Can you break down the differences between the overhead press vs. push press? Which is better for the novice lifter? (49:30)
  • #Quah question #3 – What are your opinions on training a muscle group that is still sore from the previous workout? (57:25)
  • #Quah question #4 – Thoughts on processed vs non-processed foods? If the macros are still good in processed foods? (1:04:37)

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Oct 31, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin discuss the benefits of adding powerlifting training to improve strength, muscle gain and fat loss.

  • The importance of focusing on strength and performance vs being body image-centric. (2:32)
  • What is competitive powerlifting? (8:36)
  • The carry over the 3 Big Lifts have on your routine, body & MORE. (12:06)
  • The concept of maximal strength explained. (16:06)
  • The differences between powerlifting style training vs standard resistance training. (17:50)
  • The speaker/amplifier analogy with powerlifting principles. (20:55)
  • When you train like a powerlifter you feel HARD. (25:27)
  • How strength motivators are more relevant than the scale. (28:49)
  • Powerlifting principles are based on objective results. (30:01)
  • The metabolism-boosting/fat loss benefits of getting stronger. (31:27)
  • How we can ALL benefit from focusing on a powerlifting style of training. (33:12)
  • YOU vs the iron and getting away from being body obsessed. (39:02)
  • The new MAPS Powerlift program broken down. (43:00)

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Oct 30, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about trying to put on muscle but struggling with eating extra calories, what to do when you hit a body weight plateau, whether the eccentric part of a rep is the most effective part of the rep, and what their training looks like for sports or competitions if they were to train their 18 year old selves.

  • Not your typical priests: The guys recap their trip to Santa Barbara to interview Bishop Barron, Round 2. (5:00)
  • Cardio and cartoons, the best way to pass the time. (8:05)
  • The difficult transition going back to work after having a baby. (11:35)
  • Sal has gone to the dark side. (27:12)
  • Justin talks about Halloween and alcohol. (28:52)
  • Massive hysteria in California with the rolling blackouts, fires & MORE. (31:04)
  • Justin kills the ‘King’ of all rats. (33:25)
  • Frequent ejaculation may decrease prostate cancer risk. (36:06)
  • Why you should be wearing blue light blocking glasses EVERY TIME you are looking at screens. (39:03)
  • Where to score the best Halloween candy. (44:50)
  • New Program Alert!! MAPS POWERLIFT is out!! Come follow along with Sal and Adam. (46:55)
  • Shout out to Task Force 52! (57:25)
  • #Quah question #1 – Do you have any advice for someone trying to put on muscle but is struggling with eating extra calories? If I eat more than I’m currently eating it makes me feel sick.  (58:51)
  • #Quah question #2 – When you reach a point you stop gaining weight, how do you get over that point? Is it better to back off your calorie intake or increase it even more? (1:06:14)
  • #Quah question #3 – A college professor told us that the eccentric part of the lift is the only important part of the lift because it tears the muscle. If someone only repeated the eccentric part of the lift, would they see major gains or is it a myth? (1:11:27)
  • #Quah question #4 – Imagine your 18 again, with the knowledge you have today. What does your training look like for your sports or competitions? (1:16:32)

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Oct 28, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin talk with Mark "Smelly" Bell.

  • The unlikely sports Mark did when he was younger. (1:57)
  • How being wealthy is just as embarrassing as being poor. (5:12)
  • The fine line between how much we push our children. (9:38)
  • How would he define success for his kids? (11:35)
  • The significance of having quality TIME in the Bell household. (12:36)
  • The battle of managing digital wellness in today’s landscape. (15:47)
  • Mark’s take on the vegan movement and the premise behind The Game Changer’s documentary. (23:20)
  • What was his diet like before going carnivore? (28:33)
  • How every plus has a minus when it comes to the foods we eat. (32:38)
  • Why we should all have some caution with what we are taking: Mark shares the reasoning behind his supplement line and why he takes kratom. (34:52)
  • How does he stay lean and jacked today? (45:41)
  • Has there been anything that he learned from his bodybuilding training that he has kept in his current training? (50:07)
  • Are there big differences in the anabolic substances used in bodybuilding in comparison to powerlifting? (53:30)
  • If it’s not full it’s empty. (56:07)
  • What are his views on SARMS? (57:50)
  • The most common mistakes people make when trying to start a business. (59:45)
  • What is the best advice he has gotten? (1:04:15)
  • The importance of testing the water before you dive in. (1:06:08)
  • The value of team building and what does leadership mean to him. (1:07:46)
  • What are the greatest challenges for the CEO of a company? (1:11:03)
  • What role does the podcast play in his business? How does he pick the guests? (1:17:37)
  • One thing we would be surprised to learn about Mark? (1:22:36)
  • Biggest insecurity? (1:25:02)
  • His social media endgame. (1:26:51)

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Oct 26, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about daily undulation, keeping your feet and knees straight during a squat or deadlift, how to reduce volume when overtraining, and what a good relationship with food looks like vs. a poor one.

  • Using photobiomodulation for brain disorders?! A new study shines a light. (4:45)
  • We are NOT supposed to play god. The guys discuss the Netflix series Unnatural Selection and just because we can do it, doesn’t mean we should. (8:08)
  • Never take health advice from a bodybuilder. (13:50)
  • The creepy things people can do with technology. (18:40)
  • The guys share their service industry stories from HELL! (22:36)
  • What’s up with Bill Cosby?! (36:06)
  • #Quah question #1 – What do you guys think about daily undulation? (39:27)
  • #Quah question #2 – How do you work on keeping your feet and knees straight during a squat or deadlift? I’ve tried keeping them that way, but it’s more comfortable to point my toes slightly out. (47:15)
  • #Quah question #3 – When overtraining you talked about lowering the volume. Should we reduce the volume on big ‘key’ lifts or smaller lifts? (52:52)
  • #Quah question #4 – You always talk about the importance of relationships with food. Can you give an example of what a good relationship with food looks like vs. a poor one? (58:44)

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Oct 25, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the difference between grass-fed meat and wild game meat, whether the pump promotes more strength or muscle growth long-term, the effect of consistent resistance training on type 1 diabetics, and whether humans are hardwired to be competitive.

  • How Mind Pump has impacted and changed lives. (4:27)
  • Quentin Tarantino gives China the middle finger. (10:33)
  • Sal recaps his trip to LA to hang and podcast with Max Lugavere. (14:09)
  • The reason why the guys like to challenge the PhD’s they have on their show. (18:03)
  • The 5 natural cannabinoids your body produces and why we have them. (20:34)
  • Will utilizing too much THC cause estrogenic and testosterone effects? (27:47)
  • The evolution of marijuana strains and how they have changed over the years. (29:14)
  • Why being strong can reduce all-cause mortality. (32:17)
  • Justin touches base on his rat infestation. (36:22)
  • Arachnophobia is real people! (40:28)
  • Mind Pump recommends The Righteous Gemstones on HBO. (42:08)
  • #Quah question #1 – What's the difference between grass-fed meat and wild game meat? (44:26)
  • #Quah question #2 – What's the point of chasing a pump? Does it promote more strength or muscle growth long-term? (56:12)
  • #Quah question #3 - What effect does consistent resistance training have on type 1 diabetics? (1:04:25)
  • #Quah question #4 – Are humans hardwired to be competitive? (1:08:43)

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Oct 24, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss 8 ways to build strength in the gym.

  • Strength, the foundational physical pursuit. (2:05)
  • The eight most important factors when it comes to resistance training in order to build strength. (5:52)
    • #1 - The importance of establishing good form. (7:42)
    • #2 – Adding progressive resistance. (15:05)
    • #3 – Incorporating free weight exercises into your routine. (20:04)
    • #4 – The importance of incorporating the ‘Big 4”. (25:03)
    • #5 – Sticking to the basics. (31:45)
    • #6 – The value of tracking to avoid plateaus. (36:10)
    • #7 – To NOT train or lift to failure. (43:02)
    • #8 – You MUST phase your training. (50:42)

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