
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at
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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth













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Now displaying: September, 2019
Sep 30, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin talk with Andrew Tarvin all about humor and how to use it a work and beyond.

  • What was his first REAL job? (3:53)
  • The moment he knew he was onto something. (6:40)
  • Stand up with a message: How he became the ‘Corporate Humorist’ at work. (10:03)
  • How did his first stand up set go? (12:38)
  • “Operation Leave Corporate America” and the journey to his TEDx Talk viral moment.  (14:55)
  • The BIG differences between what is appropriate on a comedy stage compared to a corporate setting. (20:44)
  • Why his material is always ‘Rated Mom’. (24:18)
  • How does he monetize what he does for a living? (28:33)
  • Why do we find things funny? (29:43)
  • The skill of humor: The 3 components needed to learn TODAY. (34:14)
  • What did he learn from going on 96 first dates?? (44:18)
  • Do comedians play an important role in society? (54:34)
  • Memes: A structured way to help people create humor. (59:11)
  • Can he point out someone who studies the art of comedy? (1:05:03)
  • What are his top comedians? (1:07:23)
  • The concept of the ‘Peak/End’ principle, using humor to get a specific result and finding ways to love what you do. (1:09:00)
  • The misconception of happiness. (1:17:00)

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Sep 28, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about creating an efficient 30-minute workout when only training a client once a week, whether Intermittent Fasting is ever a good idea when wanting to lose weight, whether melatonin is a safe supplement to cycle on and off, and the “it” factor to be a personal trainer.

  • Mind Pump’s favorite cereals from their childhood. (4:25)
  • Adam visits the beach once again...Highlighting the need to get out of the city. (8:36)
  • The performance-enhancing effects of CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) to burn body fat. (15:10)
  • The nutrient differences between grass-fed/grain-fed meat. (19:02)
  • What food do the guys find is bigger than their stomachs? (23:10)
  • The new Biggest Loser trainers, the connection to Mind Pump, would the guys have taken the job in their 20s & MORE. (26:45)
  • Hacking the system, the popularity and crazy world of the ‘Sugar Baby’ apps. (36:08)
  • FBI arrests man for bombing ex’s house with a drone. (42:01)
  • #Quah question #1 – How would you create an efficient 30-minute workout when training a client once a week? (44:58)
  • #Quah question #2 – Is Intermittent Fasting ever a good idea when wanting to lose weight? (52:26)
  • #Quah question #3 – If all other better ways to sleep result in no luck, is melatonin a safe supplement to cycle on and off? (1:00:40)
  • #Quah question #4 – What would each of you say is the “it” factor to be a personal trainer? (1:08:01)

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Sep 27, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about celebrity workouts, whether carbs are essential for muscle building, if you should increase weight on an exercises even if form isn’t 100% with current weight, and their favorite part of being a dad.

  • It’s HOOOTTTT in San Jose and the guys are feeling it. (4:50)
  • Are the guys of Mind Pump big Halloween people?? (7:30)
  • How Sal tricked his daughter into getting sleepy using the Felix Gray glasses once the sun went down. (13:49)
  • How Sal is using Organifi red juice to boost his performance in the gym. (18:11)
  • Why Adam doesn’t want to feel like he needs to take anything to feel like himself. (22:15)
  • If you're trying to be authentic you are doing it wrong. (25:14)
  • Recapping the debate on artificial sweeteners with Sal and Layne Norton. (28:52)
  • The excitement over Airbnb potentially going public in 2020. (32:38)
  • Mattel launches new gender-neutral dolls. (35:42)
  • Mike Matthews x Mind Pump: The guys express their excitement over the live event this Friday. (37:47)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are your thoughts about celebrity workouts like the ones claimed to get actors in superhero film ready in less than 3 months? Is it even possible to go from an average physique to that of Captain America or Starlord that quickly? Are steroids always involved? (41:30)
  • #Quah question #2 – Are carbs essential for muscle building or are they only necessary to fuel the workout? (51:11)
  • #Quah question #3 – Is it a bad idea to increase your weight on exercises when your form isn’t 100% with your current weight? My squats have been plateaued forever because I feel I can’t get low enough at my current weight, but I know I won’t improve or get any stronger if I don’t progressively overload. (57:07)
  • #Quah question #4 – What's everyone’s favorite part of being a dad? (1:01:07)

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Sep 26, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin isolate the bicep, it's function, aesthetics and the best way to train it for maximum growth.

  • Why the bicep flex is the universal “check out my muscle”? (2:35)
  • The anatomy of the bicep. (7:44)
  • Why the bicep curl is the easiest exercise to do. (12:20)
  • Ways to train your biceps to respond faster. (14:30)
  • Game-changing moments that altered the way the guys trained their biceps. (16:54)
  • The importance of utilizing full range of motion when training your biceps. (31:25)
  • The proper dosage for bicep growth: The rep ranges, amount of sets & training frequency required. (33:36)
  • The value of BFR (blood flow restriction) training. (39:27)
  • Sal’s ultimate workout to grow your biceps: Exercises, rep ranges, sets, frequency & MORE. (43:02)
  • Adam’s ultimate workout to grow your biceps: Exercises, rep ranges, sets, frequency & MORE. (46:15)
  • Justin’s ‘functional’ workout to grow your biceps: Exercises, rep ranges, sets, frequency & MORE. (51:11)
  • The importance of trigger sessions on your off days. (54:15)

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Sep 25, 2019

n this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the best way to measure body fat percentage, the best way to train a child in the gym, what is keeping trainers and coaches from seeing their clientele and business flourish, and the scariest experience they had when working in a gym.

  • How Sal and Adam are aging in dog years. (5:32)
  • Adam shares the results from his latest ‘Men’s Health’ test from Everly Well + Sal breaks the numbers down. (7:50)
  • Do dads really have sex? Adam opens up about his personal life. (16:15)
  • How testing can point you in the RIGHT direction and the benefits of at-home tests. (23:35)
  • Why Sal loves working out first thing in the morning. (26:12)
  • Apple’s next step in building their ecosystem, the Apple card. (27:53)
  • The guys speculate on the upcoming film featuring YouTube celebrities, Airplane Mode. (31:17)
  • Justin jets off to Virginia to shoot some exciting content + shares his hectic weekend. (34:03)
  • The biggest selling product ever?? (42:06)
  • The other lesser-known cannabinoids and their benefits to the body. (44:23)
  • #Quah question #1 – What's the best way to measure body fat percentage? (49:05)
  • #Quah question #2 – My 9-year-old daughter wants to start working out with me in the gym. Do you recommend bands or free weight? (1:01:21)
  • #Quah question #3 – Now that you guys have met more and more coaches in the fitness industry, what do you feel is keeping them from seeing their clientele and business flourish? (1:08:30)
  • #Quah question #4 – What was the scariest experience you guys have had when working in the gym? How did you handle it and did it change you in any way? (1:21:22)

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Sep 23, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak with Dr. Jolene Brighten about what constitutes a normal and healthy menstrual cycle. If you are a woman or know one, this is a must-listen episode.

  • How coffee can heal the brain. She shares the time she got knocked out! (4:35)
  • Does she get into it with any other doctors because of her extensive knowledge? (7:35)
  • How does the menstrual cycle work? The 4 phases explained in detail. (12:03)
  • What should you feel during that pre-menstrual period? (19:40)
  • Why women must strive to keep their environment safe: How stress/diet affects the 4 phases of your cycle. (25:11)
  • The significance of balancing your circadian rhythm for overall women's health and fertility. (32:09)
  • Why food is information. (36:45)
  • The truth surrounding cholesterol and how it affects the menstrual cycle. (43:17)
  • Is acne a common symptom before your period?? (47:40)
  • How exercise can affect your hormones: The importance of tracking and mapping your cycle. (53:35)
  • The fears surrounding birth control. The importance of a team approach when it comes to medicine. (57:20)
  • Why there is no one size fits all approach when it comes to your body. (1:05:30)
  • If you don’t move your body, then you don’t move your intestines. Why you must move on a daily basis. (1:07:21)
  • What are the most important nutrients women should pay attention to? (1:11:57)
  • Her take on the rise of the veganism movement. (1:15:30)
  • Dr. Brighten, the farmer. (1:22:54)
  • Should choline be considered an essential nutrient? (1:28:22)

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Sep 21, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about training arms every day to force them to grow,  the single exercise with the biggest corrective benefit for the general population, how to overcome the “I’ll just start tomorrow” mentality, and behind the scenes on making a podcast.

  • Game-changing inventions and the creators who are now forgotten. (5:21)
  • The origins of the word's ‘shit’ and ‘crap’. [9:15]
  • Why MIIR’s version of the ‘can koozie’ is a no-brainer purchase. [11:38]
  • Why not all planet based proteins are created equal. (13:56)
  • Will Danny be staying with Adam after his last visit? (16:44)
  • Mind Pump Recommends Murder Maps on Netflix & MORE. (18:42)
  • Sal’s daughter signs up for robotics like her big brother. (24:56)
  • Is it weird that Sal now has a high schooler?? The challenges he is now facing and how he has handled them. (26:43)
  • Instagram will restrict posts promoting weight-loss products or cosmetic surgery. (34:30)
  • Justin shares his ‘Uncle Rico’ almanac. (38:48)
  • Brain-controlled prosthetic hand to become reality. (42:56)
  • #Quah question #1 – I've seen many people claim that training arms every day will force them to grow. Some people even show good results. However, wouldn’t that be overtraining and send a signal to repair damage rather than build muscle? (44:51)
  • #Quah question #2 – What single exercise would each of you pick that would have the biggest corrective benefit for the general population? (52:34)
  • #Quah question #3 - How to overcome the “I’ll just start tomorrow” mentality when you have a bad moment or day? (58:36)
  • #Quah question #4 – Can you give behind the scenes of making a podcast? (1:05:01)

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Sep 20, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the best strategy to lose body fat and build muscle mass, the weight training that endurance athletes should focus on, the value of heart rate variability, and what to do if you are in a slump.

  • The random hour with Mind Pump. (4:45)
  • The challenges of gamifying fitness. (7:43)
  • The power of your brain and losing weight in the process?? Just ask a grandmaster chess player. (15:14)
  • Recapping Justin coaching his first flag football ‘jamboree’ with his kids. (21:35)
  • How using cordyceps can increase stamina and help with heat accumulation. (27:14)
  • Mind Pump reviews The Game Changers documentary. (30:18)
  • J.J. Abrams signs an exclusivity deal with WarnerMedia reportedly worth $250 million: Will the future of the streaming wars be a la carte? (40:17)
  • Sal goes Vuori shopping. (46:45)
  • #Quah question #1 – What's the best strategy to lose body fat and build muscle mass? Focus on body fat reduction first or a combination of both which seems difficult with a caloric restriction or surplus? (48:59)
  • #Quah question #2 – Would it be better for an endurance athlete to focus on heavy weights/low reps and even plyo’s or light weights/higher reps? (59:56)
  • #Quah question #3 – Can you discuss your opinions on heart rate variability and new trends tailoring to HRV? Is it valuable or a waste of time? (1:06:50)
  • #Quah question #4 – Have you ever been in a slump in the gym or in life? If so, how did you get out of it? (1:20:23)

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Sep 19, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss everything you need to know to build and shape an impressive chest (Plus a workout!).


  • The function of the pec and its insertion points explained. (3:10)
  • The volume and load recommendations to build an impressive chest. (13:38)
  • The importance of developing a strong back when learning the bench press. (22:53)
  • The significance of priming before you perform any chest exercise. (33:21)
  • The MUST do/MOST effective exercises to build your chest. 
  • Barbell Bench Press. (35:50)
  • Incline Bench Press. (39:30)
  • Dips. (45:15)
  • Chest Flys. (46:55)
  • The ULTIMATE chest workout brought to you by the guys of Mind Pump: Frequency, training volume, exercises & MORE. (49:30)
  • Sal. (52:45)
  • Adam. (54:06)
  • Justin. (56:05)


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Sep 18, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how and when should one use “cheat” reps, how to adapt workouts to fit a physical job, avoiding sex or masturbation at least 5 days before a competition to keep testosterone high, and whether regular chiropractic adjustments help with improving mobility.


  • Adam and family take an unplanned trip to their favorite spot. (6:06)
  • Sal and Jessica take a hike to the Pinnacles. (9:02)
  • Catrina outfitting her companies’ new gym space using PRx + the guys' favorite way to workout. (11:06)
  • Comparing the macro profile of regular almonds to Skinny Dipped almonds. (15:52)
  • Settling an old debate between Sal and Adam: What is the greatest cinematic picture of all time? (18:15)
  • Why do we focus so heavily on high cholesterol in medicine? (21:35)
  • Mind Pump Recommends ‘The Mind, Explained’ on Netflix. (28:45)


  • A white couple gives birth to an Asian daughter after alleged fertility clinic mix-up. (35:36)


  • #Quah question #1 – How and when should you use cheat reps? (39:04)
  • #Quah question #2 – I have a fairly high labored intensive job that involves a lot of bending and lifting in front of me. How should I adapt my workout to fit my activity? Should I focus on pressing movements to counter the pulling I do at work? Or should I just stick to a balanced routine? (46:12)
  • #Quah question #3 – As a collegiate track and field athlete one of my coaches told us not to have sex or masturbate at least 5 days before a competition, because it would keep our testosterone high which would help us perform better. Is there truth to this? (52:35)
  • #Quah question #4 – What are your thoughts on chiropractors? Do regular adjustments help with improving mobility? (56:32)


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Sep 16, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin interview Dan "Nitro" Clark of American Gladiators fame. TV Host, Life Coach, Speaker, Former American Gladiator, NFL Alumni.

  • What made a kid from ‘The OC’ come to San Jose? (3:15)
  • HIs introduction to steroids. (7:30)
  • How he found ways to become bigger, faster, stronger on the outside after a tragic event in his early life. (10:23)
  • Finding the beauty in your scars. (12:37)
  • ‘The beautiful dream’ of how he became “Nitro” on American Gladiators. (15:00)
  • Why you didn’t want to mess with the ‘Gladiator’ mafia. (21:45)
  • The pros and cons of celebrity. (23:40)
  • Why he is a HUGE proppant of therapy. (27:00)
  • How he had to constantly reinvent himself post ‘Gladiator’ fame. (30:55)
  • The BIG health scare that shattered the existence of who he was. (34:02)
  • Why he is always ‘rekindling’. (43:25)
  • The greatest challenge he has had as a father. (45:18)
  • What changes did he make to his diet post heart attack? (48:50)
  • Why with every setback there is a chance to comeback and rise. (54:54)
  • What inspired his pivot into the podcasting space? (57:56)
  • Craziest drug story? (59:20)
  • Why he is a HUGE believer in stem cell therapy. (1:01:21)
  • Mind Pump’s curiosity surrounding the ‘tennis-ball’ gun. (1:05:30)

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Sep 14, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about easy ways to spot a bad personal trainer, asking for a spot when you want to lift heavy, which of the 3 powerlifting lifts were the most difficult and easy, and how their fitness careers began.

  • Mind Pump’s newest partner, Caldera Labs, and the importance of what you put on your skin. (4:05)
  • Beauty products are NO JOKE! (11:00)
  • What’s the deal with people that buy old cop cars and taxi cabs?? (13:09)
  • Adam’s first ‘moment of panic’ with his son. How the ‘parent instinct’ is a REAL thing. (17:10)
  • The pros and cons of blue light exposure for athletic performance & MORE. (28:31)
  • The 7 biggest parenting mistakes that destroy kids’ confidence and self-esteem. (31:45)
  • The value and potential issues of due process. Why we should never choose safety for freedom. (37:07)
  • The scary accuracies of personality tests. (43:30)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are easy ways to spot a bad personal trainer? (45:25)
  • #Quah question #2 – For a woman who lifts alone, should you just ask some random dude to spot you when you want to lift heavy? Is it weird or creepy? (52:42)
  • #Quah question #3 – Of the three major powerlifting lifts, which one did you have to work the hardest on to get stronger and which one was the easiest? (1:01:18)
  • #Quah question #4 – I would love to hear how each of your careers in fitness began. (1:15:45)

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Sep 13, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the best pre-workout for someone who has a caffeine tolerance, how to make the most of your rest time during a workout, what to do (or not do) when you get bored with training, and whether macros should change during a deload week.

  • A good old fashioned ‘pure’ push. The benefits of coffee berry extract that can be found in Organifi products. (4:24)
  • Have there been things that their kids have picked up from their own behaviors that have come to bite them in the ass?? (7:35)
  • Mind Pump on the ‘vape’ hysteria. (13:57)
  • A review of the new ‘Dennis Rodman: For Better or Worse’ documentary and how he has influenced and impacted Adam’s life. (19:32)
  • Mind Pump Recommends ‘The Pursuit’ on Netflix. (30:23)
  • Bill Burr crushing it in his new special, ‘Paper Tiger’. (34:17)
  • The differences between grass-fed vs. grain-fed and how Butcher Box aims to provide a better health profile. (36:02)
  • #Quah question #1 – What pre-workout do you take and what do you recommend for someone who has a caffeine intolerance? (44:15)
  • #Quah question #2 – How do you make the best of your rest time during a workout? (53:45)
  • #Quah question #3 – What do you do or not do when you get bored with training? (1:00:51)
  • #Quah question #4 – Should macros change during a deload week? (1:08:57)

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Sep 12, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam, and Justin go into detail how to build amazing shoulders.

  • Shoulders: The MOST prized body part. (2:14)
  • Why do modern humans have such mobile shoulder joints? (3:31)
  • How whatever you don’t do, you don’t stay connected to: The importance of having a ‘functional’ shoulder girdle. (6:28)
  • Why are the shoulders such a ‘valued’ focal point for men and women? (18:56)
  • The different parts of the shoulder, what they are responsible for and what you may be neglecting. (20:38)
  • Why mobility is KEY to developing healthy/strong shoulders. (25:10)
  • Mind Pump’s favorite mobility exercises to build your range of motion. (30:31)
  • The ULTIMATE workout to build AMAZING shoulders: Exercises, rep ranges, frequency & MORE! (38:30)

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Sep 11, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about  the relationship between strength and endurance, go-to exercises for working the serratus, whether drinking “naturally flavored” seltzer water or sparkling water is any better than drinking diet soda, and  the importance of having hobbies that aren’t fitness or health-related and where to start if you don’t have any.

  • Why if you don’t have the right QUALITY, it’s just red light on your skin. The health benefits of companies like Joovv and red light therapy. (7:11)
  • The importance of looking at things through the RIGHT lens. (13:30)
  • Mind Pump Weekend Update:
    • Adam celebrates his 20-year high school reunion. (16:40)
    • Justin’s sweeping rodent issue continues... (30:33)
    • Sal and Jessica visit San Francisco. (32:32)
  • The wide-ranging effects of cannabinoids and how supplementing with full-spectrum hemp products like NED can provide important health benefits. (34:30)
  • Mexico’s proposed new drug laws: Why the drug war will fail. (40:24)
  • #Quah question #1 – What is the relationship between strength and endurance? Are they inversely related? Would it be possible to train both? (45:41)
  • #Quah question #2 – What are your go-to exercises for working the serratus? (52:30)
  • #Quah question #3 – Is drinking “naturally flavored” seltzer water or sparkling water any better than drinking diet soda? (59:04)
  • #Quah question #4 – What is the importance of having hobbies that aren’t fitness or health-related and where to start if you don’t have any? (1:02:45)

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Sep 9, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin speak with Tommy Caldwell, star of Netflix's The Dawn Wall. Tommy has had an amazing life filled with adventure and danger from the time he was a small child. Held hostage by rebels in Kyrgyzstan, overcoming a potentially career-ending accident and scaling the Dawn Wall of El Capitan are just of few of the stories he tells in this fascinating interview.

  • How rock climbers are their own filmmakers. (4:40)
  • What has been the impact of Dawn Wall? (8:20)
  • Finding strength in yourself: Tommy’s relationship with his father growing up and how he inherited his ‘joyful masochism’ mentality. (9:42)
  • The harrowing hostage situation he experienced while in Kyrgyzstan. (14:15)
  • The moral dilemma he experienced post escaping. (31:20)
  • When we think we are at our breaking point, we are not even close. (33:20)
  • What has the transition been like being in the public spotlight? (38:00)
  • The liberating feeling of taking away all expectations. The potentially career-ending accident he overcame. (39:00)
  • The differences between ‘big free wall’ climbing vs. regular rock climbing. (43:12)
  • How climbing a ‘big wall’ is like learning a second language. (45:30)
  • The adventure of a lifetime: His 7-year journey to ‘summit’ the Dawn Wall. (47:00)
  • Being addicted to the stimulus. (51:14)
  • The camaraderie amongst the climbing community. (52:29)
  • Does he find normal life boring? (56:20)
  • The different levels of ‘flow state’. (57:15)
  • The dangers and performance level attributes associated with climbing. (59:05)
  • The 3 climbing disciplines that will be in the 2020 Olympics. (1:03:35)
  • How does a climber survive financially? (1:05:30)
  • The bill and ‘becoming the messenger’ to protect the Arctic from drilling. (1:08:58)
  • The meaning behind his new film, Reel Rock 14. (1:11:56)
  • How did Netflix get ahold of The Dawn Wall? (1:14:12)

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Sep 7, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about tips for improving deadlifts, whether practicing a healthy lifestyle improves your sex life, whether diet breaks are necessary for body composition changes, and most awkward moments with clients.

  • How Organifi ‘Glow’ can be beneficial for your skin. (3:13)
  • Adam living the FULL ‘dad life’. (5:54)
  • How your children will BREAK your heart. (10:50)
  • Keeping it in the family. Study shows a rate of extreme inbreeding in the U.K. (14:27)
  • The mischievous nature of children. (16:00)
  • How our bodies evolved to receive nutrients through food and the challenges of getting them through a vegan diet. (20:10)
  • Mind Pump Recommends Diagnosis on Netflix + Our natural inclination to follow the crowd. (25:12)
  • Making the case that artificial sweeteners create ‘bad’ behaviors. (29:14)
  • #Quah question #1 – What are your tips for improving deadlifts? Should I be changing the rep range? How often should I increase volume? (38:52)
  • #Quah question #2 – Does practicing a healthy lifestyle improve your sex life? If so, how? (46:43)
  • #Quah question #3 – Are diet breaks necessary or can long term consistency still get you body composition changes? (54:50)
  • #Quah question #4 – What have been some of your most awkward moments with clients? (59:40)

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People Mentioned

  • Andy Galpin (@drandygalpin) • Instagram
Sep 6, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to train after a poor night of sleep, the benefits of simple and complex carbohydrates, whether someone who has suffered from an eating disorder should compete in bodybuilding, and fitness influencers who should go away.


  • Who is the most impulsive buyer at Mind Pump? (4:58)
  • That one time the guys at Mind Pump got hustled. (10:00)
  • Skinny Dipped almonds are popular amongst the college kids & MORE. (16:21)
  • Justin shares his experience playing pickup basketball. (19:03)
  • The popularity of the ‘being authentic’ movement: Feeding an agenda vs. producing what the consumer wants. (23:29)
  • Another study showing how BCAA’s are a waste of money. (33:29)
  • Making the case for the value of artificial sweeteners. (38:05)
  • How played out is Burning Man? (43:50)
  • Mind Pump bragging on themselves. (46:05)
  • #Quah question #1 – On days when you know you can’t perform at your fullest, because you aren’t fully recovered from things like a poor night of sleep. Should you just do mobility work or a lighter workout also ok? (48:18)
  • #Quah question #2 – I get a lot of clients believing the stay away from white simple carbs myth. Could you please explain the benefits simple white and complex carbohydrates and when it is beneficial to consume them? (53:24)
  • #Quah question #3 – Do you think someone who had suffered from an eating disorder should compete in bodybuilding? (58:35)
  • #Quah question #4 – If you guys can pick one fitness influencer or personality that you would have shut up and go away forever, who would it be and why? (1:04:30)

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People Mentioned

  • Layne Norton, PhD (@biolayne) - Instagram
  • Joe DeFranco (@defrancosgym) • Instagram
  • Ben Greenfield Fitness (@bengreenfieldfitness) • Instagram
  • Joey Swoll (@joeyswoll) • Instagram
  • Dan Bilzerian (@danbilzerian) • Instagram
Sep 5, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin detail how to get started with weight training, whether it is for yourself, a loved one, or a client.

  • What is resistance training? (3:05)
  • How does the body burn fat? (4:40)
  • How does one understand what goes into their caloric maintenance? (7:20)
  • Making the case that resistance training is the SUPERIOR form of exercise. (11:30)
  • The 6 basic types of human movements the average person should do to reap the benefits of resistance training. (21:35)
    • #1 – Picking things up off the floor. (25:19)
    • #2 – Squatting. (31:35)
    • #3 – Pressing or pushing things away from your head. (42:48)
    • #4 – Pulling. (47:00)
    • #5 – Rotating. (50:35)
    • #6 – Lunging. (51:35)
  • Don’t go into the gym to beat yourself up! Focus on practicing the skill. (52:40)
  • The belief that resistance training requires a lot of equipment. (56:57)

Related Links/Products Mentioned

Sep 4, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about adding cycling to a training regimen to help grow legs, whether being too dedicated to training and nutrition can actually impede progress, changing where you place compound lifts in your workout, and who would do best competing in American Ninja Warrior.

  • Mind Pump Weekend Update: 
    • Adam and Catrina take Maximus on their first family vacation. (6:21)
    • Sal and family make ‘the sauce’. (15:00)
    • Justin plays ‘babysitter’ + updates on the feral ‘rat’ cat. (24:15)
  • Is Adam turning into an essential oil guy? (26:00)
  • Sal ‘destroys’ the gym + the importance of consistency. (27:18)
  • What scares the guys most about aging? (34:00)
  • Sal recommends “Good Boys.” (37:40)
  • Is ‘Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD)’ a real thing now?? (39:55)
  • #Quah question #1 – Can adding cycling to your training help grow legs in any way? Or will it be detrimental? (45:14)
  • #Quah question #2 – Can being too dedicated to training and nutrition can actually impede progress? (50:31)
  • #Quah question #3 – When beginning your workout, do you always have a start your routine with the compound lifts? Can it be beneficial to save them for the middle or end of your workout? (59:25)
  • #Quah question #4 – If you had to compete in American Ninja Warrior who would win and what obstacle would each of you dominate in? (1:02:50)

People Mentioned


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Sep 2, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin have an honest and heartfelt conversation with Doug Bopst. Incarcerated at 20, Doug has since been able to overcome self-destructive behavior and self-doubt by taking ownership of his life.

  • How Doug reached out to Mind Pump. (2:42)
  • “How I used drugs to escape my own life.” (4:25)
  • What was his relationship like with his parents and siblings growing up? (8:54)
  • The moment he knew he was going to be dead or rot in jail. (11:06)
  • The first time he felt someone gave him unconditional love. His journey from ‘victim to victor’ while in jail. (18:45)
  • What is the ‘workout culture’ like in prison? (24:33)
  • How he used his pain and turned it into motivation. (26:28)
  • The moment he decided to use fitness to change other people’s lives. (28:52)
  • His transition from bitterness to spirituality. (34:07)
  • His relationship with fitness and how he found his current significant other. (39:24)
  • What was his craziest drug story? (43:12)
  • “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” (45:17)
  • The role of having a spiritual practice and the impact it had on his purpose in life. (48:34)
  • What are his current business ventures? (53:54)
  • What has been the scariest experience of public speaking so far? (55:17)
  • Why you MUST never forgot where you came from. (56:32)
  • Why exercise and nutrition of two of the most important tools we have to battle drug addiction. (58:28)
  • His biggest insecurities surrounding relationships. (1:00:58)

Featured Guest/People Mentioned 

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