Justin has just completed week 9 on his Road to Ripped. To add another level of difficulty he wasn't feeling well. Did this knock him off the rails? In this episode he reveals how he dealt with being sick and the affect it had on his progress during that time.
In this episode the MindPump Crew answers more of your Instagram questions (@mindpump). Adam gives the Raw Truth about sponsorships and the boys dive into their favorite pre and post-exhaust supersets and how they keep themselves motivated.
What advice would you give your younger self if you had a chance? This was a question posed by one MindPump listener on Instagram (@mindpump) and it ballooned into an entire episode. Given a chance there is a lot that Sal, Adam and Justin would would advise their younger selves to do differently. This episode reveals their biggest and sometimes cringe-worthy mistakes and how they would correct them.
There is a recent study that has tied creatine use to testicular cancer. If you are a regular gym goer there is a strong chance that you have taken creatine. If you have, has it compromised your health? Sal, Adam & Justin look closely at the study and weigh in on its validity.
Justin is sore! He has just completed his 8th week on his Road to Ripped and is now in Phase III of the MAPS Anabolic program. Sal and Adam quiz him on his progress, talk Phase III and using pre-exhaust super-sets, reveal the TRUTH about before & after photos all while giving him a little sh&t at the same time.
Q&A time once again. This week Sal, Adam and Justin answer PumpHead questions about the type of training required to build an "X-Shaped" physique, the top reasons people quit working out and how to turn them around, when (and when not) to wear a weight belt and how to improve your bench press when you don't have a spotter. Keep the questions coming in @Mindpump on Instagram!
MindPump's first episode officially went live January 5th of this year. Until yesterday, our studio has been Doug's living room. Now, we have a new studio right next door to a WHAT?... In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin christen the new studio and reveal a bit of what is in store for PumpHeads around the world.
As personal trainers Sal, Adam & Justing have had some strange requests from clients. In this episode they cover spot reducing, toning, women with 18"arms, the power of the lab coat,drinking wine for resveratrol and horny senior citizens.
Now more than half way through his 90 day challenge, Justin is stepping up his game as he enters the final 45 days on his Road to Ripped . In this episode find out the adjustments he is making to accelerate his progress!
Sal likes to spring random topics on Adam and Justin. This is one of those episodes. Do women prefer shredded 6-pack or a little belly fat? You may be surprised what they say...
Q&A time once again! Thank you for your Instagram questions (@Mindpump). In this episode the boys answer your questions about equipping a home gym, gluten intolerance, Lyme disease and joint pain, steroid use by physique athletes and making gains on a juicing lifestyle.
Who is healthier, the world champion triathlete with 6% body fat or the person who does moderate activity and has 15% body fat? The answer is, it depends... Here is a fact... Just because you are fit does not mean you are healthy. What does it take to be fit AND healthy? Sal, Adam & Justin answer this question in this episode!
There was a time when Sal, Adam & Justin didn't know what the hell they were doing in the gym. Like most people, they ended up following a lot of pseudo-science and half-baked advice along the way. Now with over 40 combined years as personal trainers, they share their own personal evolution which has led to the science-based MAPS/Team Level Up training philosophy.
Justin is now halfway through his transformation and he has only 45 more days to go! Is he on track to hitting his targets? Did the Easter Bunny derail his plan? Find out in this episode.
Q&A time once again! Every week Sal, Adam & Justin answer as many PumpHead questions as possible but they can never get to them all. If you have asked a question on Instagram (@Mindpump) and it hasn't been answered yet, keep asking! This week they answer questions about their favorite exercises, Branched Chain Amino Acids, the best time to do cardio and the best time to work out.
You can learn a lot about someone by how they spend their money. Especially if they have money to spare. What would you do if you won $100 million? Sal, Adam & Justin explore this question and reveal a lot about their personalities and values in the process.
Adam recently went to the 2015 Governor's Cup Pro bodybuilding and physique contest held in Sacramento, California. Both Sal and Justin know little about what goes on behind the scenes at one of these events and pump Adam for the dirty details.
Justin is 5 weeks into the process of dropping excess fat and transforming his body into a lean, mean, aesthetic machine. What is he currently focusing on? How is he progressing? What are his greatest challenges? Has he been lured to the dark side by a rogue pizza? All of these questions answered in this week's update.
Sal, Adam & Justin take on more of your @mindpump Instagram questions. Today they discuss how to build calves, how muscle balances affect your physique and how to correct them, working out when you are sick and the differences between different kinds of creatine.