In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about rest-pause sets and how can they be used in a workout, “curing” a sugar addiction, teaching a weightlifting class to middle schoolers, and tips and strategies to help with forward shoulder.
- Does ibuprofen make the coronavirus worse? (5:45)
- Should we take elderberry if we have the virus? (8:17)
- Why Italy has a high infection and death rate. (11:02)
- Time to invest in Facebook ads. (13:34)
- Florida did not get the memo about the coronavirus. (15:02)
- Are we downplaying the numbers and impact of the virus? (16:20)
- The different methods scientists are taking to tackle this outbreak head-on. (19:11)
- Shout out to Mind Pump sponsors! (25:10)
- Why you should be optimizing your home while stuck at home. (27:15)
- Making light of this hysteria with memes. (33:07)
- Weird Facts with Sal. (34:00)
- The game-changing benefits of blue-blocking glasses for Justin. (37:20)
- Justin’s cheese addiction is getting out of hand. (38:32)
- #MindPumpKitchen, Tahoe #staycation edition. (40:30)
- #Quah question #1 – What are rest-pause sets and how can they be used in a workout? (45:13)
- #Quah question #2 – How would you go about “curing” a sugar addiction? (54:00)
- #Quah question #3 – I’m a middle school PE teacher and am passionate about lifting. How would you teach a weightlifting class if you were the teacher? Do you start bodyweight and then teach the lifts? Any ideas on programming would be great. (1:02:18)
- #Quah question #4 – I have been addressing ‘forward shoulder’ for about a year and have made good progress with my posture, but my neck still shoots forward. Any tips or strategies to help with this? (1:09:02)
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